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South Carolina Republican Debate Thread

Toe Jam

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Econmic suicide? How so?

Not trying to be rude, but I'm kind of tired of discussing his views, so let me refer you to a few prior threads where I discussed this in detail.





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You realize you probably just bumped those right? :silly:

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I am not going to wade through a bunch of threads you happened to have posted in. If you really care to discuss we can, or we can just agree to disagree.

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I am not going to wade through a bunch of threads you happened to have posted in. If you really care to discuss we can, or we can just agree to disagree.

That does not bother me, because I doubt that I could have persuaded you of anything anyhow.

I linked the threads to show that we have discussed Dr. Paul's views in great detail in the past, and to explain that I was not responding here because I have become tired of doing so (rather than because I don't have any ammunition).

In sum - I'm not trying to be obnoxious, I'm just weary of going over the same things again and again.

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Exactly....you are on here just to bother people who are in favor of Ron Paul. But as soon as you are about to be put to task, you fold. Not surprising from an intellectual giant such as yourself.

I have debated the issues with Paul supporters ad nauseam in about a dozen threads over the past several weeks. Every time the man farted, a new thread was started by one of his supporters. I am now convinced that his followers are cultists. They do not think for themselves. The recite, verbatim, whatever the man says and treat it as gospel. What I have witnessed is not normal behavior. It is impossible to debate issues with cultists.

I am leaning towards McCain at this point. I can list several issues where I disagree with the man. But, that is a healthy thing. It is unhealthy and dangerous to follow a man the way Paul supporters do. Just my :2cents:.

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That does not bother me, because I doubt that I could have persuaded you of anything anyhow.

I linked the threads to show that we have discussed Dr. Paul's views in great detail in the past, and to explain that I was not responding here because I have become tired of doing so (rather than because I don't have any ammunition).

In sum - I'm not trying to be obnoxious, I'm just weary of going over the same things again and again.

Then we'll agree to disagree.

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Let's talk about the other candidates.

Guilliani doesn't do a whole lot for me. He makes some good points about the success of his city but I can't see how that can translate to becoming the most powerful man in the world. It's a whole other ball game. I'm also tired of his 9/11 stuff. I was in DC during 911 and scared ****less. Am I as qualified? He apparently mucked it all up as well since his servicemen hate him. How would we be with a Commander in Chief that is aggressive but the military resents him? That's scary there.

McCain just never has done it for me. His pork belly rhetoric is old. His state lets the most illegal immigrants through, he's been involved in scandals, believes a surge producing 50% results is a success and brought us McCain/Feingold. He annoys me to no end. He's also staff driven and has to read all answers off of queue cards.

Romney seems to be a sheep in wolf clothing. He's got a look but seems to get far to aggravated and admittedly doesn't do his own homework on issues. He is also seems to rely to heavily on his staff which in my opinion hurts his ability to see big picture. He governed a small state with one major city and has very liberal views on many stances. Being a good businessman is a high point, as we see what happens when a bad business man (bush) is in the office.

Huckabee is a hell of a guy. I'd see him in concert at the improv. I think he's a decent man but does have strong beliefs and likes to push them. Me, being a raised Christian should appreciate that in hopes of maintaining the status quo. We've had other Governors of his state in the white house. He'd introduce a sales tax that would kill consumer confidence as prices for everything would sky rocket. He's very fiscally liberal and socially conservative which is the EXACT opposite of me. So no thanks.

Fred Thompson seems to be a well educated guy in the realms of politics. He's got the ego, the experience. But he's also part of the system I despise. No thanks.

Paul? He's fringe and out there. His beliefs are said to be 100's of years old and have never worked even though those claiming they don't work never tried them. He'd undo 50 years of global growth by our military which may never get their bases back. He's legalize gold and silver to compete with fiat money. He'd shrink government and allow private industry, organizations and charities to pick up the slack. He'd introduce true free markets and stop managed trade with other countries. He'd bring thousands of troops home, out of harms way, back to their families to protect our borders. he'd put the responsibility of world peace back on the hands of the world. He offers real change which scares the hell out of some. I don't know. Call me crazy but we've strayed from American values and this experiment in freedom is dying with each new law created. Perhaps humanity isn't ready for prosperity. It's a shame.

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I have debated the issues with Paul supporters ad nauseam in about a dozen threads over the past several weeks. Every time the man farted, a new thread was started by one of his supporters. I am now convinced that his followers are cultists. They do not think for themselves. The recite, verbatim, whatever the man says and treat it as gospel. What I have witnessed is not normal behavior. It is impossible to debate issues with cultists.

