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Training camp 2003


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Does any one know where they will hold it? Will it be in Carlisle Pa. this year? When we find out where it will be it would be great if we can make some plans for an extremeskin weekend. Wearing the extreme skin shirts will be a must. And hopefully the guys can come up with some more extreme skin stuff. Like extremeskin shorts or sweatpants etc. I was also thinking about making some plans to cover it better then how we did last year. A nice extremeskin weekend bash would be killer, but it would also be nice if guys rotated weekends so we could get some great reports. I remember last year our reports here from our members were better then what we could find on the net.

Please use this thread to let me know who is interested in either a weekend bash going on a weekend to report or both. If we start planning early enough and schedule things right it will help make the long boring summer a wee bit better.;)

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According to this article, the team even thought about Williamsburg.


One thing that is common in the bulk of articles on this, including one in the Post, is that S.S. would rather have the camps at Redskins Park. Dan Snyder said it's in the details. (Hence why he hasn't completely ruled our going back to Carlisle). Looks like it's wait and see time. "I hate a waiting".


Oh...and I'm going to try to make training camp this year.

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IMHO the team needs to hold training camp where ever they can get the most time with each other. I don't necessarily like the idea of having the team go to their respective homes after practices. They should be in the same place, together 24/7 until camp breaks.

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i completely agree 56. get rid of the distractions, and yes, i am talking about the wife, kids, and friends. hold it in some remote location where they can't go out rage. make these guys think about football 100% of the time for those few days of training camp. carlisle is perfect.

i did a similar thing in college for swimming. before our NCAA national meet (which was always held the last weekend of our spring break), we'd have to stay on campus (which was empty, even the girls team was gone) to finish our training. it completely bonded the members of the national team, and it had amazing effects on our results: my team still has not lost the NCAA meet since 1979. bonding is a huge need, and having our players going home after practices to sleep miles away from his teammates is a mistake in my opinion.

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I really liked Carlisle, having been to camp for the past two seasons. It's easy to get to...there's plenty of quality motels in the area...and it's just a pleasant small-college atmosphere that makes for a nice vacation.

There are a fair number of Redskin fans who've been coming to camp since the 1960s - you'll see smatterings of elderly fans wandering about wearing outlandish Redskin garb. It's worth taking the time to get to know some of them - great stories from the past.

I hate the idea of camp at Redskin park. It just has no resonance for me at all.

I sort of liked Frostburg - hard to get to, but it had that 'bonding in the wilderness' thing.

Personally, I think the Redskins ought to look South for training camp to try and restore their status as the NFL's southern franchise. I'd recommend they look at Lambuth College in Jackson, TN. (And that's not just for my personal convenience...:silly: )

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I'd recommend they look at Lambuth College in Jackson, TN. (And that's not just for my personal convenience... )

well, with your rec. in mind and with the fact that the chargers are moving their camp away from la jolla, i'd be happy as hell if the skins would come out here for camp. :silly: right back at ya

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Of all the training camps sites I've attended (Caryle, Frostburg, and Ashburn), Frostburg is hands down the best. Nice fields, remote, and smaller crowds.

The best facilites for the players are definitely at Redskins Park, but the crowds are HUGE and of course, the players don't have to live together in dormitories. I'm sure that affects bonding to some degree.

The word is they are coming back to Ashburn though. Hrm, I sense I will be taking some VERY long lunch breaks in August :cool:

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I'm not real familiar with Ahsburn, but I do know that Carlisle was a great place for Redskins camp. Lots of little hole in the wall bars that catered to Redskins fans. Very friendly people and everything is pretty much in walking distance from any of the hotels downtown. Not to mention, the great access to the players as the rode bicycles around the campus.

Regardless, The Redskins fan club of York PA will be sending down some of our resident fanatics to camp.

I look forward to an Extremeskins gathering!




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Let me be the first to announce that the 2003 Redskins Training Camp will be held on the campus of Hampden-Sydney College near beautiful Farmville, VA. I have no source or evidence for this declaration, just a gut feeling. When the official announcement is made, don't be shy about thanking me for the advance notice.


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I couldn't resist on this topic. Me and my boy Collin, and sometimes Smoot21 travel up to Carlisle PA every year they have camp up there and might I just say, there is something magical about it. Maybe it's the crappy Days Inn we stay at, maybe it's the way the players brush up against you on their way to practice from breakfast, but it was great. It is sad to see our annual trip down the drain, but at least Ashburn is closer. I'm gonna try to get a job up at Ashburn, so if you guys are going up there, let me know and I'll say what's up to ya.

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Originally posted by dchogs


i didn't know there was a club in york. i grew up there, and would have been a member in a heartbeat. i'll have to let you know when i travel back for thanksgiving and xmas...

Anytime DC. We welcome all Skins fans. Considering that we are surrounded by fly rats fans and Beagles fans!

You must stop in next year. We have a great time win or lose. Hopefully next year, it will be more winning! :thumbsup:


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I hope it is in Carlisle this year. It was only an hour and 20 minute drive for me doing the speed limit. If it is in Va. I will have to just go down for a week and take a week vacation from work. As soon as we find out where it will be we gotta make plans for an extremeskins bash.

TCO, nomatter where it is. You can drive down to me and we can go down in my truck since I will have it all packed up with the proper stuff. A/C adapter so we can have a tv and playstation 2. A grill and coolers and chairs. Load up with beer and grub and we are set. ;) Hell you can set up the mini tv on the dashboard and use the playstation on the drive down. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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