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Stop all the Negativity


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- -Some teams dont even have 1 Superbowl win. Would you rather be an Eagles fan, who year in and year out have good teams, but are always the bridesmaid and never the bride? How about a Detroit fan, or an Arizona fan? We are much better off, and just because those wins were a while ago, they still count.

Stupid argument. By that logic, we should all be Cowboys fans since they have more Super Bowl Victories and more Super Bowl Appearances.

Furthermore, it is a logical fallacy that we should be optimistic about next year because of stuff that happened decades ago.

Really? We upgraded at WR.

What kind of fantasy land are you living in????? How do you figure we upgraded at WR????

We ridiculously overpaid and gave away draft picks for a complete bust in Brandon Lloyd who would be lucky to still be here next year. Then we ridiculously overpaid for a #3 WR who has been average at best. Guys from a roster last year could have at least done as well (and probably better) than Lloyd and Randle El.

We didn't solve the hole at Safety. We didn't solve the CB situation. We didn't solve the QB situation (no matter what you think about JC, he is still a giant question mark). We didn't solve the DL situation as we got aging guys and guys who might leave.

I like the idea of a "core" group of guys.

Count me in the group of guys who wants to stab something in the face when I hear this nonsense.

There is no "core" group of gus. All of this garbage is mere projection. Look up in the dictionary what 'projection' means. Fans on this board incessantly label people as a 'core guy' or as 'face of the franchise', etc. All they are doing is projecting their personal preference for the guy onto the situation even though the situation doesn't warrant it.

We don't have any 'core' guys or anything of the sort. Darrell Green was that kind of guy. There are no Darrell Greens on this roster. That's what happens when you play the free agency game of bringing in mercenaries every year.

Samuels is the closest thing we got because we drafted him and he has been here for over 4 years. The rest of the guys would leave for money (just like they did to get here). And yes, that includes Moss, Taylor, Portis and the rest of everyone's 'favorites.'

So stop this nonsense of using this as an argument because it is NOT a valid argument. All it is intended to do is foreclose discussion by placing a label of "do not touch" on someone's favorite players. It's weak and sloppy argumentation and needs to be dropped.

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Stupid argument. By that logic, we should all be Cowboys fans since they have more Super Bowl Victories and more Super Bowl Appearances.

Furthermore, it is a logical fallacy that we should be optimistic about next year because of stuff that happened decades ago.

I never said be optimistic next year because of the past. My point was that it is OK to be proud of your past. My bad for the confusion.

What kind of fantasy land are you living in????? How do you figure we upgraded at WR????

We ridiculously overpaid and gave away draft picks for a complete bust in Brandon Lloyd who would be lucky to still be here next year. Then we ridiculously overpaid for a #3 WR who has been average at best. Guys from a roster last year could have at least done as well (and probably better) than Lloyd and Randle El.

-Again, I never stated whether or not we overpaid, got a deal or anything. What I said is that we Upgraded. Meaning, Randel El is better then David patten and Lloyd is better then Jimmy Farris. yeah, we paid through the teeth, but did we upgrade? Still with me?

We didn't solve the hole at Safety. We didn't solve the CB situation. We didn't solve the QB situation (no matter what you think about JC, he is still a giant question mark). We didn't solve the DL situation as we got aging guys and guys who might leave.

So Golston and Montgomery are aging? Didnt we just draft them? From what I hear Springs is slated to be moved to safety, and i think it is a positive move, would you rather another big name FA ala AA? I know Im a homer, but Jason Campbell has thrown a TD in every game he has played as a starter. He is going to go through some growing pains... is he not entitled to that learning process? The verdict may still be out, but have a little faith. Are you even a Redskins fan? :laugh:

Count me in the group of guys who wants to stab something in the face when I hear this nonsense.

- Wow, "stab something in the face" real mature. :rolleyes:

There is no "core" group of gus. All of this garbage is mere projection. Look up in the dictionary what 'projection' means. Fans on this board incessantly label people as a 'core guy' or as 'face of the franchise', etc. All they are doing is projecting their personal preference for the guy onto the situation even though the situation doesn't warrant it.

We don't have any 'core' guys or anything of the sort. Darrell Green was that kind of guy. There are no Darrell Greens on this roster. That's what happens when you play the free agency game of bringing in mercenaries every year.

