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John Edwards - system is rigged


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It's not really about curbs; it's about transparency.

McCain-Feingold will be slowly gutted by creative lawyering and conservative court decisions, but what will remain is the fact that we can see where the candidates are getting their money from, and how much they are getting. We may not be able to control it, but the information will at least be out there for the voters to see ... Obama and Edwards have made a big point about not taking money from PAC's, and they have been able to prove it through the campaign finance disclosure requirements (as well as highlight Hillary's opposite stance on the issue).

We could do the same thing on the lobbyist side by imposing strict disclosure requirements ... I don't think it's feasible to get all the money out of politics, but I do think it's important for the public to know where that money is coming from, and that's something we really can accomplish.

There's holes in that too. Fact is, as long as we live in Corporate America, we the people will have little value to the corporations in the ear of the politicians. Politicians get more time with the lobbyists then their own constituents.

I'm part of a PAC, although its only a single candidate PAC. We are up to big things but donations to my PAC count as donations to the PCC of this particular candidate. Obama has many ties to PAC's even running his own, and Clinton has accepted nearly 20 mil from PAC's.

I don't think that disclosure is the way to go. People cut taxes and find loopholes with money all the time. Full disclosure is essentially a pipe dream. You could form an advertising company for awareness and by pass the FEC laws.

MSM is also at fault, still trying to say that some candidates are front runners when they have absolutely no support (Ghouliani comes to mind). They speak of front runners before they even announce candidacy. As you all know, many Americans are easily swayed and when they are given only a choice of 6 out of the actual 17, we the people are getting screwed.

That's one reason why I'm so passionate about this right now. I want my America back.

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There was nothing delusional about that ad. Does anyone still think the puppets in DC are not controlled by special interests?

On that note I would never consider voting for a man that would make it illegal not to have health insurance.

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Ummm, Guiliani is leading by 20 points in some state polls. How can you say he has no support?

1. This is the primaries, not the general. MUCH smaller turnout.

2. His own rallies net smaller crowds than McCain (essentially the 6th GOP candidate)

3. His numbers continue to dive, fast and hard, amongst non-biased polls, early primary states, money raised, straw polls, op-ed and news reporting, Internet traffic, even GOP debate air time.

People have actually had time to digest who is running now. This isn't the summer when people could care less. Now they are starting to pay attention. The next two months many of the MSM generated favorites will fall off their wagon as the truth is learned and discovered about each candidate. This is true for both MSM generated front runners. Almost happens like clock work.

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