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The Smart Way To Value Next Year's Picks

Yomar The Nifty

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Short post so I may be in violation but didn't know where to put it. Any consideration the team gives to trading one or more picks from next year's draft to pick up anoth draft pick this year should be done from a very conservative stance, at that would be under the assumption that out picks next year will be high round selections.

If a player falls to the third round who the team feels was worth a high 2nd round pick, then go ahead and make that trade (for next year's 2nd), but it is easy to convince yourself that the team will do well because it is what we all want to happen, but the smart play in a situation like this is to limit the downside, not expect the upside.

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Trading away future picks for current picks isnt a problem, its when you trade them for a player who isnt worth it. A draft pick is a draft pick, its used to pick a player. Whether you pick that player in 07 or 08 doesnt matter so much(though in 07 you get one more year of experience) as it does who you pick.

Id much rather trade an 08 pick and get an 07 player who dropped far beyond what the Skins expected, and is a guy they really want then sit pat in 08 and pick a guy at a spot becuase we have no other option and he is the best available.

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I kind of agree, but if Gibbs can take a realistic look at the team and believes we can win it all, than it's okay to look at it as the last pick in that round. You also must have an idea of what players will be available in the draft next year and whether or not the strengths of the positions in the draft would be a place where you could see yourself in need for the next year.

Very complicated and much more needs to be taken into account, but it worked out for us when we attained Cooley so I trust Gibbs and company to make the right choices if they end up doing it again.

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I'm still guessing that even if we don't move into this year's draft, at least 30% of next year's picks will disappear in Free Agency. I don't mind this as long as we get value. It's the throwing away of draft picks that bug me - you know - giving up a 3rd for a RB you have no intention of playing or keeping - that sort of thing.

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