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What I don't understand


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Last year we dipped from 3rd to 9th in total defense. We started off much worse however with Holdman in the starting lineup. Teams ran all over our defense and that theme has continued this year. The coaching staff was stubborn in waiting to put Arrington in over Holdman and that move costs us. Fast forward to this year and we started off the season struggling against the run again and guess who's in teh starting lineup?? Yes sir, Mr. Holdman again and yet again this coaching staff is stubborn in sitting a linebacker behind him (Rocky)....

Is this coachign staff that high on themselves that they think they're smarter then everyone else? Do they see something that the rest of the world can't?

I'm not blaming Holdman exclusively but he is a big part of the problem. Teams run to his side all day against us......

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"Fox] came in late to training camp, and at this point of the year, we have to see what all of our guys can do," assistant head coach-defense Gregg Williams said."


Interesting how that does not apply to Rocky who we actually have a lot invested in and has been complimented by everyone for his special teams play.

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All I could think watching tonight's Monday nighter (Jags v. Giants) was how Antonio Pierce was all over the field and involved in dozens of tackles. Ok, so the Giants lost we SHOULD HAVE HELD ONTO THIS GUY. Just another bad mgmt move by us.

Yeah, but but but, he cost too much. We couldn't afford him and he wasn't worth what NY was offering him. :D

That, of course, doesn't change the fact that they didn't attempt to sign him before the season was over. What should have happened was that he gets signed after the first handful of games. He was obviously better than we expected but we had an injured free agent Barrow who was going to be much better after he came back from injury, of course.

Then remember what Trotter did when he got back in a Philly uniform. Truely pathetic management now that I look back. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt due to the play of our defense at the time though.

But what do I know? Our team is 3-7 and headed in the right direction, especially on defense. :rolleyes:

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Its quite simple to see that the money changes people. It was so much better to win on defense knowing we had a bunch of guys who were super smart and played their guts out and not having a big name or a big paycheck.

I don't know why our FO tried to improve the D after two very solid seasons. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But we'll keep making the same mistake... cuz we're the Redskins and that's what we're good at.

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Its quite simple to see that the money changes people. It was so much better to win on defense knowing we had a bunch of guys who were super smart and played their guts out and not having a big name or a big paycheck.

I don't know why our FO tried to improve the D after two very solid seasons. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. But we'll keep making the same mistakes... cuz we're the Redskins and that's what we're good at.

EDIT: sorry for double post

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All I could think watching tonight's Monday nighter (Jags v. Giants) was how Antonio Pierce was all over the field and involved in dozens of tackles. Ok, so the Giants lost we SHOULD HAVE HELD ONTO THIS GUY. Just another bad mgmt move by us.

The guy is the QB of the Giants' defense and was the the QB for the Skins' defense, but the Skins didn't feel they needed him.

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Its quite simple to see that the money changes people.

And I'm starting to wonder if its more than just the players.

Think about it. All these coaches are paid. I mean P.A.I.D!!

We have coordinators paid more than Head Coaches like Lovie Smith. His team is 9-1, ours is 3-7. Think about that.

Our secondary guys are paid more than him. Bugel, Blache and some others probably are too.

This is telling these coaches that this is the end of the line for them. They don't have to fight for a Head Coach position on the Cardinals or Browns because they will be paid more here anyway. It just seems like these guys don't have the will to do what it takes to win. These guys are paid at a level that they should be unbelievably creative in designing schemes weekly and it working. Half time adjustments should be game changing. Right now it seems like they drug the team, or take a team nap at halftime.

Do they change things from week to week to take advantage of opponents weaknesses? It appears not. It almost seems like they just throw down the same **** week in and week out expecting it to stick sooner or later. I'd say that might be a good idea if this was the first season and we hadn't already gone to the playoffs last year but it's just not working.

The season is mostly over and the defense has not improved. The offense has a chance now with Campbell in but I don't trust Saunders playcalling. He has a Spurrier thing going on that just isn't right. It's like despite knowing that we'd get a win by running he still chooses to try something different. Martz did the same **** in St Louis and I remember thanking god he wasn't here.

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JG & GW starts player they like. Doesn't matter your abilities or lack of. If you fall into their doghouse, ie Ramsey, Lavar, and etc., you are screwed. Until the whole world calls them out, they won't make the need changes. Then, next year, once people forget, they'll put the same guy back into starting role.

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JG & GW starts player they like. Doesn't matter your abilities or lack of. If you fall into their doghouse, ie Ramsey, Lavar, and etc., you are screwed. Until the whole world calls them out, they won't make the need changes. Then, next year, once people forget, they'll put the same guy back into starting role.

I think you are wrong.

JG wants to win but he isn't making the decisions anymore. He leaves that all up to Williams and Saunders and that is whats hurting us.

In the past Gibbs did what it took to win every game. He did it last year too. We won our last 5 games because they decided to stick to running the ball.

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