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Skins @ Eagles Sep. 17th


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Trust me, I was there, and it did mean something to them.

YES it did....it meant if they lost, DALLAS was knocked out of the playoffs....it was the only game in my life where I was somewhat happy that the Eagles LOST!!! HAHA!

Mr RedGreenSkin - I urge you for your best interest NOT to go into The Linc thinking of 'causing havoc'....... this is a Monday Night Game....its bad enough at 1pm, let alone 4pm....but fans drink from noon time in anticipation for MNF games....the crowd is a big bunch of azzholes.... and I am offended to associate with my Eagle bretheren after some of the incidents I have seen at games....if you cross the wrong person, things can go bad in a hurry ..... go to have fun....cheer on your team....but to look to intentionally instigate Eagles fans in our own home is far from a good idea....

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Waited in line 20 minutes at the Urinal. finally get to the urinal and was yanked by my jersey as the bathroom cheered the guy on and i wound up in the back of the line once again with a nice jersey line on my neck.

I'm tired of hearing these stories of Skins fans in Philly getting disrespected and played and you guys not sticking up for yourselves. Someone pulls you by the jersey to the back of the line and you just stand there and take it like a *****? Cot damn, be a man for once. No wonder they don't respect us there.

Never let anyone lay a hand on you. I don't care if they're blue collar and got nothing to lose.

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I'm tired of hearing these stories of Skins fans in Philly getting disrespected and played and you guys not sticking up for yourselves. Someone pulls you by the jersey to the back of the line and you just stand there and take it like a *****? Cot damn, be a man for once. No wonder they don't respect us there.

Never let anyone lay a hand on you. I don't care if they're blue collar and got nothing to lose.

i just dont go to the restroom during the game. not worth my time.

or if you dont wanna get messed with, dont wear any team stuff. no one will mess with you if youre wearing a polo shirt and shorts.

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i just dont go to the restroom during the game. not worth my time.

or if you dont wanna get messed with, dont wear any team stuff. no one will mess with you if youre wearing a polo shirt and shorts.

......AND a diaper, I guess? lol - Sorry, that one was too easy.

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go to the game....have fun

the linc crowd is not the same as the vet

I was there for playoff clincher and skin fans owned the stadium.

Don't instigate....that's for all stadiums.......someone threw glass under my car in San Diego

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trust me, if you dont talk back, people wont come out of nowhere and attack you. fights start when someone calls you something, and you say something back. if you dont say anything, theyll ignore you because they wont get any fun out of it.

Very well and accurately stated. I thought I was along in my thinking about that. Good to know that they is another genius out there. :cheers:

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Very well and accurately stated. I thought I was along in my thinking about that. Good to know that they is another genius out there. :cheers:

haha, but be honest. yes were aware their fans are insane douchebags, but ive never heard a single story that goes "yeah, i was minding my own business sitting in my seat, and 8 italian guys who looked like rocky attacked me and beat me within an inch of my life". its always two drunk guys, bickering back and forth, one guy gets more mad than the other, and fights ensue. even though i was taunted, if you can strike up a decent convo with eagles fans sitting close to you, theyll respect you for showing your colors (as hard as that is to believe). i had more than a few people in my close area saying "damn, you got balls to wear that stuff in here".

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Yo, got there be loud and have a great time. I'll be there for sure in the upper deck. When people talk **** just smile and hopefully you'll be able to point to the scoreboard. Idf not just enjoy. I had Eagles fans all over me last year because I was in a Moss jersey but it was fine. Only one guy got out of hand as we were leaving but I lied and told him I ws a cop and he about pissed his pants.

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I am an original PG county guy that moved to the Philly area about 6 years ago.

Unfortunately, I have a number of Eagle friends & I have attended all of the games here in Philly for the last 6 years, going back to the Vet.

The Linc is certainly not the Vet but for a Monday night Home Opener....It could get ugly!

Couple of thoughts:

I would recommend that you spend the extra bucks on a 100 level seat. The 200 level is pretty tough and people have gone down the steps. Trust me, I've seen it.

Don't tailgate at the Wachovia Center lot. Good tailgate but your car will be "marked". Beware!

As the Rock would say.. "Know your role!". Keep it fun and as I've told people in the past, just know how to deal with all the trash that go to Eagle games! The only time your saftey is in harm is when you talk back. Somehow you'll end up with 5 kids with no teeth from the city on your back.

Needless to say, I'll be there for this one too. If any of your are planning something, keep me in the loop! I'm game for hanging with some of the Extreme Skins Fans!

:eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck

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All come on man, we're not that bad.


MOTOWN!!! HEY BRO! How ya been man???

I talked to PhillyBoy about the game we're going to....he's not sure if he is flying in from LA around Thanksgiving or not....but definately around Christmas....

So, we STILL may try to see the game vs. Miami around Thanksgiving....with or without him....he said he'll see....but, I'll talk to Soul and see if the Miami game is cool for everyone....Phillyboy said maybe the Buffalo game at seasons end....but I refuse to go to a Week 17 game....the Eagles usually dont play any meaningful Week 17 games, since we usually have the Division in the bag by then! HA!

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