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Which SKINS player would you least want to fight?


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You know as fans we can criticize about how slow, how stupid, or unathletic someone can look on the field. Heck some of us talk like we can suit up and be in the starting 11 offensivley or defensivly. But when it comes down to it, NFL players are truly the elite in their craft. They are physically/genetically gifted and this leads to my story. Im sure some of you remember Regan Upshaw who played some DE for us a few years ago. Anyhow, I believe Regan played for the Raiders and 49ers prior to the Skins where he also started training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu under Cesar Gracie, the same sport I have trained in for 7 years. Well, one day I stroll into the gym when I see a mountain of meat in the shape of 300 Spartan warrior. No joke, in pads I thought he was the slowest, unathletic poor excuse of a player. In person, and actuality he was a ripped 260 some odd pounds with a six pack and looked to be less than 8 percent body fat. So I had an oppurtunity to roll (wrestle) with him and I was hit with a flash and was knocked to my back before I could even realize what happened (keep in mind I am 5'8 and 155 pounds, a poor mans Bob Sander, I mean really broke and bankrupt version of B.Sanders) Luckily, his sport was football, and mine was BJJ. However, when I think back, the first thing he did was the infamous Dline move the "Rip" to take me down. And to reiterate, it was one of the fastest things thats happened to me, and the scary thing is that it came from a guy of his size.

One thing to remember is everyone has a weakness (even the Patriots), and in my case, it was his giant feet. I was able to catch him with a heal hook and get the tap a couple of times. And to be honest, Upshaw was a really nice, humble and down to earth guy. Im not sure where he is today but best of luck to him and his family.

No Te Creo ...

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You know as fans we can criticize about how slow, how stupid, or unathletic someone can look on the field. Heck some of us talk like we can suit up and be in the starting 11 offensivley or defensivly. But when it comes down to it, NFL players are truly the elite in their craft. They are physically/genetically gifted and this leads to my story. Im sure some of you remember Regan Upshaw who played some DE for us a few years ago. Anyhow, I believe Regan played for the Raiders and 49ers prior to the Skins where he also started training in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu under Cesar Gracie, the same sport I have trained in for 7 years. Well, one day I stroll into the gym when I see a mountain of meat in the shape of 300 Spartan warrior. No joke, in pads I thought he was the slowest, unathletic poor excuse of a player. In person, and actuality he was a ripped 260 some odd pounds with a six pack and looked to be less than 8 percent body fat. So I had an oppurtunity to roll (wrestle) with him and I was hit with a flash and was knocked to my back before I could even realize what happened (keep in mind I am 5'8 and 155 pounds, a poor mans Bob Sander, I mean really broke and bankrupt version of B.Sanders) Luckily, his sport was football, and mine was BJJ. However, when I think back, the first thing he did was the infamous Dline move the "Rip" to take me down. And to reiterate, it was one of the fastest things thats happened to me, and the scary thing is that it came from a guy of his size.

One thing to remember is everyone has a weakness (even the Patriots), and in my case, it was his giant feet. I was able to catch him with a heal hook and get the tap a couple of times. And to be honest, Upshaw was a really nice, humble and down to earth guy. Im not sure where he is today but best of luck to him and his family.

No Te Creo ...

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Maybe I'd fight Gibbs, because he would land one punch, figure he could win with just that and then go into a defensive crouch. :D

A preemptive note: the Gibbs thing was a joke. Relax.

Gibbs would "fight his guts out", you wouldn't stand a chance.

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Maybe I'd fight Gibbs, because he would land one punch, figure he could win with just that and then go into a defensive crouch. :D

A preemptive note: the Gibbs thing was a joke. Relax.

Gibbs would "fight his guts out", you wouldn't stand a chance.

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