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Little Things Kill


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Did you notice this weekend...although it has yet to be discussed on here....when we decided to line up and let the clock run out in order to back our punter up 5 yards?

JC didn't even get under center! What type of moron franchise doesn't get their qb under center, in hopes of drawing an offsides with a hard snap count?

Answer: Every team on earth except the bumbling, approaching senile coaching staff of the Redskins.

High school coaches understand this........we do not.

It hasn't been discussed because I imagine most people realize what was being done. For one, Campbell wasn't even in the game, Sherlock - that's why he wasn't under center. The Redskins had the punt team out there. Frost motioned out to the left. What I figured they were trying to do (don't really know and you sure as heck don't) was see if the Jets gave them a certain look. If they did, then Taylor would call the signal for the snap and either run or throw the ball. They didn't get the look, so they just took the delay penalty. It was a no-lose proposition.

Drawing the Jets offsides didn't seem to ever be a consideration. They were probably hoping to exploit something they had seen on film.

Casual football fans understand this.........you do not.

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I hear what you saying but you can look at every team and every game and say if this does not happen we win, HTTR

It's cliche and we've all heard it, it's the little things that separate good teams from great teams.

Now that we're at the mid-point of the season I was looking back on our first 8 games and I realized that we are just a few mistakes/miscues away from being a great team.

Other than the NE and Detroit games, every game has been close for good or worse. Look at some of the miscues/mistakes that have hurt us:

-Carlos doesn't get flagged for pass interference against the Dolphins on their final drive, they don't get a FG and we walk out with a slim win but no OT.

-Jason throws a deep ball one yard shorter and/or Santana gets two steps faster and the Philly game is over in the 4th, no late drive that could've potentially saved Donny Mac and the crew.

-We get the damn ball in the end zone with 4 tries with time running out against the Giants, nevermind that we let them come back in the second half, we were 1st and goal inside the 5 and couldn't punch the ball in, whether you want to blame the spike (wasted down), bad throw to Sellers, Portis not being in, or Betts tripping over his own feet, great teams find a way to get those few yards.

- Santana or Lloyd catch one of the many passes that hit their hands that day and the GB game isn't close, CP doesn't fumble near the end zone or Santana doesn't fumble on the end-around and we hang on and win that game with future playoff implications.

-London doesn't get the taunting call against and/or Landry doesn't get the unneccessary roughness call on the SAME drive against AZ and we stall the scoring drive and they don't get a TD....saving us a lot of headache.


-Special teams unit doesn't allow that onside kick to happen and it's game over

-Our Special Teams unit contains L. Washington and we beat the Jets without taking the game to OT or Landry doesn't put his helmet into Clemens and we stall their FG drive in the first or that ball goes a yard longer and Santana gets it, game over.

As tired as you may be of hearing it, look at Indy, Pittsburgh, New England and even to some degree Dallas and Green Bay. These teams keep dumb mistakes to a minimum and the less of those mistakes they make the better the team is.

NE makes less dumb mistakes than any team in the NFL and they're 9-0, Indy makes very few and they look like the 2nd best team, Dallas and GB make mistakes but keep them to a minimum and they are Divisional Champ contenders.

Whether it's Special Teams not stopping big plays, dumb penalties or not finishing drives in the red zone, the little things will kill us if we don't address them.

We have a great team here and we can play out the stretch and win a lot of games if our team will cut out the mistakes and the coaching staff cracks down and makes this an issue.

This team isn't the Rams, the Dolphins, the Falcons, the Jets or the Raiders all of whom have major rebuilding issues, we're almost there, the Skins are only handful of plays away from being a major contender in the NFC.

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

*Some of that was redundant, I just fixed it


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I'm bumping this thread because those little things came back to haunt us again this weekend.

I was listening to CP on John Thompson and Thompson was talking about how the Cooley false start in the 2nd half probably cost us the game. He said that the Philly guys even said that James Thrash was open on that play and would have scored.

I was also reading in the paper this morning and Thrash was saying that he and Campbell both knew that he was open and that play was a sure TD.

Thompson then started asking CP about the Joe Gibbs criticism and CP went on to adamantly defend Joe Gibbs and said that it's all on the players and that they have to stop making these dumb mistakes that are costing them the game.

Thompson asked him about giving up all of these leads in the 4th quarter and not putting teams away and here's what CP said:

"At some point you gotta get tired of being in that situation and you gotta take it upon yourself, you gotta say to hell with this, this is what I'm gonna go out and do and I'm gonna get it done. That's the mentality we have to adapt on offense and defense..."

He went on to basically say that he can't rely on the defense to come out and save him that he himself has to get it done and put teams away.

You can hate on me all you want but I've got that feeling, it's the same feeling I had before the New Orleans game last year, the feeling that we're going to win this game. And I'm not some blind homer, I've got a gut feeling about the Cowboys game and my gut feeling hasn't failed me yet.

Feel free to call me out and I'll eat some crow come Sunday night but as of right now, I say we pull this one out.

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You can hate on me all you want but I've got that feeling, it's the same feeling I had before the New Orleans game last year, the feeling that we're going to win this game. And I'm not some blind homer, I've got a gut feeling about the Cowboys game and my gut feeling hasn't failed me yet.

Feel free to call me out and I'll eat some crow come Sunday night but as of right now, I say we pull this one out.

love the enthusiasm ... starting to get real depressed reading all the negative posts around here this week. Can;t say I didn't sulk for the past couple of days myself.

But I'm gonna stick with our team, on paper this game looks like a blowout, but that's why they play the game.

This is the NFL, any given Sunday. Maybe I'm delusional too, but I'll wait and call the season over when it actually is for us.

Still have to play 60 minutes of football. They are one injury away form being a mediocre team, just as we are one or two plays away from being a contender. We've been battling and fighting injuries all season long, you never know, maybe they will have to figure out how to handle the same circumstances come Sunday? HTTR!

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love the enthusiasm ... starting to get real depressed reading all the negative posts around here this week. Can;t say I didn't sulk for the past couple of days myself.

But I'm gonna stick with our team, on paper this game looks like a blowout, but that's why they play the game.

This is the NFL, any given Sunday. Maybe I'm delusional too, but I'll wait and call the season over when it actually is for us.

Still have to play 60 minutes of football. They are one injury away form being a mediocre team, just as we are one or two plays away from being a contender. We've been battling and fighting injuries all season long, you never know, maybe they will have to figure out how to handle the same circumstances come Sunday? HTTR!

Yeah you can't count out any team in a divisional game, with all of the weird **** that's happened with these Skins/Boys games recently, you just never know.

I knew we were gonna get smoked by NE but I have a certain feeling about this one.

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