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Greg Williams - Non Conspiracy Theory

Englands Team

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I think GW did a good job here and he has become the victim of circumstance.

In my humble opinion his problem stemmed from him having 1 year left on his contract and being a genuine candidate for a head coaching position. The team must have though highly of him to interview him on 3 occasions.

I feel that they have decided to move in a different direction with the head coaching role. That made GW's position untenable.

To the organisation they had a man several players 'wanted' in the role. That can always lead to discontent, especially if and when you have a dip in form in the season. GW had 1 year left on his contract, it is highly likely that he would have been the candidate for another head coach job in the not to distant future.

This means you have a new head coach with the players choice/head coach rival in position as your right hand man.

Once the owner had decided against GW in the top role his time here was done. His position was completely untenable. This is not due to his skills and abilities but is entirely down to politics.

The Al Saunders experiment did not work either. Saunders has a system that his players fit. Our players did not fit that system. It is unfortunate but with Joe Gibbs going it was the perfect opportunity to start afresh.

I also expect the team to clear out several players in the off season in an attempt to get younger. we are a little old and way to expensive at the moment to be truely competative.

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All this means is Gibbs basically came back for NOTHING. Snyder is an imbecile of an owner. He would rather promote Greg Blanche to defensive coordinator than promote Greg Williams to Head Coach which to me is morbid and disgusting. It shows he hasn't learned anything. How can we even respect the next head coach when Snyder controls him? With coordinators in place already, a lot of head coaches and football people have probably already advised any possible candidates against taking the position. This is just plan laughable to me.

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Ive got to admit it does look pretty bleak. The way this has been conducted is bizarre. A man is interviewed about a promotion and then fired from his present role.

Can only think they know who there going to offer the job to and they need continuity at coordinator for 3 years or so.

I hope to God they know who they are going to hire and he has signed off and the appointments of his staff.

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Gregg Williams is one of the best we've ever had. I'll root for him to be successful no matter where he goes, even if it's Dallas. The man was wronged, but at least we had him while we did. I'll try to be thankful that he was here, instead of bitter that he is gone.

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I've said it before, GW had a lot of baggage to overcome in order to be a head coach.

That doesn't get the FO off the hook for the way they've handled things. They chose two non-real pieces of baggage to float in the media and sway the locals. They could have easily gone with more convincing issues to let us know their reasons.

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I think people who feel that Gibbs came back to oversee a rebuilding process are fooling themselves. The writing was on the wall with one of his first moves in acquiring Brunell.

Joe came here to win and the organization went about acquiring players to help him to that. I don't necessarily know if we go out and spend money on acquiring the likes of Springs, Portis, Griffin, Brunell, Fletcher, etc. if Gibbs was in it for overseeing an overhaul from the ground up.

We were fortunate in the sense that due to the fact that we had a favourable draft position in a few of the seasons he was running the ship, we were able to acquire some solid pieces around which to build (e.g. Rogers, Landry, Cooley, Campbell).

I'm not complaining about Gibbs' talent acquisition while here. I understand that he had an agenda - to make a push towards competing for an NFC title. A five year contract puts you under a certain level of pressure to move towards fulfilling your goal in a quick fashion.

Hence why we have a maxed-out cap, and a lot of aging players.

Again, be thankful for the young talent acquisitions he made while here, and move forward and overhaul everywhere else.

It's the right time to start anew and exhibit patience as a fanbase (as much as we may be tired of showing patience).

There is a fundamental flaw right now in the design and structure of our roster. The sooner we acknowledge that there is a flaw, the better off we will be long term.

To me, the coaching search is of secondary importance. Hence why I don't care if Gregg Williams is hired or not.

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All this means is Gibbs basically came back for NOTHING. Snyder is an imbecile of an owner. He would rather promote Greg Blanche to defensive coordinator than promote Greg Williams to Head Coach which to me is morbid and disgusting. It shows he hasn't learned anything. How can we even respect the next head coach when Snyder controls him? With coordinators in place already, a lot of head coaches and football people have probably already advised any possible candidates against taking the position. This is just plan laughable to me.

Wow, :doh:...Calm down, like you would be a better owner :laugh:.

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Just a couple of things, since I was a big GW for HC proponent.

With Blache, you get a guy that the players know, that's well-respected around the league. And probably more importantly, he knows the players. He has seen what worked for the Skins and what didn't. If GW's not around any more, Greg Blache is a stellar choice. He has a lot of the plusses of continuity going for him, without being in a position that he has to keep everything the same on defense to defend his value.

With Zorn, according to the articles that several posted in other threads, you get an OC with real communication skills, who can be brutally honest without the attitude or the ego that usually accompanies that description. He lets his QB's know when they have done right or wrong and he stresses fundamentals and drills - both big plusses in a coach when teaching young QB's. Again, I am going completely by the descriptions in the articles, but I am also impressed by Zorn's closest friend Steve Largent, one of the classiest non-Redskin acts I ever saw. (You are known by the company you keep.) So, again, I cannot say anything bad about the choice. Do I wish everything had remained status quo? Yes. But if change is inevitable, I have high hopes about this direction. If they're just given time.

