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ESPN Davis is being phased out


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I am starting to get sick of Spurrier. I love the Skins, but what kind of team gets rid of their BEST Offensive player. I am pissed off at the season and I am pissed off at the front office. My emotions are very high, Davis is a stud there is nothing anyone can say otherwise. To let him go is stupid!!!

Redskins to give more playing time to Betts


Associated Press

ASHBURN, Va. -- There's not much a player can say when it appears the team is phasing him out. Accepting it seems wrong. Complaining about it seems wrong.


So Stephen Davis shrugged.

"What am I going to say? What can I say?'' the Washington Redskins running back said Wednesday. He didn't speak in an impolite or angry manner. In fact, he looked at reporters and added: "Nothing against y'all. Trust me. Nothing against y'all.''

Davis is Washington's No. 3 career rushing leader and the first player in franchise history to run for 1,000-plus yards three years in a row. He's not flashy, but he has excellent vision and the reputation for turning a 3-yard gain into a 6-yard gain.

But now he's playing for coach Steve Spurrier, who would rather pass the ball, even though the Redskins don't have the quarterbacks to run a pass-oriented offense. Though he's tried to bolster his case with comments such as "this offense has to go through me,'' Davis has just 726 yards on 193 carries. He's on pace to get fewer than 1,300 yards and fewer than 290 carries for the first time since 1998.

Then, this week, Spurrier dropped the latest Davis bombshell: Second-round draft pick Ladell Betts will get plenty of playing time over the final four games as the Redskins (5-7) wind down the season.

"Stephen has carried it a whole bunch this year,'' Spurrier said. "And if we are going to look to these younger guys, maybe there is a time to do it in the next four games.''

The Redskins will have to deal with Davis after the season because he is scheduled to count an unwieldy $11.4 million against the salary cap in 2003. Either a new contract has to be negotiated, or Davis will have to be cut.

So far, there have been no negotiations.

The soft-spoken Davis isn't the transient type, and he's said he would like to remain in Washington. But he's taken shots at Spurrier's play-calling, including a not-so-subtle "their game plan was better than ours'' after the Thanksgiving loss at Dallas.

Spurrier has waffled in response. He's said, at times, that he needs to run Davis more, and other times he's indicated he'll keep throwing because the run has been just as ineffective as the pass. Notably, however, over the last six games the Redskins have won the three in which they ran more than passed and lost the three in they passed more than ran.

Davis is averaging 3.8 yards per carry, his lowest average since he became a full-time starter, and he's just 6-for-9 in converting third-and-1s. But much of that has to do with an offensive line that has shuffled guards all season.

Davis is one of several potential salary cap casualties on the team. Defensive tackle Dan Wilkinson and safety Sam Shade will probably be cut, and right tackle Jon Jansen looks set to become a free agent.

That means Spurrier needs to audition replacements. In Davis' case, that means Betts. Spurrier wouldn't say outright he's gauging whether Betts can start next year, but that's the feeling everyone has -- including Betts.

"They picked me in the second round, so I'm sure they want to see what they're getting,'' Betts said. "Hopefully I won't let anybody down out there.''

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Here's the glass-half-full approach: Maybe our brilliant front office is just asking Spurrier to give Betts playing time as part of their strategy to get Davis to renegotiate his contract.

OK, we all know the front office still has to get a note from Danny to use the bathroom and couldn't spell strategy if you spotted them the first 8 letters. But we can dream, right?

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Maybe if Davis ran as hard as he's been working his mouth he would still be part of the plan.

I'm sick of his mouth. So tell me St. Davis, what did you do when you *did* get the ball vs Dallas? ZILCH! NADA! ZIP.

SeeYa. Have a nice life.


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We all saw this coming, I'm just disappointed a classy guy like Davis has to be treated this way. Over the past few seasons he's been my favorite player, it will be tough to see him in another uniform, but I'll always root for him, just like I still do for BJ.

Davis just isn't a good fit in this offense, he wasn't from day one. He'll never get the 20-25 carries he needs on a consistent basis, especially once Spurrier gets the pieces in place to make the Fun 'n' Gun work. For his sake, he's better off going somewhere that uses a power running game, and will center the offense around him.

He's still got a few good seasons in him, he ran into some unfortunate circumstances this year, with the offensive line problems, bad play at QB, new offense, poor playcalling, etc. I expect he'll land on his feet somewhere and have a bounce back season in '03.

Here's to you Davis, you'll always be a Redskin at heart.


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This is a SMART move by the front office. Davis is gone next year. Accept it. He wont rework his contract (why would he?) so he will have to be cut. Shouldn't we find out what our young guys can do? PLUS Davis can earn bonuses with performance. WHy should we hurt our cap even more??? Out of loyalty? Please.

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The Skins really do not want to have to blow another high pick on a running back given their needs at other positions, but they may have no choice. There will likely be no starting caliber RBs available in free agency, so it's down to either playing Davis under his current contract or lay everything on Betts's shoulders for next season.

I would be VERY surprised if Davis agrees to renegotiate in order to stay though. He's a poor fit for this offensive scheme and may never hit the numbers he has over the past few seasons. The best case scenario for him would be for the team to cut him so he can sign with someone else for a fat bonus and more playing time. His worst case scenario would be the Skins figuring out how to squeeze him under the cap.

