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Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2


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Just so you all know, this game kicks some azz. Anyone who plays Xbox 360 should purchase this game. Graphics, options, gear, etc, are all insane. Probably the best shooter game I have ever owned. If you've heard of Socom, then just think of Socom x 1,000,000, this game is literally that good.

Game will run you $60 in store, but if you buy it from Circuit City, before the 12th I believe, it'll run you $50.

Also, if you have anything saved from Splinter Cell or Rainbow 6 Vegas on your 360, the 360 will scan for it when you put in GRAW2 and unlock hidden things, goggles, masks, and some other things.

If you all want to add me, send an invite to CooleyTE

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Gears of War was a huge disappointment. That game ended way to quick. I imagine they have a Gears of War 2 in developement somewhere.

Yeah, a lot of people love the game and told me to get it, when I did I thought it was a bunch of BS.

The only thing I really liked was how you could like stand behind a wall, and then come around on them when they walked up the steps and blow them away with the shotgun, but I agree.

I mean I know its not a realistic game, but I still think a shot to the head is an automatic kill, which that game doesn't have.

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What's the story behind GRAW2? Cos Clancy usually has something to do with them so they are usually good. So where's it set and what is it about?...no spoilers please.

Quoted from article:

"The Ghosts are called upon to face an imminent threat to the United States as a new war erupts along the border towns of Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Texas."

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