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DT Cornelius Griffin CHAT - 12/22/06


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ES members & guests,

Here it is, our final player chat of the season.

Turns out Cornelius Griffin is about as shy, quiet and humble a professional athlete as you'll ever run across. He defines the term "man of few words," as you'll see reflected in his answers. Cornelius was clearly uncomfortable talking about himself, and we thank him for subjecting himself to us late in a very tough season.

Enjoy, and thank YOU for all of your questions this season. Nice work. :cheers:

ES Staff


First off, let me just say I think you've been our defensive MVP since you got here, and I'm still outraged that you weren't selected for the Pro Bowl in 2004 after you lead all defensive lineman in total tackles behind the line of scrimmage (sacks plus rubs tackled for a loss).

After having a terrific rookie season under John Fox in 2000, you got stuck with the underachiever label in NY after he left. Since coming here, you've proven yourself to be an elite tackle. Not trying to cause controversy here, but, how much of your success would you attribute to Coach Blache's working with you on technique versus how much is a product of Coach William's schemes putting you in situations where you can be effective?

Big Griff

Well, first I'd like to that Gregg and Coach Blanche for the opportunity they gave me. Blache has worked on my technique since I first got here. I use my hands more. Tighter hands ... and playing with leverage more.


Cornelius, with just two games to go and no playoffs to prepare for, what is your prime focus as an individual on Sunday?

Big Griff

To be the best I can be. Try not to let my team down, and make plays within the system.


Hey Griff, it seemed like you guys were back to 05 form against the Saints last week. Marcus Washington said that you finally stopped thinking so much and started to just play ball. Would you agree with that?

Big Griff

Yes, I would agree with that.


Big Griff,

Thanks for chatting. I know that most of us here on ES are highly impressed with our 6th round steal, Kedric Golston. Tell us what you consider to be his strengths and his weaknesses. Thanks big dog, keep up the good work.

Big Griff

Well, Kendrick is a humble guy, and a hard working guy. He approaches every day as a job interview. He tries to get better everyday.


Griff -

It always seems like when you have a good day, the whole defense has a good day. You're an absolute beast out there on the field. What goes through your mind right before the snap? Is your mind blank, waiting to react, or do you have things you're constantly thinking about?

Thanks, man, and keep on knocking 'em down out there.

Big Griff

First thing is I try to beat the offensive lineman off the ball. Get into him before he gets into me, and then react from there.


I asked this question to Phillip Daniels but maybe you can give a better answer as you play DT. How are the two young DT's the Skins drafted this year (Golston and Montgomery) doing in your opinion and how have you tried to help them?

Big Griff

I think they're doing well. I think Kedrick's doing extremely well. And Montgomery has come a long way from camp.


right now Fred Smoot is a really expensive nickel-back for the vikings

what do you think about Fred Smoot possibly hitting free agency?would the team like him back?

Big Griff

Well I don't know if he's going to hit Free Agency or not, but he is expensive right now. But if he were to come back, I'd welcome him back. I'd love to play with him again.


Mr. Griffin,

This team has shown great effort even when faced with a 4-8 record. What keeps you guys fighting so hard in the tough times?

Big Griff

Taking pride in being a Redskin.

the burgundy and gold

Cornelius, keep up the good work. What do you think is the main difference between this years defense and last years??

Big Griff

I think this year, it's the plays we're not making. We made 'em last year. Those three point games we're losing, we won those games last year.

RIC SkinsFan89

I, like many other Redskins fans, think you are the best defensive player we have. Who do you think is the best defensive player on the team and are there any player who are not starters right now that we should look out for i.e. Macintosh, McCune...etc.??

Big Griff

I think all eleven guys play well. Not to single out one guy, we all play together. When we are together, we're as one.

Park City Skins

Hey Griff. There seems to be a difference in the defensive play over the past few weeks. Sunday's game was a fine example. What in your mind is or are the things that are responsible for this?

Big Griff

I'd say a different focus and more determination.


Cornelius, on pass rushing downs, how do you decide what technique to use in a given situation? Do certain defensive calls require certain techniques, or do you decide on the fly based on what you're feeling or what the guy across from you is doing?

Big Griff

It depends on what a guy gives me. If he's short set, I gotta go to a Bull. Or if he's over-reaching, I come back under. It's different things. I take what he gives me.


Thanks for your time. Now that the defense is finding it's groove again, what do you think was the cause of the drop-off earlier this season? Injuries, or too many changes in personnel?

Big Griff

I think it's kind of a little of both. When a teammate goes down, it's hard to trust another guy you're not familiar playing with. But once we got past that point, we started playing better.

ES Staff

From ES Staff:

What would you say is the number one off season priority for the Redskins in general, and for the defense in particular?

Big Griff

For the defense, to get better in the weight room. Keep working hard and try to improve next year.

Closing Statement

This season hasn't been what we wanted it to be, but I'd like to thank our fans for still supporting us and being with us through thick and thin. Next year we can get it fixed.
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