Samuels is the closest thing we got because we drafted him and he has been here for over 4 years. The rest of the guys would leave for money (just like they did to get here). And yes, that includes Moss, Taylor, Portis and the rest of everyone's 'favorites.'

- " The rest of the guys would leave for money (just like they did to get here). And yes, that includes Moss, Taylor, Portis and the rest of everyone's 'favorites.'" This statement is garbage and mere projection.

So stop this nonsense of using this as an argument because it is NOT a valid argument. All it is intended to do is foreclose discussion by placing a label of "do not touch" on someone's favorite players. It's weak and sloppy argumentation and needs to be dropped.

wow, so basically, your saying if anyone's opinion about the Skins is optimistic or differs from your view, they need to keep their mouth shut??? :laugh: Please accept my most humble apology for believing in my team. :laugh: :nana:

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Whats there to be positive about. Everyday "Redskins Suck" "They need to change their whole rosters" "How can you be a Redskins Fan". We suck plain and simple. Redskins been horrible all season long, yeah a couple of great wins, but who remembers that. People come up and say "Yall got lucky in all of your games" Its sucks to be a Redskins fan. Getting harrassed everyday just for being one. FA explosion every year. Its sucks. Nothing to be positive about. Won a SuperBowl back in 92' whoopee. Two divisionals playoffs lost in 6 years apart yeah something to be proud about.

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Stew, put down Gibbs jock for one second and read what you are writing.

#1 Championships: Hell why not go all the way back to the beginning of time, quit living in the past, you think Niner fans are happy cause they won 5 SB's right now.

#2 Salary cap hell? No we just have a dumb ***** Front office. Snyder is a joke and you know it. How many "pro bowl" players has he brought in that have returned to the pro bowl while playing here?

#3 Ditka brought Chicago it's only SB, you think they want him back? Gibbs is soooo overmatched right now it isn't even funny, if he comes back we WILL miss the playoffs again and again. Let it goooooooooooo.

#4 it still don't matter, our guys are not that good to make it to the pro bowl, popularity contest or not.

#5 Wow, I've heard people tell me the same thing every year, a couple guys here, a couple guys there next year and we will be fine. Time waits for no man.

#6 I agree with you on the stadium, if we ever get a quality team back it will be hell on the visiting team. It also makes the tickets more affordable.

#7 Yeah I feel you, now a "washed up" number 7 in his fifth game is going to win the NFC East, you act like this offense is some super high tech never before seen by pro athletes that it takes 1 whole year to get, maybe we should have traded up for Vince Young and his powerful mind.

THe season can't end quick enough, the least we could do is attempt to knock out the Gints from the playoffs, but I have a feeling the coaching staff and their super high powered to tough to understand new offense will screw it up, just remember Gibbs is the best ever he takes lemon's and well just stares at them until they go bad.

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Whats there to be positive about. Everyday "Redskins Suck" "They need to change their whole rosters" "How can you be a Redskins Fan". We suck plain and simple. Redskins been horrible all season long, yeah a couple of great wins, but who remembers that. People come up and say "Yall got lucky in all of your games" Its sucks to be a Redskins fan. Getting harrassed everyday just for being one. FA explosion every year. Its sucks. Nothing to be positive about. Won a SuperBowl back in 92' whoopee. Two divisionals playoffs lost in 6 years apart yeah something to be proud about.

Hey mister Gibbs will return us to the promise land, you wait and see you just wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait:doh:

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As Joe Gibbs said himself, past success buys you nothing in today's game. you have to prove yourself each and every year.

If Joe was to walk away tomorrow I would thank him for all the great years and have no problem with him coming back and trying to make this work the past 3 years.

I am not going to curse the man :)

At the same time, it appears from what former Gibbs players have said and what we have observed ourselves, that Joe does not seem to be the same coach he used to be.

His clubs used to be detail-oriented to the inth degree. The Redskins were one of the LEAST penalized clubs during his first run with the team. Players that consistently made mistakes and took bad penalties in crucial situations were gone. The team regularly rebounded from poor losses with inspired efforts to win the next game and avoid prolonged losing streaks.

and most of all, what has changed is the image of the club. this used to be a 'blue collar' team with a few stars and a LOT of role players and undrafted free agents that bled each Sunday.

the Cowboys used to be the team with all the media stars and big contracts.

now, the Redskins have the target on their backs with all the hype, except we aren't winning the games and backing up what the media machine is creating.

