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Welcome Home Tonight


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Hey Mods/thread starter - its the same thing every week with this thread. I think its great if fans feel they can summon up the courage to go out to the Park and welcome the team back. Personally, if truth be told, I think the players/coaches (if being honest) would probably tell you the last thing they want to have to do is put on a happy face for you after the kind of loss they experienced yesterday, but I understand the intentions are nothing but the best.

Here's the thing though - you KNOW this thread is going to elicit the kind of responses it always elicits. There's a segment of the board that feels when the team performs poorly, they might not deserve the attention. Every week you post this thread, every week people go off on it. And in some cases, are actually getting timeouts just for disagreeing with the idea?

I understand that we don't want good fans getting berated for doing what, at worst, is a kindhearted act. But on the other hand, it really does set a bad precedent to moderate against folks who think these visits are silly/misguided/whatever. I think there are some instances (say when someone well-known dies) where the 'if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all' principle should be enforced. But come on? If members feel the need to express that they think these trips are a little misguided, why is that out of bounds - its not consistent with every other thread on this board on any given moment. I see the 'this isn't the place for that' stated - but seriously, being totally objective, isn't that for the member posting to decide? Is disagreeing with the idea so viscious and savage the threadstarters can't bear it? I imagine they can take it and not have to be put on suicide watch.

And its easily fixed. If the intent (as is stated repeatedly) is to let people know about the 'Welcome Home' events, and thats the only intent, then post it as an announcement or close the thread after the first post. Its an obvious and simple solution. I get tired of reading the same heated back and forth every week and I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

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And its easily fixed. If the intent (as is stated repeatedly) is to let people know about the 'Welcome Home' events, and thats the only intent, then post it as an announcement or close the thread after the first post. Its an obvious and simple solution. I get tired of reading the same heated back and forth every week and I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

Another easy fix is simply to ignore the thread and not read it if you get that tired of reading it.

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I get tired of reading the same heated back and forth every week and I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

So basically you're saying that we shouldn't be allowed to have a thread where we can discuss getting together at Redskins park after a game, and talk about the experience afterwards, because you don't like reading a heated back and forth in it. My suggestion would be for you to not click on the thread. Isn't it that simple?

Do you have a better feeling about all the other threads that are started after a loss?

The individuals who feel they have to post all their anger after a loss are allowed by the mods to get completely ridiculous everywhere else on the board. Why do you feel that the people who aren't venting their anger and disappointment are the ones who should be restricted here?

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Hey DBlaze, thanks for the video! That is really cool. "Followed our leader", I like the sound of that. :silly: :laugh:

It's obvious how much family means to him - the pictures are everywhere.

D'K - you & Mike need to move out here!!! (but I know you're here in spirit! Hail!)


You know if we ever moved out there - Mike and I know we would have a special group of people as friends - AND the BEST TEAM and COACHES to cheer for;); but since we aren't "there"- you're right, we are THERE in spirit;)

I can tell everyone that is a naysayer or questions the actions of these people- until you have EXPERIENCED the hospitality of these great people, you have absolutely "no" understanding of their dedication and commitment to making locals and non-Maryland, Virginia, DC ites, etc., feel more at home and WELCOME to be a part of their group of supporters of the Washington Redskins Extreme Fans "association".

This group never questions anyone's dedication - they "accept" you with open arms and assist you with whatever questions or concerns you may have- and they are interested in YOU as a person. We feel blessed to have meet these people and will NEVER, NEVER, forget that if we need a "family" (not including our immediate family) - we have found an extremely IMPORTANT extended family:cheers: in this group.

Players and coaches change, but this group will ALWAYS be there - representin' the fan base of the Washington Redskins - can't ask for any more than that, now can we?;)

(This also includes Blondie, PCS and TK - good people, but geo challenged like us- I "think" TK is geo challenged, if not - still a good person;) )

I have only PM'd people, but only ONE was rude "not a Redskin fan" by the way:D

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I personally wouldn't welcome a team home that played well beyond their potential, but that's just me. The way I view it is rewarding a child for doing something wrong. The support will be shown the next weekend when fans show up, so being there for when they lay a goose egg isn't necessary for me.

That said, I commend any and everybody that does go out there to support them, and I thought it was cool as hell that Joe Gibbs brought you guys into his office. As much as I don't like him as a coach right about now, I give the guy credit for being a very likeable individual. He might not have my blessing, but he has my respect.

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