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Maybe if Davis ran as hard as he's been working his mouth he would still be part of the plan.

I'm sick of his mouth. So tell me St. Davis, what did you do when you *did* get the ball vs Dallas? ZILCH! NADA! ZIP.

SeeYa. Have a nice life.


"What am I going to say? What can I say?'' the Washington Redskins running back said Wednesday. He didn't speak in an impolite or angry manner. In fact, he looked at reporters and added: "Nothing against y'all. Trust me. Nothing against y'all.''

This is running his mouth?? I'd love to hear what you think about guys like Sapp or Deion.

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Originally posted by mattyk72

We all saw this coming, I'm just disappointed a classy guy like Davis has to be treated this way. Over the past few seasons he's been my favorite player, it will be tough to see him in another uniform, but I'll always root for him, just like I still do for BJ.

Davis just isn't a good fit in this offense, he wasn't from day one. He'll never get the 20-25 carries he needs on a consistent basis, especially once Spurrier gets the pieces in place to make the Fun 'n' Gun work. For his sake, he's better off going somewhere that uses a power running game, and will center the offense around him.

He's still got a few good seasons in him, he ran into some unfortunate circumstances this year, with the offensive line problems, bad play at QB, new offense, poor playcalling, etc. I expect he'll land on his feet somewhere and have a bounce back season in '03.

Here's to you Davis, you'll always be a Redskin at heart.


with every post you make, i gain more respect for you... i think out of everyone on the board, you resemble my feelings closer than anyone else... nice post, once again... :cool:

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

This is a SMART move by the front office. Davis is gone next year. Accept it. He wont rework his contract (why would he?) so he will have to be cut. Shouldn't we find out what our young guys can do? PLUS Davis can earn bonuses with performance. WHy should we hurt our cap even more??? Out of loyalty? Please.

Of course he won't re-work his deal. I don't think he really wants to leave, but he doesn't have much of a choice. Why would he want to stay in this offense when he can go elsewhere and get twice the carries.

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Originally posted by THiTo48

with every post you make, i gain more respect for you... i think out of everyone on the board, you resemble my feelings closer than anyone else... nice post, once again... :cool:

Thanks man. It's nice to see someone else can see through the BS of "what have you done for me lately", and can appreciate a classy player who's busted his tail for the team, and is being uncermoniously shown the door.

Unforuntately, it's business, it's today's NFL, and I understand that. Still sucks though.

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I loved Davis at Auburn. I was over joyed when the Skins selected him. I was pissed at Westbroke when he sucker punched Davis. I thought that Norv finally did something right when he tapped Davis as the starting RB................................but...................

Davis has been underutilized this year, not his fault. The thing that really urkes me is that he COULD be a very successful back in this offense. I don't know if he has given this any consideration. I have been posting this on several threads. A good back in Spurrier's offense will be very productive once all the pieces are in place.

Lets look at this. In today's game how does a team establish the run? In years gone by a team would use the run to set up the pass. Get the LBs on the balls of their feet cheating up to stop the run and the safties playing a yard or two closer to the line of scrimmage and their first step forward then boom..........hit them with the pass.

Today's game is different. You have to have an EFFECTIVE passing game in order to run. If you can't threaten deep with the pass or even intermediate then the defense goes to 8 in the box and the safties start to cheat up. Without an overpowering OL you can't run effectively. This has been our problem this year. No good defense has respected our offense's ability to throw. Especially with DW at QB. The line has been sub par, therefore we can't run the ball effectively.

Now jump forward to next year (if the moves are made to supply SS with the weapons he needs). When you throw the ball effectively, the defense can't put 8 in the box and the linebackers are taking their first step backwards in anticipation of the pass. The safties are playing at 12 yard depths and thier first move is stationary to read the pass or the run, they don't cheat up. Next thing ya know you run off three or four straight passes and the defense is on thier heels. DL and DE are pinning thier ears back for the pass rush. You throw some play action or a sprint draw in there and the back won't be touched for 7 yards. Any back will have success in this system.

Davis has an opportunity to extend his career if he stays with the skins. He won't take so much punishment running like this and they play their home games on grass. Why doesn't someone in the FO or Davis' agent tell him this. He can restructure his deal, make plenty of money and have great success in this system for years to come and everyone is happy.

:laugh: :cool: :cool:

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Nobody has come up with a reason for him to stay.

He's not going to get the carries and spotlight under SPurrier. He will be asked to block more and catch passes.

If you were Davis and you could rework your deal to stay or get the same amt of money from the Skins AND money from another team that wants to run the ball old school style. Which would you choose?

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Maybe if Davis ran as hard as he's been working his mouth he would still be part of the plan.

I'm sick of his mouth. So tell me St. Davis, what did you do when you *did* get the ball vs Dallas? ZILCH! NADA! ZIP.

SeeYa. Have a nice life.


Thank you....... I feel exactly the same way.

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If I were in Davis' shoes I'd take the option that lets me stay productive in the league the longest. I can make more money that way.