Finally, although I have hated DS's apparent meddling and Vinny's "big splash mentality" on FA's and draft choices, I have to lean on one fact: No one thinks they are doing wrong when they make a business decision. Dan knows more wins = more money. I do believe that, even if I do not like the changes, DS did them with the intent to create a better footall team.


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I think people who feel that Gibbs came back to oversee a rebuilding process are fooling themselves. The writing was on the wall with one of his first moves in acquiring Brunell.

Joe came here to win and the organization went about acquiring players to help him to that. I don't necessarily know if we go out and spend money on acquiring the likes of Springs, Portis, Griffin, Brunell, Fletcher, etc. if Gibbs was in it for overseeing an overhaul from the ground up.

We were fortunate in the sense that due to the fact that we had a favourable draft position in a few of the seasons he was running the ship, we were able to acquire some solid pieces around which to build (e.g. Rogers, Landry, Cooley, Campbell).

I'm not complaining about Gibbs' talent acquisition while here. I understand that he had an agenda - to make a push towards competing for an NFC title. A five year contract puts you under a certain level of pressure to move towards fulfilling your goal in a quick fashion.

Hence why we have a maxed-out cap, and a lot of aging players.

Again, be thankful for the young talent acquisitions he made while here, and move forward and overhaul everywhere else.

It's the right time to start anew and exhibit patience as a fanbase (as much as we may be tired of showing patience).

There is a fundamental flaw right now in the design and structure of our roster. The sooner we acknowledge that there is a flaw, the better off we will be long term.

To me, the coaching search is of secondary importance. Hence why I don't care if Gregg Williams is hired or not.

Post of the year. Someone who gets it.

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I think people who feel that Gibbs came back to oversee a rebuilding process are fooling themselves. The writing was on the wall with one of his first moves in acquiring Brunell.

Joe came here to win and the organization went about acquiring players to help him to that. I don't necessarily know if we go out and spend money on acquiring the likes of Springs, Portis, Griffin, Brunell, Fletcher, etc. if Gibbs was in it for overseeing an overhaul from the ground up.

We were fortunate in the sense that due to the fact that we had a favourable draft position in a few of the seasons he was running the ship, we were able to acquire some solid pieces around which to build (e.g. Rogers, Landry, Cooley, Campbell).

I'm not complaining about Gibbs' talent acquisition while here. I understand that he had an agenda - to make a push towards competing for an NFC title. A five year contract puts you under a certain level of pressure to move towards fulfilling your goal in a quick fashion.

Hence why we have a maxed-out cap, and a lot of aging players.

Again, be thankful for the young talent acquisitions he made while here, and move forward and overhaul everywhere else.

It's the right time to start anew and exhibit patience as a fanbase (as much as we may be tired of showing patience).

There is a fundamental flaw right now in the design and structure of our roster. The sooner we acknowledge that there is a flaw, the better off we will be long term.

To me, the coaching search is of secondary importance. Hence why I don't care if Gregg Williams is hired or not.

agree 100% on the roster structure probelm you speak to. I ahve been posting same for a long time. but it had its roots in decisions made before Gibbs arrived......he only improved things at the margins.

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All this means is Gibbs basically came back for NOTHING.

This statement is so true. Snyder has now flushed all that Coach Joe built. I honestly cannot remember a playoff team canning both coordinators after the season ... I can remember playoff teams losing coordinators to other head coaching positions (heck, that happened to S.D. as recently as last year), but I have absolutely no memory of the team getting rid of both. Is this what "continuity" means? Sheesh.

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This statement is so true. Snyder has now flushed all that Coach Joe built. I honestly cannot remember a playoff team canning both coordinators after the season ... I can remember playoff teams losing coordinators to other head coaching positions (heck, that happened to S.D. as recently as last year), but I have absolutely no memory of the team getting rid of both. Is this what "continuity" means? Sheesh.

Problem is, if one of your coordinators interviews for the head job and doesn't make the grade, it would make it damn awkward to return. It is part of the reason why you don't usually see it happen. (The other part is that most of the time a HC position opens up is because the previous guy was fired. You don't usually look to his staff for his successor.) At the very least, he promoted a guy who has run defenses before and should at least have the respect of the staff.

I think Al was probably going to be out no matter who got the job. There have been too many struggles with the offense here for it to stay with the status quo.


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I really feel like Coach Gibbs put together a nice staff and should have stayed in house. As for Saunders not being a success, im not so sure he was a flop, It was his playbook that let a 36 year old backup lead us to the playoffs. I think this staff should still be together. Someone said it best when they said, with the coordinators in place already its ganna be hard to find a HC, they usally like to bring in there guys.

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