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Tribute thread for TE Kevin Everett of the Buffalo Bills


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I feel horrible for Kevin Everett, his family, the Buffalo Bills and all their fans. Reading quotes like "catastrophic" and "life-threatening" from the doctors describing his injury really upsets me. We all love this game so much, but never want to see anything close to this happening to any player on any team. I'll be keeping everyone involved in my thoughts for awhile.


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This brings back horrible memories for me of a high school game i was at years ago. a playoff game. Douglass Eagles had a great team and i believe it was the state simi-finals and a Douglass kid broke his neck on the opening kick, he died several years later, and he was a great kid and came from one of the best families....it brought back all those memories of him, and put me in a sad state....we complain about things like our team not being good enough etc......when in fact its a game! This brings it into perspective!

Godd Bless this guy, I hope and pray that all the prayers we all send out get to him and his family......I cried for him and am not afraid to say it. I prayed all day for his family!

Godd Bless.

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