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RIP Barbaro


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A lot of cold hearted ****s in this thread - RIP Barbaro. :(

An average of 2 race horses either suffer fatal injuries during the race, or are euthanized shortly thereafter, every single day.

That is very tragic. I think most comments being made that you might call insensitive aren't apthetic comments, but rather opinions based off of current practices.

Like I said, if Barbaro wasn't so popular, he most likely would've euthanized that day, just like 730 other horses are every year.

Barbaro's death is sad, just like the other 730 horses a year dieing because of the race. Where are the threads for those other 730 horses, and why didn't their owners do the same that Barbaro's did?

If Barbaro's owners did keep him alive out of shear love, then hey, the more power to them, and I wish other owners would be the same. But given the trends, its difficult to believe compassion was the only factor keeping Barbaro alive. I want to believe that, but it's difficult.

EDIT: I typed this while JRock was typing his response a few posts up... I think i'm on Jrock's page on this one. It's sad, but, there's more to it.

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For people that dont know AI or artificial insimination isnt allowed in the thoroughbred industry. Im not exactly sure why not but I think it has something to do with DNA or something. Ive heard that Barbaro was the most expensive horse in history. Ive also heard he was worth his weight in diamonds! no joke.

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An average of 2 race horses either suffer fatal injuries during the race, or are euthanized shortly thereafter, every single day....

.....Barbaro's death is sad, just like the other 730 horses a year dieing because of the race. Where are the threads for those other 730 horses, and why didn't their owners do the same that Barbaro's did?

Unfortunately, the racing industry is big money, Joe. Believe me, I hate it as much as you seem to; though probably for a variety of reasons beyond what you seem to be focused on. Until the American people start paying attention to the realities of what the horse racing industry are, nothing is going to happen.

If Barbaro's owners did keep him alive out of shear love, then hey, the more power to them, and I wish other owners would be the same. But given the trends, its difficult to believe compassion was the only factor keeping Barbaro alive. I want to believe that, but it's difficult.

I won't be so naive as to claim that it was SOLELY love of the animal that caused the owners to try everything in their power to get Barbaro back to health. However, from what I've read and seen in the last year I wouldn't be so shallow as to claim that it was purely their financial interests either.

As a horse owner myself, I dread ever having to go through anything near what these people did. Having to make that decision on when enough is enough and the cost (both financial and emotional) is too much to continue trying to keep my friend alive. I know how broken up I was some years ago when I had to sell a horse. I don't want to think about what I'll be like when I have to put one in the ground.

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Keeping that horse alive for 8 months was an investment decision that didn't pay off. Nothing more, nothing less. They dumped thousands (maybe millions) of dollars to save a horse so that it could make them that money back tenfold, and he didn't make it.

Part of me is appalled that this kind of money was spent to save an animal, while that kind of money could probably save hundreds of human lives if it were spent wisely.

But the other part realizes that this was just another rich guy spending money to try to get richer, which happens all the time anyway.

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Thanos, you've obviously never been around horses. I've had dogs and cats in my life, but it was never until I started spending time with horses that I found a true friend in the animal world. The bond between a person and a horse can be one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in the animal world.

The fact that Dyre (my horse) lets this uncoordinated, dumbass guy (me) get on his back and put a stick of metal in his mouth and pretend that I'm in charge without dumping me on the ground and doing the Mexican Hat Dance on me is nothing short of a miracle. When it is his time to go, I will be devastated.

I have not and that's neither here nor there.This was an animal and seems that some people put more stock in if an animal lives or dies than in humans in certian parts of the world.

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You really do fling ****, huh? When did I say I didn't feel bad for every animal that has to be put down early... or even when it is truly their time? You probably get mad when a human interest story about a specific soldier that has died hits the news too.

:rolleyes: So every time I offer an opposing opinion to anything I'm a pooh-flinger now? Well, that's a great way to win arguments. Just accuse people of that, and you're all set. :rolleyes: So sorry Ive got convictions...I'll work on that. :(

When a human interest story of a specific soldier hits the news, it bothers me as well, but not nearly as much. Why? Because in almost all of those stories they mention the death count in Iraq and at least allude to the fact that there are actually other people dying. This whole Barbaro thing was like "Let's get all sad and weepy over this one horse to hide the fact that almost a 1000 horses a year are put down for the same ailment, without getting ANY medical treatment."

Can you honestly NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

Don't know if you've noticed my posting history in these sorts of threads - but I always feel bad when anything or anyone dies. Look up any thread where people are celebrating the death of an enemy of America or some child molesting pervert - I don't get celebrating death. When someone or something in this world dies - it is sad. Please point out my hypocrisy.

I'm not saying feel bad for Barbaro. When did I say that? Its sad when a horse dies, for sure, especially at such a young age. The hypocrisy is that this happens every day, and people like GFox bite into this whole "we loved the horse so much" shpiel hook, line and sinker.

