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What should we do at the QB position????


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Does anyone want George back???how do ya'll feel about Brunell???......it seems most Skin Fans want him ....i would love to have Brunell, and George....cause George is a good backup QB....lol....but i think that Brunell would flourish with Spurriers offence ....he makes quick reads (he is really smart).....i know we might have to give up draft picks(maybe)....But i feel he is our best option, since drafting a QB is dangerous ....he is a proven good QB....and George plays good off the bench....and this might be the Offence that Jeff blossems in ....you never know ....at least let him try out ....lol....that is what i would do...get both ...Brunell as my starter , and George as my backup

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The line seems to be find an able vet to tutor a young guy to be a long-term solution. After this ... there is not much agreement. <br /><br />Some want Bledsoe, some want Brunell, a few want Blake. Anyone who's name begins with a B works I guess. <br /><br />As for the young guys, Carr and Harrington are about the only names tossed about with any frequency, but everyone agrees that neither will likely be around at #18.<br /><br />It will be fun to see how this plays out.

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I don't think George's reading skills would be up to the task for Spurrier's offense. I've heard mixed things about Blake, but I'd be inclined to give him a shot b/c he'll come fairly cheap (I think). I like both Brunell & Bledsoe, but I'm concerned with durability with both of them. I certainly wouldn't give up a 1 to get either of them. Bring back Todd Husak! Um...

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Sign Blake if he is cut or trade a number 5 or 6 for him and sign LINEMEN in the first round.<br /><br />Last Year I kept screaming for HUTCHINSON and we draft a Westbrook Clone instead...<br /><br />We have 3 Offensive Linemen under contract Samuels, Jansen and Brandt.<br /><br />Only an idiot will ignore this two years in a row for a position that is arguably considered a need.<br /><br />There is not a receiver out there in the draft that will give uss immediate success.<br /><br />We need a cohesive O line for this to work and if we keep resigning an undersize Raymer among others its not going to work.<br /><br />On defense DT will provide part of a front four that can put pressure on the QB and running game.<br /><br />We don't need name players and as the Game yesterday showed a kid drafted in the 6 round can lead his team to a superbowl victory.

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From the Great Blue <a href="http://www.gbnreport.com/" target="_blank">http://www.gbnreport.com/</a> <br /><br />There were also reports circulating over the weekend that Washington is considering pursuing a number of high-profile QBs through trades. Included on the Redskins short list are Drew Bledsoe of New England, who will no doubt be looking for an out from the Patriots after being relegated to second-string status behind Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady, and Jacksonville's Mark Brunell, who may be on the way out there as the Jaguars try to get their bloated payroll under control. The Redskins are also reportedly considering the possibility of attempting to move up in the 2002 draft to acquire either of David Carr of Fresno State or Joey Harrington of Oregon, the two top-rated QBs in next April's draft. The Redskins may also have some interest in the Dolphins' Jay Fiedler, if the Miami starter opts for free agency this spring.

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Here is my order of preference, based on price, and compensation, and ability. (Note, my #1 is probably not the best QB, but when I factor in the other stuff. I am only listing the ones that are being tossed around. <br /><br />1) Jeff Blake - fairly young, decent #'s, suffered in Cincy as most talented guys do, and could be had fairly cheap.<br /><br />2) Mark Brunnell - Would be a LOT more expensive, but is much better than Jeff Blake.<br /><br />3) Drew Bledsoe - Would also be expensive, and is as good as the others ARM wise, but has less mobility.<br /><br />4) Jay Fiedler - as Cerrato said, if the Dolphins want to go farther in the playoffs, they need to upgrade. He just isn't all that great.<br /><br />1,000,000) Jeff "Leadership is Over-Rated" George - Do I need to explain this?

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*sigh* I screamed for Hutch too last year ND .. could have been great for the team.<br /><br />As for Sage .. who knows .. he could be Tom Brady (highly doubtful) or he could be Todd Husak. I'm not high on Blake .. he was ok in NO .. but in cincinatti he was very much one dimensional in that it seemed all he could do was throw the bomb. Brunell would be nice but at what price will he come? What about David Garrard or Patrick Ramsey? They look like promising prospects .. especially what I've seen from ramsey. I watched Zak Kustok in the hula bowl and he did nothing. David Neill is also intriguing .. lot of natural talent just needs to translate it into success .. could be the kind of guy Spurrier is looking to groom.<br /><br />The fact is, we need a long term solution at QB. Jeff Blake is a band-aid. Maybe if we used him for a year or so to grow a young QB under he would be sufficient .. but certainly nothing to base our future around.

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Originally posted by Rat_Boy:<br /><strong>1,000,000) Jeff "Leadership is Over-Rated" George - Do I need to explain this?</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Please do.<br /><br /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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my 2 cents on Jeff George....<br /><br />i never thought that we used him to HIS ability...i mean look at what he did with the Vikings!!!...and not to mention his numbers on all the Losing teams he played for ....they were good , it was the defences on the teams he played for that sucked , not Jeff.....i beleive he threw for 33 tds for the Raiders , and was cut , even though the defence for the Raiders was ranked 28th that year(i think).....and he was tied with Brett Farve for the most yards , and TD's....i feel that George COULD be a great fit with Spurrier's offence .....my wish is at least to give Jeff a tryout with the Skins

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I started a "Hutch to DC" train over at KFFL. Thought it was going to happen too! Oh well.<br /><br />I like the Blake idea, mainly because his price tag will be cheap and he is more then capable of running a NFL team.<br /><br />When to get the young QB of the future is the question. I say if Carr or Harrington don't fall into the Skin's laps, then wait until next year or draft one later on. <br /><br />If Jeff George is a Redskin again, I will cheer for the Texans next year.

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Mark Brunell will be the starting QB for the Skins next year. It just makes too much sense.<br /><br />Regardless of what everyone might think about Jeff Blake he just doesn’t have enough of a track record to make me feel all warm and fuzzy about him. I’m not even sure that the Saints would be willing to move him at a reasonable rate if he isn’t picked in the expansion draft. <br /><br />The big point there is he probably has a signing bonus that the Saints don’t want to pay. They wouldn’t have to pay that bonus if the Texans draft him. If the Texans don’t draft him then they might be better off keeping him. They would be stuck with paying the signing bonus money even if he’s traded. Then there is the whole issue about what we’d have to give up to get him. It would probably be more that we are thinking is reasonable.<br /><br />On the other hand, Brunell is a proven winner. He has led his team to 14 win seasons and to within spitting distance of the Super Bowl. He will cost us more, but it will be worth it. <br /><br />I think the only reason that the Jags have publicly come out and said that they want to keep Brunell is to get something for him before they are forced to release him. If they keep him (and he doesn’t agree to redo his contract) they will owe him 13 million next season (or close to it). That’s way too much to pay for a QB who doesn’t fit in with the rebuilding mode that that the cap strapped Jags are in now. <br /><br />That along with the fact that Brunell doesn’t like Caughlin calling the plays from the sideline, he doesn’t like the fact the Boselli is all but gone in the expansion draft and the rumors that Fred Taylor might be gone soon too. It all adds up to Brunell in Burgundy and Gold next year. Then I look for the Skins to look deeper in the draft for a QB to groom.

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What we need to understand is that we aren't going to the big dance this year so we need to build for the run next year or 2k4.<br /><br />With the stability on the line as I've been harping on we could be a playoff team but if the idea is to go nameplayers again it going to cost us.

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