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Are you a Conservative?


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I took Praeger's test and got a 0 -- no I'm not 'liberal' by his definiton. However, question 23 he defines a position as liberal which is NOT a the liberal position by definition (see The Liberal Imagination, The Liberal Dilemma and The Constituion of Liberty). In fact, the position is actually closer to a conservative position (see The Conservative Mind and The Constitution of Liberty).

5(B). It was wrong to make peace after we kicked Iraq out of Kuwait. We should have marched to Bagdad.

No peace was ever made. However, to make the correct descion here (going on what I think was meant), I'd need information that neither of us has access to (or at least can publish). Going with the information I have, yes.

14. America is the only thing that matters in the world. We should never care what any other country has to say because we are the world power.

See previous post.

16. All abortions should be outlawed. The mother and the doctor should be tried for murder and put to death if found quilty.

How's that conservative? Abortion should not be outlawed (it actually already is) but does need to be inspected on a case-by-case basis.

19. Racial profiling for terrorists is right.

No not RIGHT but may be necessary.

22. Our culture is morally superior to all others.

Not really a conservative position -- see above.

BTW, my conservative score was a 4 although the above were definitely misphrased.

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Sanctions with Saddam has clearly been proved to be inefficient. To suggest that sanctions would have been a better alternative to the Gulf War is extremely naive. Sanctions and containment was the same argument used against going to war with Adolf Hitler. Its been proven that Saddam is not afraid of using chemical weapons. We will not be blackmailed. Khidhir Hamza, a former Iraqi scientist, thinks regime change is the only way to stop Saddam. He was on Crossfire tonight, man it was some scary stuff. He was ordered just before the Gulf war to make a nuke and the goal was to use the nuke. More than ever I think going to war is the only answer.

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Originally posted by JackC

1. Standards for admissions to universities, fire departments, etc. should be lowered for people who’s parents went to the school or gave the school a lot of money.

Should's the wrong word; "can" works for me.
Originally posted by JackC

2. If a child doesn’t speak English we should refuse them education until they can be taught in English.

No, but English immersion works quite well.
Originally posted by JackC

3. Everyone on death row is guilty and should be put to death tomorrow.

No, there are undoubtedly some innocent men on death row. However, DNA testing which allows more conclusive proof of guilt or innocence makes the use of the death penalty more legitimate, which is why I'm in favor of testing all DNA evidence in capital cases. As for the rest of 'em, sure, tomorrow works for me.
Originally posted by JackC

4. During the Cold War, America should have invaded the USSR to speed their downfall.

Absolutely assinine. Our policy of regional containment and peace through strength seems to have done just fine.
Originally posted by JackC

5. Colleges should require all students to be in ROTC programs.

No. However mandatory military service for 1 or 2 years wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. It would work as insurance against government tyranny.
Originally posted by JackC

5a. It was wrong to make peace after we kicked Iraq out of Kuwait. We should have marched to Bagdad.

In hindsight, I'm torn. However, at the time I was very much in favor of complying with the UN mandate limiting us to removing Iraq from Kuwait. When in doubt, we should keep our word and try to build credibility in the world's eyes.
Originally posted by JackC

6. Parents should be allowed to take government provided vouchers to pay for any private school they like, no matter what kind of stuff they teach there.

I don't know what you mean by "no matter what kind of stuff they teach there". I'm not looking to have the U.S. version of madrassas any more than I'd like to have schools that taught nothing but environmentalism. OTOH, I have no problem with schools as long as they meet educational standards. It's called the marketplace of ideas.
Originally posted by JackC

7. It is good that big corporations and Insurance companies are the two biggest contributors to the Republican Party.

I have no problem with that, given that the Dems have teachers unions and trial lawyers which are far worse for the country when their particular interests are served, as they tend not to help the country at large.
Originally posted by JackC

8. Some sexual acts between consenting adults should be against the law.

I disagree, although I presume you mean for those sexual acts to occur in private, right?
Originally posted by JackC