Is it really that hard for people to understand the concept of a human interest story?

Is it really that hard to understand the reality of the situation?

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For people that dont know AI or artificial insimination isnt allowed in the thoroughbred industry. Im not exactly sure why not but I think it has something to do with DNA or something.

There are many breed associations that do not allow for AI. Especially when big name animals are involved. The reasoning is that breeding makes all the difference in the world to these people. That tube of genetic material could be from any stallion on the planet. If the horse himself does the deed, there is no question as to who the sire is. When you're talking about breed associations where even allowing a stud or mare to 'stand' with an unregistered horse can mean permanent banishment from the association, there is no room for error.

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But the other part realizes that this was just another rich guy spending money to try to get richer, which happens all the time anyway.

Exactly. I'm sure he loved the horse and all that, but if he didn't have the potential to pay him back tenfold, the decision would have been made race day, not yesterday.

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There are many breed associations that do not allow for AI. Especially when big name animals are involved. The reasoning is that breeding makes all the difference in the world to these people. That tube of genetic material could be from any stallion on the planet. If the horse himself does the deed, there is no question as to who the sire is. When you're talking about breed associations where even allowing a stud or mare to 'stand' with an unregistered horse can mean permanent banishment from the association, there is no room for error.

That makes sense- Thanks Mass_skinsfan. So there probably is going to be offspring from Barbaro but none that will race?

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:rolleyes: So every time I offer an opposing opinion to anything I'm a pooh-flinger now? Well, that's a great way to win arguments. Just accuse people of that, and you're all set. :rolleyes: So sorry Ive got convictions...I'll work on that. :(

When a human interest story of a specific soldier hits the news, it bothers me as well, but not nearly as much. Why? Because in almost all of those stories they mention the death count in Iraq and at least allude to the fact that there are actually other people dying. This whole Barbaro thing was like "Let's get all sad and weepy over this one horse to hide the fact that almost a 1000 horses a year are put down for the same ailment, without getting ANY medical treatment."

Can you honestly NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

I'm not saying feel bad for Barbaro. When did I say that? Its sad when a horse dies, for sure, especially at such a young age. The hypocrisy is that this happens every day, and people like GFox bite into this whole "we loved the horse so much" shpiel hook, line and sinker.

Is it really that hard to understand the reality of the situation?

The reason this horse gets new coverage is because he won the biggest race in horse racing. Any Derby winner goes down, it gets covered. There simply isn't the time to cover every horse that goes down. Sad, but true.

You can call the story hypocritical all you want. But you pointed the finger at me. If you can prove that I don't think it's sad everytime a horse is put down, you win. Until then, don't accuse me of things you can't back up.

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The reason this horse gets new coverage is because he won the biggest race in horse racing. Any Derby winner goes down, it gets covered. There simply isn't the time to cover every horse that goes down. Sad, but true.

You can call the story hypocritical all you want. But you pointed the finger at me. If you can prove that I don't think it's sad everytime a horse is put down, you win. Until then, don't accuse me of things you can't back up.

The proof is in the hundreds of horses that die every year.

At best its hypocritical, at worst its total ignorance of the problem. For MOST people, its the latter; most people have no idea how the horse-racing industry works (the dog-racing industry as well, however dogs don't even have to break anything to get killed; losing a race or two is enough).

I did a search for other threads in which you expressed your regret for the horses that die everyday, and it came back with no hits. So yeah, that is hypocritical.

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The proof is in the hundreds of horses that die every year.

At best its hypocritical, at worst its total ignorance of the problem. For MOST people, its the latter; most people have no idea how the horse-racing industry works (the dog-racing industry as well, however dogs don't even have to break anything to get killed; losing a race or two is enough).

I did a search for other threads in which you expressed your regret for the horses that die everyday, and it came back with no hits. So yeah, that is hypocritical.

I have to have a thread to feel bad? I said show where I expressed that I don't give a ****.

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This was an animal and seems that some people put more stock in if an animal lives or dies than in humans in certian parts of the world.

You know, Thanos; I'd suggest that I'd value the lives of most of the horses I've had the pleasure of meeting in my life over most of the people I've met in my life.

A good horse is worth more money than has ever been seen on this planet. A bad horse is proof that humans are stupid. Horses are the most forgiving creatures I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. No matter how stupid I am, how many mistakes I make, and whatever ridiculous thing I ask him to do, Dyre just kind of shakes his head, rolls his eyes and goes "Ok. If you say so." When I fall off, he circles around and looks at me with that... "Hey dummy, I was doing my part, what happened to you?" look, but he lets me get right back up there and try it again. If it hadn't been for the horses my roommate and I own, I'm not sure I would have mentally survived my father's death in 2001. Whoever it is that said "The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man" truly knew what they were talking about.

