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Chairman: Bush officials misled public on global warming


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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Democratic chairman of a House panel examining the government's response to climate change said Tuesday there is evidence that senior Bush administration officials sought repeatedly "to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming."

Rep. Henry Waxman, D-California, said he and the top Republican on his oversight committee, Rep. Tom Davis of Virginia, have sought documents from the administration on climate policy, but repeatedly been rebuffed.

"The committee isn't trying to obtain state secrets or documents that could affect our immediate national security," said Waxman, opening the hearing. "We are simply seeking answers to whether the White House's political staff is inappropriately censoring impartial government scientists."

"We know that the White House possesses documents that contain evidence of an attempt by senior administration officials to mislead the public by injecting doubt into the science of global warming and minimize the potential danger," Waxman said.

Administration officials were not scheduled to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In the past the White House has said it has only sought to inject balance into reports on climate change. Present Bush has acknowledged concerns about global warming, but strongly opposes mandatory caps of greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that approach would be too costly.

Waxman said his committee had not received documents it requested from the White House and other agencies, and that a handful of papers received on the eve of the hearing "add nothing to our inquiry."

Two private advocacy groups, meanwhile, presented to the panel a survey of government climate scientists showing that many of them say they have been subjected to political pressure aimed at downplaying the threat of global warming.

Survey: Scientists pressured to downplay threat

The groups presented a survey that shows two in five of the 279 climate scientists who responded to a questionnaire complained that some of their scientific papers had been edited in a way that changed their meaning. Nearly half of the 279 said in response to another question that at some point they had been told to delete reference to "global warming" or "climate change" from a report.

The questionnaire was sent by the Union of Concerned Scientists, a private advocacy group. The report also was based on "firsthand experiences" described in interviews with the Government Accountability Project, which helps government whistleblowers, lawmakers were told.

At the same time, Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-California, sought to gauge her colleague's sentiment on climate change. She opened a meeting where senators were to express their views on global warming in advance of a broader set of hearings on the issue.

Among those scheduled to make comments were two presidential hopefuls -- Sens. John McCain, R-Arizona, and Barack Obama, D-Illinois. Both lawmakers favor mandatory reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, something opposed by President Bush, who argues such requirements would threaten economic growth. (Watch why the president has proposed his own global warming initiative icon_video.gif)

U.N. climate change report expected soon

The intense interest about climate change comes as some 500 climate scientists gather in Paris this week to put the final touches on a United Nations report on how warming, as a result of a growing concentration of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, is likely to affect sea levels. (Watch how global warming my be changing Asia' climate icon_video.gif)

They agree sea levels will rise, but not on how much. Whatever the report says when it comes out at week's end, it is likely to influence the climate debate in Congress.

At the Waxman hearing, the two advocacy groups said their research -- based on the questionnaires, interviews and documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act -- revealed "evidence of widespread interference in climate science in federal agencies."

The groups report described largely anonymous claims by scientists that their findings at times at been misrepresented, that they had been pressured to change findings and had been restricted on what they were allowed to say publicly.

The survey involved scientists across the government from NASA and the Environmental Protection Agency to the department's of Agriculture, Energy, Commerce, Defense and Interior. In all the government employees more than 2,000 scientists who spend at least some of their time on climate issues, the report said.

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At the Waxman hearing, the two advocacy groups said their research -- based on the questionnaires, interviews and documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act -- revealed "evidence of widespread interference in climate science in federal agencies."

Anybody surprised by this?

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No...Not at all. Can't wait till these idots get out of the office in 08. Its pathetic people even voted for him the 2nd time. Can wait for Sarge to spin this now..

I dont think Sarge likes to get involved in Global Warming topics... but somebody else will surely stop by to mention that if temperature changes naturally then all changes in temperature are natural :) It always puzzled me how people could not see the logical flaw in that line of thinking.

The other one is also good, it goes something like this: alarmists are wrong by definition, so something is not the case if there are alarmists saying it.

And of course the all-time favorite: "it's all a bunch of hippie bull" ;)

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Oh good! we get another 50 page debate on Global (insert newest PC term here).

warming, cooling, climate change, etc

I think we all know where each other stands on this and there is no convincing either side to change.

To sum it up,,, why bother???

Because this is not a matter of convincing. It is a matter of discovering and exposing ways in which the science showing Global Warming to be very real was and is being suppressed and discredited. Public disinformation campaigns can only last for so long, especially against evidence that is mounting at increasing speed. At some point they get exposed, and what you're seing now is the beginning of that process.

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Because this is not a matter of convincing. It is a matter of discovering and exposing ways in which the science showing Global Warming to be very real was and is being suppressed and discredited. Public disinformation campaigns can only last for so long, especially against evidence that is mounting at increasing speed. At some point they get exposed, and what you're seing now is the beginning of that process.

I see a prominent Dem with a vendetta just like most. nothing new here

thank you, come again

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What comes next is so transparent.

They start poking around over something as trivial as this. Then, looking into "global warming" they'll find something on say, the war.

Then they'll start investigating that. Six months later it'll be "IMPEACH BUSH!!!"'

They can't help themselves

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Whether or not political appointees changed the language and conclusions of scientists' reports to better comport with their political agenda is a very different issue than whether or not man-made global climate change is reality.

At least to me.

True that. But even using the scientific method on the subject, different people are going to come up with different results. The subject is just too subjective and results can be interpreted differently

I also submit that the White House probably isn't the only one adjusting conclusions about data.

And as I said, it's just a mean to an end to start an investigation


Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), was one of the four congressional leaders who spoke at the rally. He said: “Our government needs to get the message: Out of Iraq, immediately.” Conyers is the new Chair of the House’s Judiciary Committee. This is the committee which has jurisdiction over any possible impeachment proceedings. In a shot over President George W. Bush’s bow, Conyers said that Bush likes to fire military advisors, who tell him he can’t win the war, but “he can’t fire you [the people]. He can’t fire us [the Congress], but ‘we can fire him.’” With that line a roar went up in the audience. The loud chant began: “Impeach Bush!”

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Every single one of the 50,000+ members of this website will be dead and decomposed before any of this crap comes to fruition; if it ever does; so why the hell does anyone here even care?
Oh no, no, no. It's happening NOOOOOOWWWWWW, and it's Bush and the neocons fault! Micheal Moore and Barbara Streisand said so!It's Dick Cheney screwing with the weather machine in his bunker! I'll muti-quote and post links from Moveon.org to prove all this!
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Every single one of the 50,000+ members of this website will be dead and decomposed before any of this crap comes to fruition; if it ever does; so why the hell does anyone here even care?

Um, that's easy. Some of us aren't quite as convinced as you that the world revolves around one specific individual. Also, there's that whole children thing. You know, some crazy types like to think about the world they're leaving to their children and children's children. Losers.

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What comes next is so transparent.

They start poking around over something as trivial as this. Then, looking into "global warming" they'll find something on say, the war.

Then they'll start investigating that. Six months later it'll be "IMPEACH BUSH!!!"'

They can't help themselves

Yes, I join you in advocating the immediate resignation of anyone who would use a wholly separate investigation into an unrelated matter to bring about impeachment hearings against a sitting President.


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Yes, I join you in advocating the immediate resignation of anyone who would use a wholly separate investigation into an unrelated matter to bring about impeachment hearings against a sitting President.

So you'll help me write a letter when Conyers fires it up, eh?

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