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Dude - your getting busted!

The Evil Genius

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Whatever, I know you find that one girl in the commericals weird looking, yet attractive.

Mommy Having Sleepover

GALESBURG, IL—Five days after Daddy's disappearance, Mommy hosted "Uncle" Rick at a sleepover, 5-year-old Hannah Dalton reported Monday. "They drank a lot of that special soda for grownups, and they watched movies," Hannah said. "And later, they must have told ghost stories, because I heard them both moaning and screaming." The morning after the sleepover, a departing Rick permitted Hannah to eat as much Count Chocula as she wanted, as long as she did not wake Mommy.

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Originally posted by tommy-the-greek

He got busted in Liberal central. He will get released the same day. He will pay a small fine. That's it. He will be back at the same dealing getting high the same day.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't care how long he's incarcerated. Dell won't use him to pimp their computers anymore, which is EPIC! :silly:
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