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Those shameless Bucs


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It seems the Bucs can get away with murder and still be adored. Look at the way they handled Dungy and the Parcells fiasco. Now they have Lewis on hold while they are trying to make a deal with the Raiders for Gruden. They have kept Monte Kiflin as their DC, in fact, they have kept the defensive staff, but will not let their DL coach interview with the Colts for their DC job. They claim they are going to promote him. They hired Bill Muir as their OL coach-and he is good but I guess they don't trust thier new coach to do this.<br />This could work out fine for the Bucs and they could have a very good team. However, their methods leave a lot to be desired. I am sure by next season all will be forgiven by the media. However, I never want to hear from the media about how Dan Snyder treats people after what I have seen from the Bucs.

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bottom line is they win....not the big one perhaps, but the franchise was turned around in a pretty smart fashion and they routinely make the playoffs. again, success quiets the critics. they are now trying to take it to the next level. we shall see if they make it or not.<br /><br />skins critics will be silenced also once we make it to the playofss and start advancing - nothing like pointing to the scoreboard at the end of the game!

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I don't think that the media has gone easy on the bucs. Every report that I have read or heard or seen about it has pretty much come down on the "they are really screwing up" side of things. And, as I suspect that their days in the playoffs are over because of this massive mismanagement, it is only going to get worse.

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I agree: I think the Bucs have emerged from this coaching thing looking very bad in the eyes of the league, media & fans. They were also very much called out at the end of the year for being exactly what they are: a talented team who cannot back up its big talk with big wins. That really came home to roost for them & lots of folks nailed them on it.

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the Bucs are a team that has always had overrated talent. Alstott is overrated. Dunn is overrated. Brad Johnson is overrated. the entire offensive line is overrated. Ronde Barber is overrated. Donnie Abraham is overrated.<br /><br />that is why this team has failed to advance, it is just not that good.<br /><br />oh, they have players that TALK about winning championships, guys like Sapp and Keyshawn.<br /><br />What did they do against Philly in the playoffs the past two years?<br /><br />Nothing, laid an egg both times. 21-6 and 31-9 routs.<br /><br />The games weren't even close.<br /><br />The Bucs are a 9-7 to 10-6 wildcard team, no more no less. They don't deserve any more consideration than the NY Jets or the Miami Dolphins.

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