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What if 2006 Philly = 2005 Pitt?


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This is just a hypothetical question here. The eagles look really damn good right now. Anything can happen, but here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say the Eagles run the table in the playoffs and actually win the Superbowl (unlikely, but possible).

At that point, do you bench the only quarterback in Eagles history that won a Superbowl? Or do you go back to the guy who originally made the Eagles the class of the NFC (McNabb)? The Eagles have invested heavily in McNabb, so they will no doubt go back with him, and rightly so. But I'd like to hear from especially Eagles fans if they think that a case can be made that Jeff Garcia should remain the starter, should he become the first Eagles quarterback in history to win a Super Bowl.

Quarterbacks don't singlehandedly win championships, but you have to admit that his play at QB has been a big contributing factor to where the Eagles are right now.

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They won't. You guys had the same chance that the skins would run the table last year. Your defense isn't all that good and they do have some problems stopping good runningbacks. Offense is fine, but hell, the 6th seed afc team could kick anybody in the nfc's ass. Chargers, ravens, colts, jets, broncos, no one, you have a chance with.

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Actually, I'm a Skins fan. This was just an objective look at what MIGHT happen should the Eagles win out. I'm not cheering for them to win out, don't get me wrong. I agree with you that it probably won't happen, but I was interested to see what would happen if they DO win. Bench the quarterback that won your only Super Bowl? Or bench the quarterback that helped you stay at the top of the NFC for half of a decade?

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You really think Garcia will command a huge payday? I don't, I guess we'll see. I think most talent evaluators in the NFL will see he rode a winning streak where he was more of a game manager than a game winner. I love the guy but Westy has been the cog getting the offense going.

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I didn't think so.

That would mean the Eagles would need to sign him to a big contract and cut or sit McNabb.

Plus even harder, they would have to explain to Mama and Donovan.

Don't see it

Garcia has said that he has no problems backing up McNabb even next year.
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Conversation on WIP has been how much better the offense has been with Garcia in there and Marty M calling the plays and in it being more dedicated to the run instead of Andy's pass-happiness

Rhea Hughes (WIP) opined that if team goes back to Andy's pass happy ways once D-Mac comes back and the results aren't there, there'd be a team revolt

Tell you what.....if Garcia leads them to an SB win, I think Andy should be ballsy and make him the starter. Would it be akin to Ray Handley starting Hoss over Simms after the Giant SB win? Perhaps, but Donovan hadn't led his team to a great record this year prior to injury like Phil did.

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You really think Garcia will command a huge payday?
Garcia has said that he has no problems backing up McNabb even next year.

If Garcia leads the Eagles to the Championship game or the SB, he will be offered more than backup money by someone. He may become a hot commodity with teams in need of veteran QB talent.

I think the Eagles best move would be to keep McNabb, Feeley and draft a QB in a middle round.

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