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The Real Injustice Today...

Ghost of

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I agree.

I was shocked when I heard what she was convicted of. She murdered him plain and simple. Her defense sounds like a croc of crap. If he was that abusive to her and her children then others would have known about it. There would be signs of aggressive behavior by him.

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No one in this thread seems to care what was actually alleged or proven.

What was proven is that she shot a sleeping man in the back. And even if he WAS a ****bag, which I haven't seen proven anywhere, even ****bags are entitled to a fair trial, right?

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What was proven is that she shot a sleeping man in the back. And even if he WAS a ****bag, which I haven't seen proven anywhere, even ****bags are entitled to a fair trial, right?

He wasn't on trial. She was.

I'm not saying he should have been shot in the back. I don't condone what she did.

I'm saying that sometimes people snap after long periods of abuse, and when the prosecutor goes all out for a First Degree Murder conviction, sometimes the jury might not go along with it. And we are all assuming that we know the whole story, but we don't.

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I've skipped this thread, but a general observation:

A lot of jokes have been made about the "He needed killin" defense. (With justification, IMO.)

However, I feel that society already has a mechanism in place to determine if, in fact, he did need killin'.

If twelve out of twelve people agree that he needed killin', then he did.

In this case, speaking from a position of total ignorance of the details of the case, my first reaction is: Twelve out of twelve people just spent days studying the case, and they unanimously agreed that (whatever she got convicted of) was the correct punishment.

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