9. A married couple should have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women, no matter any other factors.

The "no matter any other factors" makes this an impossibly ambiguous question as you must assume ceteris parabis (all other things equal) to meaningfully compare different things. So, all other things being equal, a married couple should have a preference in adoption over that of a same-sex couple. Children need role models at home from both genders.
Originally posted by JackC

10. The Boy Scouts should be allowed to use parks or any other public places no matter what their policies.

Again, your hatred for certain conservative tenets - notably religion - betrays you, as you end it by vaguely saying "no matter what their beliefs". If they adopt NAMBLA's beliefs, you can be damn sure that I'm not in favor of this proposition. However, sticking to the real world, "Yup."
Originally posted by JackC

11. Graduated taxes are a bad thing.

"Bad" is a moral term. However, I do think that there are fairer and more effective ways for the government to obtain revenue from the populace. I'm in favor of a flat tax at a relatively low rate, combined with increased sales taxes.
Originally posted by JackC

12. Speech codes on college campuses are bad and unamerican values. (I don't know what this is either, I just flipped the one from the liberal thread)

Correct. You don't stifle speech, even through supposedly well-intentioned PC, on a university campus where ideas are supposed to be freely exchanged.
Originally posted by JackC

13. The Israelis are better than the Palestinians.

If you mean that I identify more with the values of the Israelis as a general matter, the answer is "yes." They manage to avoid sending their children off to "martyr" themselves while murdering as many as possible.
Originally posted by JackC

14. America is the only thing that matters in the world. We should never care what any other country has to say because we are the world power.

I don't know anyone who believes this, so "no". If you mean that America should always make itself subservient to the UN, or should defer to world opinion, then I'd strongly disagree.
Originally posted by JackC

15. Women should not have anywhere near as many sports teams in college as the men because the women don’t make any cash.

Tough issue for me. I have to pass on this one as I have no answer here.
Originally posted by JackC

16. All abortions should be outlawed. The mother and the doctor should be tried for murder and put to death if found quilty.

I disagree. Abortion (with a few exceptions) should be legal, however I do believe that far too many are performed.
Originally posted by JackC

17. You should be able to smoke in any outdoor area. Governments should never pass laws about outdoor smoking.

Originally posted by JackC

18. High schools should never tell kids about condoms and never tell them how to use them.

Disagree, especially with the "never" part.
Originally posted by JackC

19. Racial profiling for terrorists is right. – a American citizen of Arab(or looks Arab like Indians) decent should be searched every where he goes all of the time.

You've overstated what racial profiling is. If you define it as meaning that racial/ethnic background may be taken into account as a factor in crime prevention, then I agree.
Originally posted by JackC

20. A lack of hard work by the citizens is the reason for all of the bad things in the inner cities. There are not other factors, if they just worked harder they would do better.

There are many other factors. However, a culture of sloth built around support from the welfare system is indisputably there and needs to be fixed.
Originally posted by JackC

21. Students should be made to say, "God bless you" at their graduation. This is a Christian nation afterall.

No, but they should be allowed to say it, and more importantly speakers at graduation should be allowed to say it.
Originally posted by JackC

22. Our culture is morally superior to all others.

I don't know about "all", but I do know that we espouse and protect a solid mix of freedoms and respect for innocent human life that is superior to virtually every nation in human history.

I'm not sure how to score this because many of the questions were poorly framed. But, fire away. :)

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1. Standards for admissions to universities, fire departments, etc. should be lowered for people who’s parents went to the school or gave the school a lot of money.

I believe people should earn what they get not be given a free ride because their ancestors were mistreated, or some other bogus quota system. And paying money to get your kids into a school is between the school and the guy with the purse strings.

2. If a child doesn’t speak English we should refuse them education until they can be taught in English.

What? Allow illegals a free education?

3. Everyone on death row is guilty and should be put to death tomorrow.

I'm sure there are some that are innocent however those that are absolutely guilty like the sicko in Chicago who ripped the fetus out of the woman should be burned at the stake instead of pardoned.

