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Sean's Funeral Program/Obit & Team Arrival (Large)


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Thanks for doing this. Man, I would have never thought that this would be so hard to get over. I'm really struggling with this.

I am with you. I have been through a lot emotionally the past month so I thought this wouldn't be hard at all, but that hasn't been the case. I loved ST as much as a straight man can love another, especially without knowing him. Since the tragedy it has been hard for me to sleep at night as I just can't stop thinking about how easily this all could have been avoided.

Having been a huge Terps fan my whole life the death of Len Bias had a huge impact on me and all the what ifs and unrealized potential that were lost with him. I just never thought I would again be coping with the death of another one of my favorite athletes, let alone by far my favorite athlete.

I realize the 2 situations are a quite different b/c Taylor died in an act of heroism as opposed to Bias self inflicted damage, but both had the chance to rank among the best ever and truly impact their respective sports. At least Bias wasn't a father at that point. Just really hard to make any sense out of this tragedy and the what ifs are endless.

Thanks to OP for scanning the program.

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Thanks to OP for scanning the program.

You're welcome.

HTTR :notworthy

Yes, it's hard to face, and even harder to get over...I think the funeral, having been public, was therapuetic in many ways. Carthartic even. Lots of emotions ran freely and from the heart. That was important.

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By the way, in case nobody noticed this, the cover of the program has a picture on it that was made by one of our Extremeskins members:stupidsuck. He has his own website in which he designs redskins custom action figures. I have a couple of them myself. He has mostly done Sean Taylor action figures for me. Here is his website if you want to check it out. www.stupidsuck.com.

thanks alot for noticing that, and as I asked in another thread:

If anyone can get me a copy of the program it would mean a whole lot to me.

I had no idea they would use something like this for the cover (let alone something I made) but I am truly honored

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Wow. Thank you for sharing this. I hadn't known that the team had arrived TOGETHER with Sean and his family. *sigh* I can't even imagine how the atmosphere was in those buses, with everyone knowing that they are following behind a man who they all knew to be alive just the a little over a week before....

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Hockey is an interesting interest, not many football players are also into hockey.

Man, look at the one pick of him at Gulliver, I assumer on senior day walking by his parents, oh my gosh look at the size of him in high school, what an amazing athlete.

Very good tribute thank you for sharing.

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