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Goal Dis-Oriented


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No, the season isn't over. No, it's not time to panic. No, it's not time to fire Gibbs or Saunders or Williams.

However, the Redskins have produced a legitimate cause for concern with yet another poorly called, poorly executed offensive series on the goal line in a very key situation. Seems to me every time we get down there, everyone on the team gets a big brain freeze and forgets how to play football.

Let me take you back to the home tilt against Philly late last season. Down 5 late in the game the Skins marched the ball to the Philly 3 yard line. Betts was running like an absolute monster that game and the Eagles couldn't stop us. That's what was working that game. Ceviker and I were at the game and he just screamed "BETTS BETTS BETTS" at the top of his lungs, suggesting all three play calls should be a handoff to Betts. Instead, we give it to seldom used TJ Duckett on first down. Second down we rolled Campbell out and allowed Dawkins to sack him for a huge loss. Ended up settling for a FG and never getting the ball back.

Monday Night against Philly this year is another good example. End of the first half, not the second, but still a good measure because the clock and timeouts were an issue. After driving to the 1 we managed all sorts of procedure and delay of game penalties that backed us up. It ended up working out because of AR's bonehead timeout, but 9 times out of 10 that won't happen. A likely TD and sure FG was turned into a dicey FG attempt, which is the type of thing that can cost you dearly in close games, especially on the road.

Finally, we look at yesterday. The spike on first down was ridiculous considering the amount of time we had left. Downs are so so precious in that type of situation and who here wouldn't give some sort of body part to have had one more play down there? Again, certain things were working for us that game that were not utilized for the goal line. Portis was running well and already had a TD, plus he thrives in those situations. Cooley was also doing very well before he had to stay in every play and block, and he also had a TD. That's who you need to be looking for down there, not Betts and Sellers. And by golly if you are going to use Sellers, then hand that huge man the ball and let him crush towards the goal line.

This is what practice is for. A team shouldn't continually look like it's never seen the 4th quarter clock dip below 2 minutes before. Gibbs and the coaching staff really need to work on this to make sure the team is comfortable running the 2 minute drill. It's just very unnerving that this keeps on happening. We're still 2-1 and there's plenty of promising things this team has shown us. Let's get the goal line drill down and continue our march towards the end zone and the playoffs. HAIL

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It was clear JC was not prepared/coached for a goal line situation (the spike). IMO in that situation you need to spread them out and let JC make a play with his legs or thorwing (roll him out let him be a playmaker and a factor down there). Vetern and hall of fame coaches should not panick in that situation.

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I agree completly. During the game I was having flashbacks to the Eagles game last year, praying the same thing wouldn't happen.

So, having a day to calm myself (at least a bit) this is what I gather:

The bad news is that our goal line offense is the same as last year - it sucks the big one. Our play calling once we gets close just goes down the crapper. This is something that is easily fixable (I think/pray).

The good news is that the difference between this year's 2 minute drill and last year's 2 minute drill is that we actually have a QB who I have faith in driving us. JC played like **** the entire second half (as did the whole offense) but man, he looked sharp as a knife in that 2 minute drill.

If we can just get that goal line offense going, we'll be set. Go work on that coach and get ready for Detriot because by god if we can't score TDs in the red zone against Detriot, rest assured they WILL beat us.

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If we can just get that goal line offense going, we'll be set. Go work on that coach and get ready for Detriot because by god if we can't score TDs in the red zone against Detriot, rest assured they WILL beat us.

Agreed against a team like Detroit points matter (as they can put em up in spurts) we need TDs not field goals when we are in the red zone. Otherwise it will be a long day with those receivers running around. Unfortunately, I can see us playing alot of cover-3 and, truly unfortunately, even more cover-2 in fear of giving up the big play (the eagles D did a damn good job with playing pressure against them so hopefully we can learn from that).

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all good points....

personally... i feel as though our coaching staff is not playing to our QBs strengths as much as they should. i feel as though we need to make defenses respect JC's ability to move out of the pocket. had we lined up in the shotgun on the goal line, the defense would have overplayed the pass, or overplayed the quarterback..... we all know JC has shown a tremendous amount of poise as a starter, so trust him to make the judgement on whether to throw it, or run it in

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Hey maybe if the stadium is only one-third full when we play Detroit somebody will pay attention to us....THE FANS. Of course it will never happen in a million years , but , I guarantee that if there is only 30,000 fans in Fedex in 2 weeks there will be some changes and fast.

haha... i wish there was some way to kick the organization in the *$&. we are just too loyal to our team

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Does anybody know who makes the call for the spike?

Is it Campbell, did Gibbs signal for it, or do they go over it in practice where Gibbs is like "if time is winding down, spike it."?

I know its not Saunders because Gibbs was calling the shots at the end. Just don't know if it was JCs or Gibbs' decesion.

Very interseted to know.

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