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Resveratrol May Slow Aging (Fortune 500 article)


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Turns out there's something to it. Fortune's David Stipp recounts the amazing, real story of the scientist and startup that have a shot at making it happen.


By David Stipp, Fortune

January 19 2007: 12:54 PM EST

NEW YORK (Fortune) -- If you haven't heard of resveratrol, you're probably too young to have had the experience of gazing in the bathroom mirror in the morning and thinking, "damn."

Resveratrol is the ingredient in red wine that made headlines in November when scientists demonstrated that it kept overfed mice from gaining weight, turned them into the equivalent of Olympic marathoners, and seemed to slow down their aging process. Few medical discoveries have generated so much instant buzz - even Jay Leno riffed about it in his opening monologue.

Click the link for full article:


This is good stuff. Makes me want to stop drinking beer and start drinking red wine.

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You could never drink enough red wine to get any benefit from what I can discern. I have been taking resveratrol for a few months now and have my parents taking it also. The study used a very large dose - if memory serves 23mg per pound of body weight. I go around 260lbs and take about 3500-5000 mgs daily.

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Logic suggests that at some point, science is going to come up with the formula to begin measurably slowing the aging process. The implications are staggering.

Population control over time is an obvious one.

As is the reality that while more "developed" countries where a sizeable percentage of the population will begin to age, poor and underdeveloped countries will remain comparably much younger.

As is creating the single biggest demand for a product in the history of mankind. Think penicillin was a hit? Viagra? Please. Consider a pill that quite literally cheats death.

As is the likelihood that whoever gets the first patent is going to make Bill Gates look like a pauper.

As are about a million other things we could riff on.

You just KNOW there are a whole lot of really smart, really motivated people out there burning the midnight oil to be The One that goes down in history as not only He/She Who Conquered (or at least Meaningfully Postponed) Death ... but as He/She Who Owned the World.

I may be too old at 46 to have expectations of a dramatically expanded lifespan, but with each passing year as I watch the developments in medical science I'm more and more convinced that it could well be my kids who could be the first generation to live to 150, 200...?

And their kids...?

Okay. Back to real life. :)

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CB- How did you get it? Are you enrolled in a clinical trial?

No Riggo:D It's readily available but you should only buy from the following sources:

Bill Sardi / Purity Products


www.vitacost.com - cheaper...

The reason being (from what I read mind you) is that resveratrol's chemical composition is highly reactive to light. I think reactive is apt. Short story - light destroys the stuff and the manufacturing process must take this into consideration. The sources above use technology that hermetically seals and protects it...

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So have you noticed any effects? Does the stuff actually do anything for you?

I'm intrigued.

That's the 64K question for most of these products Metal - antioxidants and the like. I have been sickly my whole life and learned the hard way what modern medicine can and cannot do for you. I have also witnessed terminal illness up close and personal. There are myriad things one can do to stave off and treat illness. You must be proactive.

Yes, I have felt a difference taking the product. Specifically I suffer from asthma and feel without a doubt my lung function has improved. I have more stamina and less attacks. I also recover better from any physical activity. Bear in mind I use very large amounts and you will likely have to take it consistently for a few months straight to notice a difference or any difference.

Read as much as you can...

try this site:


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