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The hypocrisy is that this happens every day, and people like GFox bite into this whole "we loved the horse so much" shpiel hook, line and sinker.

Jrock....what the **** do you know about the horse racing industry or horses in general (other than oftentimes coming off as a horse's a**?) I have been around the industry much of my life and am a big fan of it's origin, history and tradition in America.

You probably don't even know that my ES name is derived from Gallant Fox, who happened to be the 2nd Triple Crown winner in history and is also the only horse to have ever sired another Triple Crown winner.

But I am just the one you chose to make an example out of as someone who can't understand compassion and who "bit into it hook, line and sinker"...

Please get banned again soon.

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Jrock....what the **** do you know about the horse racing industry or horses in general (other than oftentimes coming off as a horse's a**?) I have been around the industry much of my life and am a big fan of it's origin, history and tradition in America.

Don't bother. It's not going to mean anything to him. Neither you nor I are going to be able to explain to him that feeling of seeing the beauty of a horse in full gallop. He won't comprehend what it's like to have a horse canter across the field to greet you because they know you're here to see THEM. To understand the way that a big, triangular head sitting on your shoulder can drain away the stresses of the worst work day in an instant.

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Don't bother. It's not going to mean anything to him. Neither you nor I are going to be able to explain to him that feeling of seeing the beauty of a horse in full gallop. He won't comprehend what it's like to have a horse canter across the field to greet you because they know you're here to see THEM. To understand the way that a big, triangular head sitting on your shoulder can drain away the stresses of the worst work day in an instant.

Mass - I gotta say, its nice to see you talk about something bringing you so much joy and peace. :cheers:

At least one that doesn't involve any weapons. :laugh:

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Don't bother. It's not going to mean anything to him. Neither you nor I are going to be able to explain to him that feeling of seeing the beauty of a horse in full gallop. He won't comprehend what it's like to have a horse canter across the field to greet you because they know you're here to see THEM. To understand the way that a big, triangular head sitting on your shoulder can drain away the stresses of the worst work day in an instant.

WTF are you talking about Mass? Obviously you missed my point. By a mile.

I am upset with the number of horses killed every year by their owners in the horse racing industry. Its a cruel, heartless practice that occurs not only in horse racing but dog racing as well. Its sad that Barbaro died; it truly is. But its sadder that many more horses have died while Barbaro was news, and that many more horses will die before Barbaro is forgotten, and that none of those horses will even be mentioned.

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Jrock....what the **** do you know about the horse racing industry or horses in general (other than oftentimes coming off as a horse's a**?) I have been around the industry much of my life and am a big fan of it's origin, history and tradition in America.

You probably don't even know that my ES name is derived from Gallant Fox, who happened to be the 2nd Triple Crown winner in history and is also the only horse to have ever sired another Triple Crown winner.

But I am just the one you chose to make an example out of as someone who can't understand compassion and who "bit into it hook, line and sinker"...

Please get banned again soon.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I am upset with the number of horses killed every year by their owners in the horse racing industry. Its a cruel, heartless practice that occurs not only in horse racing but dog racing as well. Its sad that Barbaro died; it truly is. But its sadder that many more horses have died while Barbaro was news, and that many more horses will die before Barbaro is forgotten, and that none of those horses will even be mentioned.

I really don't understand what you want to happen. Should they have a nightly news show listing the names of every horse that had to be put down that day? Or, should they have totally ignored Barbaro's passing?

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I really don't understand what you want to happen. Should they have a nightly news show listing the names of every horse that had to be put down that day? Or, should they have totally ignored Barbaro's passing?

I find horse-racing barbaric and cruel to the animals, and I think it should be outlawed altogether along with Greyhound racing; that's what I think should happen.

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I really don't understand what you want to happen. Should they have a nightly news show listing the names of every horse that had to be put down that day? Or, should they have totally ignored Barbaro's passing?

I actually see both sides of this argument. On JRock's side, it's like the Pat Tillman thing. He gets a month of coverage, whereas the average run-of-the-mill grunt becomes "2 more soldiers died today in Iraq. Here's Tom with the weather." Is one's death really more tragic than another's? I don't think so. Ask the parents. They both suck pretty equally to me.

But then we can't afford the same amount of coverage to everyone. Some things are just more newsworthy than others. Like it or not.

Of course I think, and probably Tillman (using my example) would agree, do it equally or don't do it.

But whatever.

And Mass, nice try, but there's a bit of softness in that steel heart of yours. It's good to see.

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I find horse-racing barbaric and cruel to the animals, and I think it should be outlawed altogether along with Greyhound racing; that's what I think should happen.

Fine. But, I still don't see how my (or anyone else's) thinking it was sad that Barbaro died was hypocritical.

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