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Ugh. That's what that pit in our stomachs feels like..sounds like....tastes like. It's amazing to me how that one word, "Ugh", can so neatly sum up in total all of my feelings and emotions pertaining to this years' Redskin season. They tell us about how our five senses..smell, touch, taste, sight, sound.....can trigger the memory and emotion response in an instant....tossing us back to another time..another place. Well, I'm here to tell you that those five senses haven't got a THING on that feeling we all felt yesterday and today....that sixth sense of a sort.........that "ugh".

I was forced to impose an all-out news and internet blackout on my family and friends yesterday morning because I was only going to be able to watch the game on Tivo. I have to admit, that after those first two drives, I was sorely tempted to FF to the end of the game to see just how much we'd finally beaten the Falcons by. And then, there was that failed reverse to Randle El....and then the dropped ball by Cooley....and then there was "ugh".

You know what I'm talking about. I'm sure of it.

For thirteen years (I can't believe it's been that long) it's been one "ugh" after another. Since Gibbs' first stay in DC ended in 1993, we've lived, collectively, the "ugh" years of the Redskins. They had "ugh" years in the late 50's and early 60's, but I'm just not old enough to remember all of those. My earliest memories of the Redskins were during the years when the fun had returned...when George Allen led the team in cutting cakes and eating ice cream....when Joe Jackson Gibbs would lead the team out of the tunnel, start the game off with a determined, punishing drive and finish it off with a back-breaking score. Sure, there were "ughs" from time to time, but those teams would always find a way to rebound from them....and to put them behind.

But now, we're into the "ughs" once again. Every time we seem to get a leg up.....we find a way to give it back. Ugh. We seemed to resurrect ourselves last week against Carolina...and then....ugh. Back to earth. No consistency..no resolve.

We're good fans, really. I can tell that most of us, no matter how venomous the posts may be nor how ridiculous some of the suggestions may get...I can tell that most of us are good, loyal and faithful fans. Ughs are like punches to the gut, though, and after a while....after thirteen years....they get harder and harder to take. We've seen this team flounder and reset itself over and over again for over a decade now...and I, for one, am getting tired. No, I'll never stop watching and I'll NEVER stop caring...but I can't fight the feeling that I keep seeing the same tendencies time and time again...and that it's getting old. I can justify a lot of what I see on the field each week.....Jason Campbell is, for all intents and purposes, a rookie QB...and with all the new schemes, players and injuries we've taken on this year it's actually pretty easy to see why we've struggled so.

But still, no, I don't want the team to reset itself again this offseason...and no, I don't want the coaching staff and players to have another high rate of turnover. What I want, is to see Joe Gibbs take control of his team and set it on its rightful path. I want to see progress...I want to see committment....I want to see resolve.

I don't think Gibbs underestimated his task three years ago....and I still have faith....not blind faith...but faith all the same, that he is the coach and team leader this team needs right now if we have ANY chance to climb out of this hole in the near future. But, I think Gibbs, like us, has taken more "ugh" punches to the gut than he'd like to take in one season. And, I think he's getting tired of it. You could see that in his presser today. But, tired enough to step down before the job at hand is done? No...I also seemed to think that he made that clear in the presser. I like hearing him tell us that he's here to fix things....that he's here to, as I would put it, to put an end to the "ughs".

In his first stay here, Joe Gibbs was considered the master of the halftime adjustment. Well, it's halftime as far as his five year contract is concerned, and I am not about to doubt him just yet. This is Joe Gibbs we're talking about, here, and to those of you who may not have been around to experience what Joe Gibbs was all about in the 80's and 90's....well, hang in there. Cause Joe Gibbs stands for something. He stands for what is all that is truly good in this game...and for all that is worthwhile in the sport.

And, as many times as I have to endure those "ughs" right now....I'm going to be there....I'm going to stay the course and support this team. No, we're never as far from the bottom as we think we are...but we're also nearer to the top than we may believe. All it takes is for that lightbulb to turn on again...and then....it's gonna be sweet.

And that sweeteness I'm talking about....well.....that works on another one of those senses. Taste.

And I can already taste it. Even through all of the "ughs".


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Ugh. We've seen this team flounder and reset itself over and over again for over a decade now...and I, for one, am getting tired.

In his first stay here, Joe Gibbs was considered the master of the halftime adjustment.

No, we're never as far from the bottom as we think we are...but we're also nearer to the top than we may believe. All it takes is for that lightbulb to turn on again...and then....it's gonna be sweet.


1) It's been substantially more than a decade. We've seen two playoff appearances in fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS. That is PATHETIC.

2) The happy halftime adjustment is gone. The adjustment goes the OTHER way now. What Gibbs does is make adjustments to STIFLE our offense and SCREW UP the defense. Look at the stats for this year and last year and 2004 and tell me I'm wrong.

