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Adventure of a lifetime....... game coverage


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OK, I had a little brain fart. Instead of editing the thread, I somehow deleated it, so here it is again. Sorry to the people who's replies are now lost.

Guess I'm still a bit shakey from Saturday night.


Before I get into my Extreme Redskins adventure, some thanks are in order. First to Die Hard. If not for Tony getting this place going years ago, the chance for me to do something like this would have never been available. To Blade, who had this game marked on his calendar to cover, but bowed out to give the new guy a chance. Last but not least, to Art. Thanks for showing me the ropes. It was almost as much a thrill to finally get to spend some time with the one member of ES that I’ve known longer then any other. A truly good dude, and a lot of fun to be around. Cheers brother :cheers:

Well, I couldn’t have gotten luckier when it comes to timing to do my first ES game coverage, Jason’s first start. The week leading up to this has been a bit….. lets say…… unfocused. Hell, the wheels haven’t fallen off anybodies motorcycle, so I haven’t been that bad. Work sucked. Every booboo and his cousin have shown up being it’s our 4th anniversary party. With an hour to go, if not for an amazing young red headed beauty with electric green eyes in a leather halter, spandex pants, and pumps, I might have faked an injury to skate out even earlier. Hey, no guy in his right mind would have walked away from helping her find just the right bike to fit her perfect posterior………

When I finally hit the road, I completely shot from the normal hard week of work. As I pull out of the shop, the unopened bottle of soda flew out of the cup holder and knocks the just lit cigarette out of my hand. Trying to cross four lanes of traffic isn’t the time to see where my smoke wound up, and in my excited state I forgot about it :doh: As I’m hitting the entrance ramp for I-75, the smell of smoldering carpet jogs my memory…….. With smoke coming from between the passenger seat and center console, I tare off the road into the grass. After I tare the console of it’s mounts, and pour a half a bottle of Mug Root Beer on the smoldering carpet, I’m back on the road, heading north.

The hotel was a welcome sight, and from the amount of Skins fans hovering around the entrance, I knew I was in the right place. As I was checking in, I tried to reach Art on his cell. I misdialed, and got some chick in Mini, who wasn’t happy to hear from me……. Being pretty grubby from work, I figured I would hit my room and shower before catching up with Art. As I make my way back down to the lobby, I still can’t reach Art, but spot the bar and figure it’s as good a place to regroup as any. As I order my beer, this big dude made a comment on the Black & Blue I’m getting. I reply that I’ll have the bartended making Guinness shakes by the end of the night. The big dude looks at me and says…. With eggs? Yes, and with peanuts. He then says with nutmeg? At that point, I knew I hit pay dirt knowing only three or four people I know have that formula for the shake. So I ask asked …….. and you are. It was the reply I expect, Art. :laugh:

After hanging for a few with what I’ll call the crew, we all head out to paint the town burgundy and gold. We did a good job of it, and I’ll leave it at that ;) On return to the hotel, we have to stop at the bar for last call, and one of the guys steps in the hugest pile of puke on the floor. What a way to end the perfect evening. We all head to our rooms; our day is going to start early. I didn’t realize I was actually drunk till I got to my room and fell on my arse while trying to pull off my shoes. A handful of antacid, Bayer, and vitamin C, and I was gone.

Woke up feeling fairly good, showered and headed down to the lobby. Talked to Larry for a minute, but didn’t want to bother Billy Kilmer sitting with him and some others having breakfast. Grabbed some coffee and a muffin, kicked back and read the sports page while waiting for Art. Art shows up, and it’s off to the stadium. We make our way up to the press box to settle in. The first order of business is……… food. We get fixed up with some very good omelets. The spread of food was very good to say the least.

As I return from the head, I see my seat is taken, but I’m not gonna tell him to move. Sitting next to Art is Jurgy, with his buddy, Tom something or another who was the Skins equipment manager in the 70’s. While anticipating the thrill of being on the field for the game, this was the biggest thrill of the day. Being able to hang with Sonny, and listen to his stories about the pre-game meal of wonder bread and bologna, and all sorts of other things was so much fun. We spoke about our shoulder injuries and serguries, and he mentioned how he had spoken to Al Saunders and told him to have Jason throw deep on his first play to get it out of his system. Saunders said he wanted Sonny to give him a report on Jason every couple of weeks, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen ;) :laugh:

If you think Slingin Sammy is colorful, Sonny makes him look like a quire boy :laugh:

Once Art was all set with the blog, we head down to the field to get me acquainted with the lay of the land. We head back up a little while later as we ready ourselves for the game. I head down as the teams begin to do some warm up’s, and Art joins me shortly after. Just as the game begins, we hit our first stumbling block. We’re told by a Tampa team official we’re not allowed on the field. We got it worked out, and I was able to stay on the field to take pics, but did have to put on a blaze red “photo” vest. Could have been worse :D Because of the limited lense on Art’s camera, I don’t know just how good the pics are, and he’ll have them up later today with any luck. You get to see a lot of stuff going on that you’ll never see on the TV coverage. Portis seemed to be in high spirits, but I can’t say the same for Santana. You could just see the anguish on his face at times, longing to be on the field. Vincent looked fairly pizzed when he limped off the field, the man is a true competitor, and belongs on the field as much as possible.

At the half, I snuck out to catch a smoke. Hey, some habits die hard :laugh: I called Art in the booth to see when he wanted to switch, and it was extremely cool of him to let me stay on the field for the second half. We all know how the second half went, and our team needs more then a QB change. . I do think Jason has a bright future. He seemed to manage the game well, protected the ball, and made some very nice plays. At games end, I decided not to go to the locker room. I apologize to the members here for not covering that, but the regular media would be more then enough without another boob sticking a mike in their faces in a less the happy atmosphere. Just a judgment call on my part. I headed up to meet Art feeling a little dejected over the outcome of the game. We packed up, and headed out.

The Tampa police make it impossible to get anywhere with all the streets they close, and we spent some time just trying to get heading in the right direction. A few minutes longer, and I think Art might have started to drive through peoples yards, and cut across a runway or two of the airport. We hit the hotel for a quick change, and off to dinner. I will say, the man can put away some serious amounts of Sushi :laugh: We headed back to the hotel, and that’s the last I saw or heard from Art. I passed out in my room shortly after I got in. I was woken this morning to my cell phone with my wife telling me our daughter isn’t feeling well, so I got my act together real quick, and bugged out. It was still early, so I didn’t call Art as not to wake him.

All in all, it was an amazing weekend for a regular guy. Being able too give a high five to a player running off the field, or stand elbow to elbow with coaches and players is just the coolest thing. If I ever get the chance again, I’ll be far better prepared in every way.

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I was at the game and enjoyed it as well. I was in the lower corner of the stadium where the QB's were warming up and it was exciting to see Jason warming up. I tell ya, what a heart breaker watching the ball sail perfect spiral through Brandon Lloyd's hands..On the way out of the stadium there were a lot of roads closed off but all in all we had been to tampa twice last year so if was not hard getting out.

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What happen to my post from yesterday?? And Pete's response? I don't think the post was at all disrespectfull, and Pete's response would indicate it wasn't taken as such. I just don't understand it at all.

Check your PM's brother.........

Or just read the top of the thread


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