He's never going to break the all time rushing record. Why not select a team based upon longevity and the surface they play on. His bruising style of running is just that...................bruising to himself and others. There aren't many backs in the league that have that style of running that stick around for alot of years!

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You can't bury your head in the sand and assume that Davis will renegotiate a friendly contract. You can't pay him based on what he has done in past years and in different offensive schemes. You have to pay him based on his value to the team NOW and over the next few years. Davis' fault or not ... that value has diminished somewhat.

Giving Betts some reps MAY be a negotiating ploy or it may be an honest attempt to gauge his ability. Either way it's not a bad thing to do.

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Originally posted by mattyk72

"What am I going to say? What can I say?'' the Washington Redskins running back said Wednesday. He didn't speak in an impolite or angry manner. In fact, he looked at reporters and added: "Nothing against y'all. Trust me. Nothing against y'all.''

This is running his mouth?? I'd love to hear what you think about guys like Sapp or Deion.

Davis has been popping off all year about not getting the ball enough, Their game plan was better than our game plan, and on and on...

I can't stand Stephen "too slow, fumbles too much, Me Me Me..." Davis.

Maybe we should re sign Westbrook so he can punch him in the face again.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Davis has been popping off all year about not getting the ball enough, Their game plan was better than our game plan, and on and on...

I can't stand Stephen "too slow, fumbles too much, Me Me Me..." Davis.

Maybe we should re sign Westbrook so he can punch him in the face again.

Davis has earned the right to speak out about the offense. He's a guy that's ran for over 4100 yards and 30 TD's the previous three seasons. The only thing he did was state the obvious, that Spurrier needed to run more. And weren't the Cowboys more prepared than we were?? Sure seemed like it to me, they attacked our weaknesses perfectly, the same can't be said for Spurrier's gameplan.

To me, when a usually soft-spoken and reserved guy like Davis speaks up, it tells me something is seriously wrong. I wouldn't really call it "popping off". He's not a guy that just runs his mouth for the sake of hearing himself talk. As a leader, once in a while you have to speak up in the press and maybe question your teammates, coaches, etc.

Just look at Shaq, the other day he called out his team, is anyone blasting him as being a motor mouth? No, because he's saying what everyone already knows, that his team needs to step the F up.

Your comment about Westbrook is real classy bro.

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i can't believe this is how people treat the one player that has *singlehandedly* carried our offense the past 3-4 seasons... he's a Redskin... drafted by the team in 1996 and molded into the player he is today... he's not some free agent pick-up who demanded big money and he's not a cancer in the locker room that expects everything to be HIS way... he wants carries - he wants the ball... and if by him saying that makes him a selfish player, then i don't get it... what offensive player do you know of that doesn't want that ball... you find me that player, and i'll find you a bum... he is the most soft spoken charismatic leader i've ever seen, and it's a damn shame he's gonna be gone...

if he leaves, it will pain me to watch... #48 is the the definition of what the Redskins tradition is all about... he's a smashmouth player who lives and breathes for the game of football... how many times has he played hurt? how many times has he came up big in key situations? as much as it's hard to accept, i understand he doesn't fit in with this offensive system... i think he could, but the organization hasn't even made an attempt to re-sign him... he's as classy a guy as you'll find in the NFL and for everyone that's bashing him, it's getting old...

i believe in loyalty... after everything SD has done for this team, if the Redskins don't show him any repsect, i would at least hope the fans would...

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"Stephen has carried it a whole bunch this year,'' Spurrier said. "And if we are going to look to these younger guys, maybe there is a time to do it in the next four games.''

You know, it also could be that Spurrier has realized what Davis is worth.

While I think there is a chance that Spurrier is going to let Davis go, his comment, IMHO, simply says that he knows what Davis brings to the table, but he is not positive what Betts brings to it.

Either way, Spurrier needs some WR for his offense to go. Davis would be well over 1000 yds if we had a passing game that people feared. That is what Spurrier's offense does. Forces teams to honor the pass and they get killed with the run. Nickel and dime backs don't fair well vs Davis.

Look for us, no matter what happens with Davis, to go find a burner who scares the hell out of people. I also think that Russell may very well come to play next year and we'll see the exact same offense but it will be more potent. Then, our running backs should start piling up the yards.

Hell, look at what Denver has accomplished.

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Originally posted by THiTo48

... #48 is the the definition of what the Redskins tradition is all about... he's a smashmouth player ...

You're right, THiTo48, but the problem is, we are not a smashmouth team any more. That's Redskin tradition, but not current (or forseeable future) Redskin football.

Aside from the fumbling, Davis hasn't done anything to warrant getting blasted, but neither has he done enough to make giving him a big, long contract worthwhile. He may have carried the offense over the last 3 or 4 years, but I'm not sure how much that's saying since, other than the first half of '99, we haven't been very good offensively over that period.

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As far as Davis not being a good fit for Spurrier's offense, I guess that's true -- Davis is an all-pro who holds most the Redskins team rushing records. He is a hardcore, smashmouth football player, old-school stylee.

Maybe if he was a suckjob 3rd string towelboy he'd fit Spurrier's offense better.

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