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Preseason playing time...


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Hey i have been thinking about this for a while now and wanted to ask for your opinion.

After Portis got injured in preseason, and our team was sucking it up... people around the boards were saying "it's just preseason" and things to that effect.

Now I for one believe that it is important to play your starters at least for a few drives to really give them that practice that we were lacking last year. Also, we need to use more of the playbook... we all remember how 'showing nothing' worked for us in the preseason...

Well anyways, the point this rambling was leading to were just various questions about preseason:

1) Do you play your starters? OR How long do you play your starters? (keep and mind what Portis said after his injury) ***EDIT*** OR Do you only play some starters???

I still say starters should play the injury was a fluke and we should plan for that event but not KNOW that a catastrophe will occur when we play our starters.

2) Do we open up our playbook and show what we can do? OR Do we close up and play 'plain vanilla' like last preseason?

I think we need to at least begin to get our offense's feet wet and show what we can do with the playbook.

3) Should Collins/Brunell get playing time or should we devote more time to Palmer/Bramlet?

I think Palmer and Bramlet should get some serious playing time in order really show what they can do.

Any other questions people want to add would be great i m just trying to generate some discussion about the upcoming preseason...

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that was a freak accident. starters need the game speed as much as the backups

agreed... i dont see that happening again.. i just hope that we dont take that whole 'it's just preseason' approach again... because our players just seemed out of it when the regular season started.. and part of it was just that our offense had no in game experience during preseason...

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that was a freak accident. starters need the game speed as much as the backups

No. Portis, Taylor, Cooley, and Moss should play no pre season games at all. Betts start at runinng back. Campbell play the first quarter only. The rest of the starters should playa quarter and a half.

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No. Portis, Taylor, Cooley, and Moss should play no pre season games at all. Betts start at runinng back. Campbell play the first quarter only. The rest of the starters should playa quarter and a half.

interesting point... i added a question to the first part to see if other people shared your opinion...

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LOL That's pretty funny That whole "Vanilla Offense" crap was a cover for WE SUCK with AL, his 700 page playbook, and no real QB at the helm...(JC - rookie, MB - father time, and TC - well he just SUCKS)

It wasnt a cover. The offense just needed time to adjust click together. Learn that they needed to run the ball first then throw not throw the whole game. Once we did that we were fine. Play the Whole Vanilla Agian this pre season. No need to go out there and light it up in games that dont even count.

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1. Starters should play, they should average about 2 quarters a game or so....

2. Vanilla! Maybe a form of more complicated plays, but otherwise keep it simple

3. We should devote more time to Bramlet/Palmer....

in my opinion......

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1. Starters should play, they should average about 2 quarters a game or so....

2. Vanilla! Maybe a form of more complicated plays, but otherwise keep it simple

3. We should devote more time to Bramlet/Palmer....

in my opinion......

Agree with everything except playing the starters for 2 quarters. Maybe 1. Some starters should get more playing time then others.

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I think Bramlet and Palmer should play 3rd and 4th qaurter. Brunell really dont need to get many reps. He shouldnt even be on the team.

Brunell should not be on the team? Who do you propose our #2 should be? Brunell may not be starting material anymore but he deserves a spot on the team.

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i remember last year when we sucked in the preseason, and i kept saying "oh theyre just waiting to unleash the real fury". yeah. i wont be saying that again. these games are important, i hope we all realize that.

These games are not important. Nobody cares what you do in the pre season. Its about who's making the team and who's not.

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Forget that Vanilla crap. We saw that last year. Everyone, offense, defense, special teams, needs to get on top of their game so they can hit the ground running on 9/9.

The vets, CP, Moss, Cooley, Washington, Springs, should see minimum action but definitely a series or two each game.

JC needs to get a lot of run with the first team offense so that might mean Cooley will have to play a little more. CP and Moss can hang back though, we have more players at their positions.

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Forget that Vanilla crap. We saw that last year. Everyone, offense, defense, special teams, needs to get on top of their game so they can hit the ground running on 9/9.

The vets, CP, Moss, Cooley, Washington, Springs, should see minimum action but definitely a series or two each game.

JC needs to get a lot of run with the first team offense so that might mean Cooley will have to play a little more. CP and Moss can hang back though, we have more players at their positions.

Sean Taylor should also sit out. Jason Campbell dont need that many reps. prolly the first quarter or something and that is it.

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Bramlet or Palmer should be the #2. Brunell is overwith and done. He aint got no Juice left.

Ok both of those guys have 0 NFL experience. Bramlet did well in NFLE, which is not a very good indicator of how he will play here. Palmer is raw right from college. There is a good chance that Campbell will miss one or two. Would you want a guy back there who has never seen an NFL caliber defense?

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I think that first quarter and a half or so should be a mix between Campbell and Brunell getting their reps in each game and just kinda keeping in form... and then... Bramlet and Palmer should be able to go and have some fun.. see what they can do with the offense... also... just me... but i want to see how Heyer, Lefoutu, and Whitticker can do on run plays and in pass blocking...

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Sean Taylor should also sit out. Jason Campbell dont need that many reps. prolly the first quarter or something and that is it.

Yeah Taylor is in that group too and I'm sure a few others that I neglected to mention.

I disagree with you on Jason though. He is still very inexperienced and I would feel more comfortable if he can develop some more of a rythm with the 1st team offense.

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Ok both of those guys have 0 NFL experience. Bramlet did well in NFLE, which is not a very good indicator of how he will play here. Palmer is raw right from college. There is a good chance that Campbell will miss one or two. Would you want a guy back there who has never seen an NFL caliber defense?

Brunell plays like he has no NFL experience from what i see. He is not good anymore. His experience doesnt matter. He can barely rmove. His knees are shot. He is done in the NFl. Time for him to hang it up man.

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Yeah Taylor is in that group too and I'm sure a few others that I neglected to mention.

I disagree with you on Jason though. He is still very inexperienced and I would feel more comfortable if he can develop some more of a rythm with the 1st team offense.

He can develope rythm in the first Quarter. He got experince last year for 6 games. He played in the pre season for two years. He has enough experince. He doesnt need more time he is ready.

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Rookies AND veterns need the preseason to get ready mentally for the game situation. These games assist in getting the foundation ready. Do they need to play in ALL the games? I think not.

Not plain vanilla.....and yet....not with so much finesse that the rookies get caught up in it and get manuvered out of a job.

Preseason is for adjustments......and even the vets need some adjusting. They have not felt the adrenaline of the game for over 6 months. They need to be in there.

It is not about the quantity of the preseason games......but the quality of the play during the few games that include the vets.

In reality...we will watch players we will never see again.

So......I said all that to say.....play the starters minimum of time....maybe 2 games of the 4....no more than 3 quarters total.

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