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The real leader on this team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Is by far #47 Chris Cooley,all this guy does is come out every single game and play his azz off!No matter the score or situation he is 100% go all the time, if guys on this team would take there game to this level we would be talking contender.Every week we come out throwing to him and in the 2nd half he disappears from the gameplan.How does the coaching staff let this happen every week?

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Said this for a long time now. Three players can hold their heads up this season. Cooley, Rock, and London. EVERYONE(coaches and players) else has let their teamates down at one time or many this season. Period.

Cooley did have that crucial 3rd down drop late in the Dallas game around the 15 yardline, but other than that, he has been nothing short of brilliant.

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Obviously, Im a big fan of Cooley. But I wouldnt say just he, Rock and London are the only ones with solid seasons. I personally think Landry has been solid as a rookie.

Dont forget either, that the "incomplete pass" to Cooley sunday should have been a fumble. If that were the case, thats 3 points less for the good guys and the whole "T.O." thing would likely have never happened. :2cents:

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I was amazed that the Redskins were able to retain Cooley given the uncertainties elsewhere on this club and the other teams that could have been interested in him :)

If the Redskins had been equally as proactive the seasons BEFORE others such as Pierce and Smoot had become free agents, we could have signed them for less money and used the draft choices made for Carlos Rogers and Rocky McIntosh on other players on the DL and OL.

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WE all agree #47 is the most consistant everyweek,but why does the playcalling get away from him everyweek.When your running the ball you keep running when Cooley his running over peeps you keep letting him run over peeps!It's not rocket science!!Hell i'm no NFL coach but if Snyder is throwing money away to coaches that are paid to see this i may throw my name in the hat!

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Chris is clearly the most reliable impact player on the offensive side IMO. Sean Taylor was on defense. Personally I'm not real enamored with anyone else on the defensive side although honorable mentions for Rocky and LFB could be said. Landry could be that guy next season perhaps. Rock is definitely a leader and another one that leaves it all on the field.

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Cooley did have that crucial 3rd down drop late in the Dallas game around the 15 yardline, but other than that, he has been nothing short of brilliant.

People complain about a drop here or a drop there. Moss has dropped more passes in the past couple games than the Cooley in season. I think it was the first quarter or second, when Cooley got us down the field with a long reception. He missed a pass in the end zone after being hit, and was on his knees like he was hurt. The trainers came out to check on him and when they escorted him off the field, the cameras zoomed in and he said tot he trainers, "I AM JUST TIRED." That statement right there depicts our whole season. We get on this one horse and ride his azz until he breaks down. Cooley is the MVP of this team and without him, we would not have as many wins as we do. Respect the man for bustin his azz especially when no one else wants to. :applause: :2cents: :notworthy

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Well said Slim!Cooley very rarley lets one defender bring him down,he's a BEAST and he was doing this before the big contract.This is how real "Football" aproach the game no showboating no celebrations just str8 Football I would hate to see where this team would be without him maybe we would be being mentioned with the likes of Miami 0-12

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It would be nice for Cooley to get in to the Pro Bowl, but unfortunately he's competing with Witten, who's having a crazy phenomenal year. I've got a lot of respect for Rock Cartwright, that guy sells out every play he's on the field. I wish there was a way Rock could return punts like B-Mitch used to.

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Unfortunately, Cooley probably isn't leading the Pro Bowl votes. Witten and Shockey are both probably leading with TE votes. Cooley hasn't been putting up huge numbers but then again we were using him for blocking for many games when our o-line was depleted. I don't understand why because he is excellent when it comes to yards after the catch and catching in traffic, something most of our receivers aren't very good at.

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Chris Cooley....leader of the team....for banging cheerleaders....getting all of them in trouble......


We need veteran leadership from players that were farmed here from college...Cooley, Taylor (RIP), Landry, Campbell...definitely fit the bill. Time will tell.

#21 forever...................................lurkin', son

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timely post

ill tell you waht, as ****ing awesome as cooley has been for us over the entire course of his career, he has taken it to a new level lately in terms of just fighting

my goodness - the man is impossible to bring down. always moving his feet. always knows where the first down marker is. always giving everything for a couple more inches.

and the man is CLUTCH. he ALWAYS picks it up in a big way late in the season. when he can start putting together full seasons like this, LOOK OUT.

you know i always worrie that he was kind of a fluke. you know - that he was a hard worker and a smart player but once teams keyed on him he would be taken out of games. i'm pretty glad i was wrong. everyone in the world knows he's getting the ball and he still gets open and he takes every opportunity to his advantage - he catches the football.

what is there to say that hasnt been said? great draft pick. great player. great teammate. great warrior. GREAT REDSKIN


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Cooley's heart and hustle is a solid force for the Redskins. Breaking tackles after making difficult catches is most valuable. Furthermore he rarely drops anything which could be considered easy, something that sadly many wide recievers cannot do.

One can tell that he really enjoys being out on the field and being a key contributer to the Skins offense. It's too bad that by the second half of just about every game he is double and sometimes triple teamed. I'd think that would open up the wide recievers, but this has generally not happened.

I find it to be optimistic that he will be around for quite some time. He is a solid player with a sturdy frame. Hopefully that will mean sustained durability, as he virtually refuses to go down on the first hit. Seeing him fight for those extra yards makes a Redskins fan proud.

I'm not sure how he leads in the locker room, because it is a topic that hasn't been covered all that much. I've heard that Campbell is becoming a leader in his own right. Though Cooley's merits will always make him a solid force on and off of the field. Here's to that contract extention! :cheers:

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