I am leaning towards McCain at this point. I can list several issues where I disagree with the man. But, that is a healthy thing. It is unhealthy and dangerous to follow a man the way Paul supporters do. Just my :2cents:.

I respect that response. I am not looking to start a war with anyone. What I am doing is looking for someone outside the conservative mainstream to change the way things operate in this country. Economic disaster is not far away. Tough choices need to be made and a sustainable way of life has to be found. What I do know is that what we have done since 1913 really hasn't worked and is becoming compounded by the current political circus. The definition of insaity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. As I see it, the rest of the candidates, both Dem and Rep, appear to be the "same thing."

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I respect that response. I am not looking to start a war with anyone. What I am doing is looking for someone outside the conservative mainstream to change the way things operate in this country. Economic disaster is not far away. Tough choices need to be made and a sustainable way of life has to be found. What I do know is that what we have done since 1913 really hasn't worked and is becoming compounded by the current political circus. The definition of insaity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. As I see it, the rest of the candidates, both Dem and Rep, appear to be the "same thing."

Whatever Truman says about "debating" Paul supporters is complete nonsense. He uses bully tactics to belittle and marginalize Paul supporters who try to engage in honest debate about the future of our country.

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Whatever Truman says about "debating" Paul supporters is complete nonsense. He uses bully tactics to belittle and marginalize Paul supporters who try to engage in honest debate about the future of our country.
I don't disagree with you, but I must add that you guys use "if you don't agree with RP, you just don't understand him" ALL THE FREAKIN TIME!

It gets old too. :)

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Whatever Truman says about "debating" Paul supporters is complete nonsense. He uses bully tactics to belittle and marginalize Paul supporters who try to engage in honest debate about the future of our country.

Well, I have already challenged him to a debate, and he backed off. Fine with me; I am not here to bash, just promote ideas.

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Whatever Truman says about "debating" Paul supporters is complete nonsense. He uses bully tactics to belittle and marginalize Paul supporters who try to engage in honest debate about the future of our country.

If that is the impression I give you then I apologize. I realize the man has a great many flaws. I feel as an advocate of his, that I need to represent his logic in times of question. Do I think it's the best course of action? Not all the time. Do I wonder if we are ready for these changes or if these changes would even work given humanity's history, of course I do. I put my support behind a man that offers contrasting views and as such is considered a "loon" by many. All because his views disagree with their own. His views, in my opinion, have never been successfully and factually shot down. I don't want to do half the things he says, but I also don't want to end up in bread lines with no one in the world helping us because they are so happy that arrogant America is crumbling.

I've even said that most things he could not change any ways. That isn't why I put my support behind him.

And for the record, I haven't started any RP threads. I have simply tried to defend him from outlandish claims. For I do believe his intentions are true. And I am happy he exists to cause such discussion.


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Well, I have already challenged him to a debate, and he backed off. Fine with me; I am not here to bash, just promote ideas.

I have already debated the issues over and over and over again. I'm tired of debating with cultists, one who actually admitted that he doesn't even care if Paul is a racist. There's a search function on this board. I suggest you use it.

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Unfortunately, some on this board stand for the inverse of that statement.

I loved the fact that 1) The Fox News Propaganda machine was forced to include him because he had done enough in the first 2 primaries and 2) I liked his response to if he has any electability. Whether or not he wins is almost inconsequential, the important part is getting people to think outside the box. The best thing that could come of this is a libertarian republicanism movement and dare we say it a potential viable third party. Uh oh, the CNN and Fox News assasins are on the way to take me out.

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I have already debated the issues over and over and over again. I'm tired of debating with cultists, one who actually admitted that he doesn't even care if Paul is a racist. There's a search function on this board. I suggest you use it.

Why would I waste my time with you? You never did answer my other 2 questions, education level and if you really are a 42 year old adult.

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Why would I waste my time with you. You never did answer my other 2 questions, education level and if you really are a 42 year old adult.

Well, honestly, it's none of your business. And the age question if just a swipe at me. I thought you weren't here to bash, but to present ideas. :rolleyes:

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Well, honestly, it's none of your business. And the age question if just a swipe at me. I thought you weren't here to bash, but to present ideas. :rolleyes:

Insecurity is very hard to overcome. I haven't bashed at all. Maybe a little sarcasm, but you should be able to handle that.

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