3) Remember those nice "It's gonna be sweet" writings OM used to stick onto the top of this page every few weeks? Remember those cheery GIBBS IS BACK vids that Bang used to play for us every once in a while? Where are they? Where'd they go? They're gone. They're gone.

I think that says a whole lot.

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Ugh. That's what that pit in our stomachs feels like..sounds like....tastes like. It's amazing to me how that one word, "Ugh", can so neatly sum up in total all of my feelings and emotions pertaining to this years' Redskin season.

I got a word that sums up the 'Skins season, and "Ugh" aint it. It's a bit more, let's say.... colorful. :mad:

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At then end of 2003, we finished 5-11 and things looked bleak. But then Gibbs was hired and it was like the second coming of Christ.

At the end of Nov. 2004, things looked bleak, Redskins were 3-8, but then the Redskins finished with 3 wins out of the last five games, and we seemed to be on the brink of something.

At the end of Nov, 2005, we were 5-6, things looked bleak, but then the Redskins won five in a row, and made the playoffs, and even won one.

Now we're into December 2006. Things look pretty bleak. But... there's no "but." There's no but. It's just bleak. Where's the spark? We need a "but...", and there doesn't seem to be one.

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That's a good post LSF. Wouldn't it be nice to see a working class, grind it out, smash-mouth team come out of this?

that is the main difference between the old gibbs teams and the new gibbs teams. That old team was as you described it. This new team is a white collar, finess, trash-mouth team. Dwight Schrute comes to mind.

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I still remember 1999 and I guess they were a good team.

Last year was great also.

But two playoff runs in 15 years. Us younger Skins fans need some Super Bowls. :(


My younger brother is 19--so, I feel really bad for you guys. I'm at least old enough to remember two SB wins very clearly. I remember the 91 season vividly. You should get the dvds and watch that team.

Dan Snyder was the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise...

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It's getting to the point of embarrassing when teams like Cincy, New Orleans and NY Jets can figure out how to rise from the ashes and become good teams again. hell, even the niners are getting better. If it were'nt for Oakland, we may be the butt of jokes around the league. Even though they don't win, even Arizona tries. Detroit will rise as soon as they dump Millen. It seems like all the other teams figure it out but us.

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My younger brother is 19--so, I feel really bad for you guys. I'm at least old enough to remember two SB wins very clearly. I remember the 91 season vividly. You should get the dvds and watch that team.

Dan Snyder was the worst thing to ever happen to this franchise...

Oh I have watched the 3 SB teams believe me. It was great to see.

I agree that Dan Syner was the worst thing that happened to this franchise. I just wonder what can be done to fix this mess? :(


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We're good fans, really. I can tell that most of us, no matter how venomous the posts may be nor how ridiculous some of the suggestions may get...I can tell that most of us are good, loyal and faithful fans.

Maybe most of us are, but this year I see alot of fans that remind me more and more of Eagles fans, we had a taste of winning last season...now we cheer for our team when it does well and boo when it goes three and out. I never heard boo's from FedEx two years ago.

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Maybe most of us are, but this year I see alot of fans that remind me more and more of Eagles fans, we had a taste of winning last season...now we cheer for our team when it does well and boo when it goes three and out. I never heard boo's from FedEx two years ago.

It's 15 years of pent up frustration. We were a model franchise at one time, now we're also rans and The LA Clippers of the NFL. (before sterling decided to spend money and make the playoffs)

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At least our season had wins, compare our season to the raiders, cards, detriot....would you rather be fans of those teams?

We beat the jags, texans, dallas:), and panthers..all good wins, so we atleast can see those wins....And JC is starting, which is another bright spot, when Campbell came in, WTF did people think we could win 5 in a row and go to the playoffs...hello, no great rb, no defensive, no o-line...I knew that this season was over when JC came in started against the bUCs...The highlight of this season is that we give JC a chance to play instead of warm the bench.

Actually, This is the best I have ever felt after a lost except maybe for the bucs game...The titans game, the giants game, the indy game, and the eagles game are a lot worse than this one....Maybe the vikings and dallas game sucked because I had to eat my words when I said that.

We will beat one 2 more or 3 more teams this season and finish this season with a highnote..

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We're good fans, really. I can tell that most of us, no matter how venomous the posts may be nor how ridiculous some of the suggestions may get...I can tell that most of us are good, loyal and faithful fans.

There are plenty of us loyal and faithful fans, through wins, losses, and pure defeat! I guess most are just quite upset that Gibbs came back in and it's still looking rough. After last year, we all thought that this would be a good year. UGH is good....better than a whole lot of other language I could use. Venomous and ridiculous as some posts in many threads....definitley.

But, opinions are like a==holes.....everyone has one!!!:)

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