4. During the Cold War, America should have invaded the USSR to speed their downfall.

Please we should have invaded them at the end of WW 2 like one of our greatest generals mentioned. During the 80's liberals wanted us to kiss the commies a$$ and even sided with Gorbacev. And revisionist still cant give credit to the fact that it was reagan that brought them down.

5. Colleges should require all students to be in ROTC programs.

I dont have a problem with citizens "Giving Back to their Country." But not all because I dont want perverts in my military if it can be avoided.

5. It was wrong to make peace after we kicked Iraq out of Kuwait. We should have marched to Bagdad.

During the time it made since to keep Iraq viable as a buffer to a greater threat that being IRAN and if we could have removed Saddam while keeping the military balance between the two it would have been a good idea but the Arab coalition didnt want that then.

6. Parents should be allowed to take government provided vouchers to pay for any private school they like, no matter what kind of stuff they teach there.

There should be school vouchers and the ones that benefit would be blacks which is why I cant understand how liberals continue to keep my people down while trying to steer the blam of educational failuire to the GOP. The parents not the govt would be choosing the school so if the want a catholic or christian school why not?

7. It is good that big corporations and Insurance companies are the two biggest contributors to the Republican Party.

Bill gates didnt become a democratic or GOP contributor until Clinton Dept of Justice started their shake down then all of a sudden a guy who needed nothing from DC had lobbyists lining pockets. If you eliminate the shakedowns also known as mandates you won't have as many people spending the money to keep congress out of their corporations.

8. Some sexual acts between consenting adults should be against the law.

Uh yeah from a nature stand point the provide nothing to society or the further creation of the species and pedo gotta go including MJ and R kelly

9. A married couple should have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women, no matter any other factors..

What other factors are we pointing to? The gay couples have more money?

10. The Boy Scouts should be allowed to use parks or any other public places no matter what their policies.

What policies are the problem? If the church followed the boyscouts policies to the letter we would not have gay priest raping young boys.

11. Graduated taxes are a bad thing.

12. Speech codes on college campuses are bad and unamerican values. (I don't know what this is either, I just flipped the one from the liberal thread)

I'll never be into PC if you are how can you say the word REdskin?

13. The Israelis are better than the Palestinians.

As far as what trying to come to a peaceful agreement? Yeah.

14. America is the only thing that matters in the world. We should never care what any other country has to say because we are the world power.

That is a narrow minded and ignorant statement however when we know when others will blindly ignored right from wrong we should ignore what they have to say.

15. Women should not have anywhere near as many sports teams in college as the men because the women don’t make any cash.

They generally dont with the exception of a couple of major BBall teams and have to depend on mens football and BBall to survive and at the expense of lowers more sports programs being terminated like wrestling.

16. All abortions should be outlawed. The mother and the doctor should be tried for murder and put to death if found quilty..

If Roe v Wade is overturned it only means that its no longer a Federal issue and reverts back to the states.

Imagine if half of the abortions were allowed to live since 1976 we would have over 25 million workers/ tax payers.

17. You should be able to smoke in any outdoor area. Governments should never pass laws about outdoor smoking.

I dont care if people smoke or not but it is funny how these anti smoking types depend so much on the money stolen from the businesses. Imagine what would happen if all of the smokers in liberal places like California just quit or the Tobacco companies just pulled out their products like they threatened to do in jersey two years ago.

18. High schools should never tell kids about condoms and never tell them how to use them.

They shouldnt give out free ones and parents should be given the option to educate.

19. Racial profiling for terrorists is right. – a American citizen of Arab(or looks Arab like Indians) decent should be searched every where he goes all of the time.

True. That is not what happens however they should get a second and third look until a lil 80 yr old white lady starps a bomb to herself and takes over planes in the name of Bingo.

20. A lack of hard work by the citizens is the reason for all of the bad things in the inner cities. There are not other factors, if they just worked harder they would do better.

21. Students should be made to say, "God bless you" at their graduation. This is a Christian nation afterall.

This is a Christian nation but the kids arent forced to say anything.

22. Our culture is morally superior to all others.

Uh Yeah.

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