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Bush To Be Dictator In A Catastrophic Emergency

Leonard Washington

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LOL, I love the idea that because I don't like Bush then I'm necessarily a Clinton supporter. This is so blind that is almost scary. BTW, quite ashamedly know I voted for Bush twice. I have since come to my senses, and now regret both of those votes, but that does not mean that i would have voted for Gore or Kerry in either election.

This whole Red/Blue crap has gone on long enough, because it assumes that the talking points of either group are the only options available, the truth is that both Red and Blue are both wrong more than they are right, but sadly right now they pretty much control the debate, but this is changing thankfully.

I say that you should not vote in the next election and give my vote more value. Of course, Bush is better than either Gore or Kerry and if you don't see that, then don't vote. I truly wish that no one else would vote other than me, and then I would have the omnipotent voice in that election.:cheers:

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I say that you should not vote in the next election and give my vote more value. Of course, Bush is better than either Gore or Kerry and if you don't see that, then don't vote. I truly wish that no one else would vote other than me, and then I would have the omnipotent voice in that election.:cheers:

Well, I do vote so...

And if you think that Bush is better than Gore or Kerry then you're living in fantasyland. $426 Billion spent on his war, an increase in the abortion rate, and legalization of Gay marriages in Vermont. It would seem that the only people that Bush has been good for are Regent University grads, those holding stock in Oil corporations, and Haliburton stock holders, plus the wealthy who benefit most from his tax cuts. BTW, who's gonna pay for that $426 billion dollars, which is growing by the minute?

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Well, I do vote so...

And if you think that Bush is better than Gore or Kerry then you're living in fantasyland. $426 Billion spent on his war, an increase in the abortion rate, and legalization of Gay marriages in Vermont. It would seem that the only people that Bush has been good for are Regent University grads, those holding stock in Oil corporations, and Haliburton stock holders, plus the wealthy who benefit most from his tax cuts. BTW, who's gonna pay for that $426 billion dollars, which is growing by the minute?

I heard the same comment about the $1 trillion deficit that Reagan gave us that worked to destroy the Soviet Union. It's investments in corporate bonds. I have over $100K invested in government bonds right now, so I'm doing my part.

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I heard the same comment about the $1 trillion deficit that Reagan gave us that worked to destroy the Soviet Union. It's investments in corporate bonds. I have over $100K invested in government bonds right now, so I'm doing my part.

If our country was spending a half billion dollars on something that you vehemently disagreed with, would you be so willing to foot the bill?

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If our country was spending a half billion dollars on something that you vehemently disagreed with, would you be so willing to foot the bill?

Killing terrorists every day is worth $2 trillion and counting. I'm still looking for stats on how many of them will continuously kill. I've seen videos of killing them along mountains and nearby roads at night. Are you aware that every dead terrorist/insurgent makes us safer?

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Killing terrorists every day is worth $2 trillion and counting. I'm still looking for stats on how many of them will continuously kill. I've seen videos of killing them along mountains and nearby roads at night. Are you aware that every dead terrorist/insurgent makes us safer?

My momma used to tell me that I shouldn't pluck out grey hairs because for every one that I pull two replace it.

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