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Gay bashing deserving of the same taboo as racism?


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First let me answer the thread question. No I don't think homosexuals should be given special rights because they engage in sodomy. I say sodomy because sex is generally referring copulation using male and female genitalia. Yes, according to my definition anal and oral sex is sodomy. Do I care how you have sex or if you prefer sodomy? No. Do what you want, but just like many would not religion forced down your throats I don't want homosexuality and the stereotypical lifestyle crammed down mine either. And if someone kills a gay/lesbian because they are gay, well then they should be tried for murder and their motive shouldn't matter... in other words I oppose hate crimes legislation beause it would limit free speech. Don't believe me, it is happening in Canada but moreso regarding anti-Islamic speech.

As far as if it is genetic... I doubt it. Lets go back thousands of years ago when creatures were evolving to where we are today. Once the act of sex was created/evolved to where it requires two individuals to procreate, how would "gay" animals/humans pass their genes on to their offspring? I am also assuming, and believe, that social norms would not have factored in at this point either. Now if this were a mutation instead of genetic predisposition I might be more inclined to listen to the arguments more readily.

Why is it that some gay groups do not want genetic evidence for their "gayness"? Is this because they chose to be gay? What about the gay people who came out of the closet and then went straight? I knew this one guy who was married, became gay, and then got married to another woman. He admitted to me after the fact that it was a choice of his own and that he didn't like people telling him how to live his life. Before he remarried he said he was born that way.

You say "why would people choose to ridiculed and scorned?" I say why would someone become a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon because they are regularly ridiculed by not only people but in the media... Right now what seems even worse than those two groups would be Catholic priests. Imagine telling your friends you wanted to be a man of the cloth... they might think you just want access to little boys.

If want to classify homosexuality as a sickness, like a drug addiction, maybe... but to give it class like race or nationality... no way...

Just my take.

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I agree with FSF.

Its quite obvious if tomorrow that a hot shot scientist found a pill that turns butt pirates and carpet munchers straight, we would still have gays a decade later.

You dont hear the majority saying they would go straight if they could do you?

I think this perverted thread should close so I can continue to view most of you as skins fans and not members of the Boy George fan club

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Originally posted by NavyDave

I agree with FSF.

Its quite obvious if tomorrow that a hot shot scientist found a pill that turns butt pirates and carpet munchers straight, we would still have gays a decade later.

You dont hear the majority saying they would go straight if they could do you?

I think this perverted thread should close so I can continue to view most of you as skins fans and not members of the Boy George fan club

Are you really that much of a sad, pathetic, little insecure man? You're certainly creating that impression.

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Wow, I'm gone for two weeks and I miss all sorts of good topics.

First thought apon reading this thread: It seems that many of the arguements on both sides of the issue want to make a distinction between it being just thoughts or some sort of chemical/genetic imperative. Is there a difference? Aren't thoughts in fact chemical reactions taking place in the brain?

Now certainly there are thoughts tht need to be repressed or not acted apon. We all have them. My question is what makes homosexuality one of those things? To my mind, it doesn't hurt anyone so why is it worse than being straight ?

Now certainly many of us have brains that are predisposed to have certain chemical reactions and electrical responses take a certain path in our brains. That's why some of us are right handed and some are left handed. Certainly, we can change some of the paths and reactions in our minds through hard work, but is it necessary or worth the trouble? I'd point out that for many years, lefties were forced to learn to write right handed. That doesn't make it necessary or worth the bother. Certainly it's doable. HEck, things much more involved are doable such as learning to speak after a hemispherectomy, but is being gay that bad that it is worth the trouble to change?

Let's face it, our sexuality becomes a large part of how we see ourselves. How many of us would change how we see ourselves just because we make some other insecure person feel uncomfortable. Now why would you expect gay people to take your magic pills?

The natural arguement: I'll agree it's not productive, but as somebody else pointed out, niether are BJs. NObody complains about them. For that matter, I don't expect to hear complaints about me being unproductive when I finish this post and go play on the playstation.

The real reason most of you think it's bad to be gay is a religous bias. The funny thing is many will base this on the old testament. Can you imagine how silly I would look if I ridiculed you for eating pork? Now how would you view me if I was as adamant about YOU eating pork as many on this board are about what two guys do in their bedroom? That's kind of how I look at the intollerant on this board. I can't stop you from being silly, but I don't have to respect it either. I simply view it as you trying to put your religous beliefs on gays. Sad really.

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