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For the weightlifters out there...


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How's it going guys? I'm in need of a little advice. I've always been a runner, but never much of a lifter. As a result, I have fairly big legs but a relatively pathetic upper body. Now I want to start lifting, but don't know what I should do for a routine, and don't have the moolah for a trainer. What would be a good routine targeting the entire upper body but most specifically the arms and chest? Thanks for the help; Hail! :logo:

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As a beginner for the arms and chest you want to make multi-joint exercises the staple of your workouts.

For chest try these:

Bench Press

Incline Press

Dumbell Flys

For arms try these:

Barbell Curls

Triceps pulldowns on a cable machine

Everyone's a little different but the best advice I can give you is to keep your workout dynamic, that is, don't get stuck doing the same routine all the time.

The above exercises are just staples that you should use two days a week out of your three-day-a-week workouts (assuming that you will be lifting three days a week). Be sure to pepper in other exercises and do them in different order each day that you workout.

You can also try "pyramid sets" which means that you start out with a certain weight on an exercise and do say, 12 reps. On your second set add 10 lbs or so and do 10 reps, on your third set add another 10 pounds and do 8 reps. This is a great way to add lean mass and keep muscle definition.

Also, don't leave out the rest of your upper body. Be sure to do some shoulder work, some ab work (although you may have decent abs being a runner), and some upper back work.

I know what you mean though, I just started doing cardio about a year ago, I've been lifting on and off for years so it took me a while to get a good cardio routine to go with my weight training routine.

Other effective upper body exercises to pepper in to your routine are:

military press

dumbell curls

decline press

push ups


power cleans

dumbell press

shoulder pulldowns

if I think of others I'll post them...good luck dude

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