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Hacker in Transformers movie is a skins fan


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Snyder probably payed $40 million for that. Product placement is key, and if the movie pans out well than Snyder may have made himself a few hundred more skins fans, which in turn could lead to more season ticket sales, but at the very least more merchandise sales. Good For us, this is the reason we are the second best franchise in the world(in regards to sales).

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Here we go again, another transformers thread. Use search function buddy.

I am all for beating up somebody who starts new threads when we already have a ton, however I only see 1 transformer thread and it didn't mention anything about Anthony Anderson as a redskin fan.

Also have you ever tried to do an actual search before? The seach function is about as reliable as George Bush sounding intelligent.

Leave the man alone if he wants to start this thread

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I am all for beating up somebody who starts new threads when we already have a ton, however I only see 1 transformer thread and it didn't mention anything about Anthony Anderson as a redskin fan.

Also have you ever tried to do an actual search before? The seach function is about as reliable as George Bush sounding intelligent.

Leave the man alone if he wants to start this thread

Actually I did use the search function before I posted this thread. I found at least two more threads about transformer movie. One more thread about it is, one too many. Since you know the how to use the search function, may be you should search for "forum rules".

I wasn't beating him up. All I said, is used the search function buddy, notice the word buddy. The original posted understood, at least I hope he did, that I wasn't trying to bash him for it. With your reply to me which has absolutely NOTHING to do with you, I will put money on the fact that you would bash him for doing this if I didn't do this already. You are bi**ing at me because I took your chance away to bi*ch at the original poster. Sorry buddy. Next time I'll leave that post open for you so you can get your daily bi*ching done.

And if this doesn't help, this might:


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Snyder probably payed $40 million for that. Product placement is key, and if the movie pans out well than Snyder may have made himself a few hundred more skins fans, which in turn could lead to more season ticket sales, but at the very least more merchandise sales. Good For us, this is the reason we are the second best franchise in the world(in regards to sales).

Well considering the movie brought in over 27 million dollars on it's opening Tuesday, which broke the previous Tuesday opening amount by over 12 million dollars. Something tells me it's going to be huge and if Danny Boy did pay to have a 'Skins jersey in there he is going to get his money's worth!

What's the knock on Michael Bay's films besides the horrendous ''The Island''.

Pearl Harbour and Armageddon were just as bad as The Island as far as I'm concerned. Now before I get torched for writing this in The Stadium, just let me say that the Transformers movie is amazing. I felt 10 years old all over again and of course seeing CP26 jersey on the big screen was sweet! Now if Danny had been thinking, he would have payed Bay to put a 'Skins jersey on Optimus Prime! Now that would have been sweet!

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I will put money on the fact that you would bash him for doing this if I didn't do this already.

Well since I had actualy posted 2 things on this thread and I didn't bash him you would lose that money. PAY UP! :laugh:

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