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What is the best NYGiants message board?


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I actually just visited to check out what they're thinking. It's pitiful over there, naturally. I just read a thread by a Skins fan saying why we'll win and the Giants fans are like "wtf, don't be so modest, you'll win by more than 25". Their only hope is that we'll overlook them.

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Found this on one of the forums....

topic is "Guess how many points the Giants defense will give up on Sunday"

Here is one of the many responses (which were surprisingly high)

"I need to pull out my scientific calculator okay....

E=mc squared

where E = redskin points

M = Giants points

C = cirumference of hole in middle of Giants defense"


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I actually just visited to check out what they're thinking. It's pitiful over there, naturally. I just read a thread by a Skins fan saying why we'll win and the Giants fans are like "wtf, don't be so modest, you'll win by more than 25". Their only hope is that we'll overlook them.

I read things like, "If our defense holds their ground a little better, we can EASILY beat up on the Redskins." After the game last night I read, "Looking at these two teams, I can tell you right now that both of them suck badly. Redskins just suck a little less. Manning, Burress, and Shockey will dominate their defense for sure."

I'm sure there are the pessimistic fans, but living in Giants territory in northern New Jersey I know for a fact that there are quite a few ****y fans. Then again... maybe it's my Portis jersey and my Redskin cap that brings on all the heckling and smack talk. :whoknows:

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