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Don't fall asleep on the road!


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I just fell asleep on the road at 5am and I woke up to myself hopping the curb and completely demolishing my rims/tires. =(

I turned the car back on and was able to drive home but i'm afraid to check the aftermath in the morning.

You are very lucky.

Drivers falling asleep in the military account for many deaths.

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You drove home on flats?

Most cars that hop curbs end up having frame damage. If it's just your rims, you're damn lucky.

Or at the very least alignment dmage. You better hope the rims and tires are the only thing wrong with your car.

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Some woman fell asleep on the road next to me yesterday. Just started drifting over on top of me. I nearly had a heart attack and laid on the horn. She woke up and nearly jack-knifed her SUV, then got off at the next exit presumably to snap herself out of her funk. For a second, I thought I was dead for sure.

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