I cringe when fans of other teams call us the Yankees of the NFL.

We may spend the money but we don't sure don't see the results.

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I have been on this board for four years starting as of this January and I have never read so much negativity. We still have many things to be grateful about as Redskin's fans.

1.) Five SuperBowl appearances with three victories.

2.) A FO who understands that cash can kill the cap every year, and an Owner who will spend real dollars to bring us a championship team.

3.) A HOF coach who has never been a loser or quitter at anything he does.

4.) Many Pro-bowl caliber players.

5.) 4-5 position weaknesses at the most which can easily be overcome with FA and the draft.

6.) A stadium that holds in excess of 95,000.

7.) A playoff birth to the second round last year.

8.) A team that lost many of its games by less than three points.

9.) A team that with 4-5 more turnovers could easily be 9-6 instaed of 5-10.

10.) Players who want to be core Redskins.

It will be very easy for this front office to restructure (turn future salaries into guaranteed bonus money to reduce the 2007 cap hit) many players and with a few cuts find $25-30M. That's right guys; we are actually in better shape then we have been in a while. We are about $1M under the cap for 2007 without much deadcap carried forward (compared to previous years).

We could draft the stud Michigan DT and actually sign in FA a veteran DE, stud CB, and a MLB with $25-30M and still have plenty to resign guys like Wade and Dockery and possibly Cooley this year.

So cheer up and realize that 2007 could easily be the year that Gibbs brings us to the promised land! We have a 1/32 chance just like everyone else.

Where can I get a pair of those pretty glasses youre wearing?

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we only thought we had 4-5 holes to fill last year and look at what happened :doh:

the fact our stadium holds 95,000 fans is irrelevant to any consideration of how the team performs on the field. certainly, the record of the Redskins at FedEx since 1997 does not seem to back up the theory that more fans = better performance at home.

the Redskins have ONE official pro bowl player in Samuels.

I can see a group of players including Moss, Cooley, Portis, Washington, Randy Thomas that under normal circumstances (ie a season with a decent record) would have a chance to make the pro bowl.

This is not a team that across the board has pro bowl talent.

if it did, do you honestly think the defense would be #30 overall? :)

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The season can't end quick enough, the least we could do is attempt to knock out the Gints from the playoffs,

- Well, at least we can agree on that. :cheers:

" just remember Gibbs is the best ever he takes lemon's and well just stares at them until they go bad."

:laugh: I like that actually! It'd be better if it wasnt about Gibbs, but considering the rest of your post, its actually the nicest thing you say about him or the team. :laugh:

You make some valid points, and I dont discredit your criticism of the team at all. It just does me no good to dwell on that stuff, and Id rather think about the good we DO have going on here then the crap that we are trying to work through. Please dont get me wrong, I am well aware of our deficiencies. I am just as aware as all the pessimist's are of our botches with players and our draft pick give away. We will eventually overcome these problems. Our front office might not be rocket scientist's, but even cave men learned fire was hot from touching it. Im just hoping they are learning from their mistakes.

Now if you will excuse me, I seemed to have misplaced Ol Joe's jock strap. :poke: :finger: :nana: ;)

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This is funny as hell!!!! Has to be included in the just shut up category!!!!

Negative???? Hell yes...have you watched this lost ship all year???? Blow it all up!!!! Starting with Gibbs and get a REAL GM...not Casserly and rebuild...starting with a coach that can relate to his players and not gives us the same ole...same ole...post games crap!!!! Joe is a HOF coach....but to turn this thing around...w/o a good GM...and cap space....FORGET IT!

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and most of all, what has changed is the image of the club. this used to be a 'blue collar' team with a few stars and a LOT of role players and undrafted free agents that bled each Sunday.

I have said this since Mr. Snyder took the team over. The two years where I saw "Real" Redskins Football was Marty's year (2001?) and last year.

Tough as nails Defense, with a "Road grading" offense.

As much as people condemned Marty, he brought something that we had not seen throughout Norv's years: Humbleness, and toughness.

Unfortunately we are right back where we started: Big bark with no bite. We have to change.

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