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Pentagon: al-Qaida Operative Captured


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I understand and respect your position, Predicto, and I may well be in the minority on this. What else is new? ;)

I'm just not sure what the alternative is. As I said, whether or not we should be in Iraq is HIGHLY debatable. However, I can say with near certainty that if we just walk away now, the thugs win. Iraq will become a more advanced and more comfortable Afghanistan. And the terror attacks planned and launched from there would likely rival anything we've ever seen.

I'm not saying there was an Al-Qaeda link to Iraq before the war. I think that's been pretty well discredited. However, if we leave now, the battle for power will be won by indiscriminate killers. I hate to use a Bushism, but Iraq WILL become a safe-haven for terrorists. And like I said, they'd have far more resources there than in Afghanistan.

My heart breaks right along with everyone else's everytime an American soldier dies for a seeming lost cause. I'm still friends with some of those guys. But it is in our self-interest to see this thing through. And I do believe that if they weren't occupied in their own back yard, that the terrorists who comprise Al Qaeda in Iraq would be planning the next 9/11.

In 2001, Saddam Hussein was still defying the WORLD community; not the United States, but the United Nations. We know now that Hussein was just posturing. He kicked out the weapons inspectors. And I'm sorry, but that does give the indication that he had something to hide. Once we watched the heart of our biggest city collapse, it was difficult to allow ourselves to think, "well, he's just a little man puffing his chest out." We can't take that chance in this world anymore.

If so-called rogue nations want to "posture" these days, they're going to have to be prepared to suffer the consequences. I would rather piss off someone who already hates me than watch a dirty bomb explode in DC because we didn't want to hurt people's feelings.

Like I said, I am torn on what we should do now. I do not think that Iraq will become Afganistan II if we leave, with open terrorist training camps and the like. However, I do think there will be a civil war, with the Shiites coming out on top. Which would be more like an Iran II, I guess.

What I don't know is whether that is going to happen anyway, if we stay for 3 more months or 13 more years. I just don't know. And I am damn sure that the idiots in the White House right now don't know either.

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If so-called rogue nations want to "posture" these days, they're going to have to be prepared to suffer the consequences. I would rather piss off someone who already hates me than watch a dirty bomb explode in DC because we didn't want to hurt people's feelings.

Amen, Brutha! Amen! :applause: :cheers:

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on topic of the signifigance of this capture, this is the guy who bridged the gap between domestic iraqi resistance and foreign terror groups in Iraq. Al-q was having trouble recruiting domestic participants cause they were competeing for recruits with domestic iraqi resistance(baathists, religous sects, ect...).

with him removed al-qs foreign terrorists are gonna pretty much be on their own. This guy had a lot of clout with iraqi's, he was a big gun in saddams military till he went to afghanistan to fight with bin laden to repell the soviets. al-q will most likely have to rely entirely on foreign fighters and resources brought in from the outside.

this is a big victory for us, he was a major player with a lot of clout.

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on topic of the signifigance of this capture, this is the guy who bridged the gap between domestic iraqi resistance and foreign terror groups in Iraq. Al-q was having trouble recruiting domestic participants cause they were competeing for recruits with domestic iraqi resistance(baathists, religous sects, ect...).

with him removed al-qs foreign terrorists are gonna pretty much be on their own. This guy had a lot of clout with iraqi's, he was a big gun in saddams military till he went to afghanistan to fight with bin laden to repell the soviets. al-q will most likely have to rely entirely on foreign fighters and resources brought in from the outside.

this is a big victory for us, he was a major player with a lot of clout.

As I said before: Excellent :applause: .

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The main point is this.

Are we creating more Al-Queda/Terrorist folks in Iraq than there were before we got there? Yes or No?

Are we creating more terrorists worldwide through our military actions? yes or no?

Is the grand total number of these loons higher or lower than before we invaded Iraq? Yes or No?

That's funny. I thought the main point was that we captured a really bad dude and some people mcmetal (and apparently you) don't think it is a big deal.

No matter what you think about the war, administration, healthcare, public transportation, or the Redskins, this IS A GOOD THING.

Try saying it out loud....you will feel better. :D


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The problem is - a lot of the world does not see it as 'defending ourselves' when we are in their country.

Perhaps the world needs to open it's eyes and Iraq can help with that?

Who are they killing in Iraq?

We have suffered over 3,000 deaths there,while the Iraqi's are dying at their "fellow Muslim's" hands by the hundreds at a time.

If we created terrorists by invading,how come THEY are not when killing?

The whole idea(not necessarily yours ;) ) that we "create" terrorists is faulty.

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Perhaps the world needs to open it's eyes and Iraq can help with that?

Who are they killing in Iraq?

We have suffered over 3,000 deaths there,while the Iraqi's are dying at their "fellow Muslim's" hands by the hundreds at a time.

If we created terrorists by invading,how come THEY are not when killing?

The whole idea(not necessarily yours ;) ) that we "create" terrorists is faulty.

I'm not sure I follow what you are saying here.

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