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How is WTEM going hold shows today?


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There whole fan base consist of Cowboys callers pretending to be Redskins fans.

You guys should of seen how dissapointed B Mitch and Czaben were after the game.

They were trying to do their nit picking consipracy stuff again. Czaben did the whole thing , who is really calling the plays? Saunders would go 4 wide on the goalline.

Thats why i pray the Redskins turn it around. Those guys might be out of jobs.

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They just named the other 3-5 teams...49ers, packers.....and then sarcastically said that we were still going to the playoffs

I love how they forget about the turn around from last year.

That station man.

B Mitch called Al Saunders a racist.

Czaben made fun of Gibbs for saying sorry to the fans.

They make fun of the team on a 24 hour basis.

They even had one caller on B Mitch show say Joe Gibbs is not a hall of fame coach. B Mitch said i agree.

Then the caller calls back and says Cowboy nation stand up.

The station has become a enemy of the Redskins.

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There whole fan base consist of Cowboys callers pretending to be Redskins fans.

You guys should of seen how dissapointed B Mitch and Czaben were after the game.

They were trying to do their nit picking consipracy stuff again. Czaben did the whole thing , who is really calling the plays? Saunders would go 4 wide on the goalline.

Thats why i pray the Redskins turn it around. Those guys might be out of jobs.

I'm pretty sure they'll find something to talk about about. It's a lot better than the fluff on TripleX Radio.

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I'm pretty sure they'll find something to talk about about. It's a lot better than the fluff on TripleX Radio.

I can not wait until TripleX puts more local shows on. I will never listen to WTEM a day in my life .

But it is hard to listen to Collin Cowherd talk about the Florida Gators football rather then listen to haters talk about the Redskins.

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They were trying to do their nit picking consipracy stuff again. Czaben did the whole thing , who is really calling the plays? Saunders would go 4 wide on the goalline.

I guess that's how Larry Johnson and Priest Holmes scored all those TD's for Saunders while in KC. Czaben and B-*itch are just plain awful, it sucks that you can't watch your own teams post game show after a game or listen to the radio the day after. Talk about two buzz killers.

If Brunell would have thrown an incomplete pass they would have screamed "why are you paying Clinton all that money if he can't get you one yard", unless the team scored a TD it was a lose-lose situation with those two morons. Heck if Gibbs decided to kick the chip shot FG they would have said "the coaches have no confidence in the team". Heaven forbid the #4 NFL defense just flat out made a play, that stuff tends to happen.

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It's not all hate. More often than not there is a lot of objective criticism on the team and their performance. Yeah you have a knucklehead like Czabe, but for the most part, B Mitch, Doc, John and the boys do a pretty good job.

Triple X is mostly ESPN content and I really can't stand to hear too much of ESPN. For example, this morning it seemed as if Mike and Mike spent a good portion of their show talking about the Pats and the Colts. I'm sorry, but considering all of the other stories in the NFL yesterday (Skins win, Miami's big win, Detroit's handling of ATL and Pittsburgh's season ending) they talked about that Brady's inability to perform. I'm sorry but you can keep that.

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I guess that's how Larry Johnson and Priest Holmes scored all those TD's for Saunders while in KC. Czaben and B-*itch are just plain awful, it sucks that you can't watch your own teams post game show after a game or listen to the radio the day after. Talk about two buzz killers.

If Brunell would have thrown an incomplete pass they would have screamed "why are you paying Clinton all that money if he can't get you one yard", unless the team scored a TD it was a lose-lose situation with those two morons. Heck if Gibbs decided to kick the chip shot FG they would have said "the coaches have no confidence in the team". Heaven forbid the #4 NFL defense just flat out made a play, that stuff tends to happen.

It was pretty sad how they attacked Gibbs after he said sorry to the fans about the bus . Al Kokin was making fun of his voice. Saying how he is doing it all for PR. How he was a fraud.

B Mitch was attacking him. Czaben called him Joe Jackson Gibbs and was yelling at him like he was a child.

What is going to take to run these guys out of town?

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I love how they forget about the turn around from last year.

That station man.

B Mitch called Al Saunders a racist.

Czaben made fun of Gibbs for saying sorry to the fans.

They make fun of the team on a 24 hour basis.

They even had one caller on B Mitch show say Joe Gibbs is not a hall of fame coach. B Mitch said i agree.

Then the caller calls back and says Cowboy nation stand up.

The station has become a enemy of the Redskins.

Would people stop talking about last year:doh: That has nothing to do w/ this year. Let's focus on the next game and could care less about WTEM.

I know everyone is on triplex's jock but that show blows sometimes as well. Bram is okay but Larry is difficult to listen to w/ all of the pauses and distractions while trying to notice skins players as he does the show.

Our local redskin coverage is very suspect to say the least; even the one owned by the skins.

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It was pretty sad how they attacked Gibbs after he said sorry to the fans about the bus . Al Kokin was making fun of his voice. Saying how he is doing it all for PR. How he was a fraud.

B Mitch was attacking him. Czaben called him Joe Jackson Gibbs and was yelling at him like he was a child.

What is going to take to run these guys out of town?

The thing w/ the fans after getting smacked like that was waaaaaay out of left field. JG says some questionable things sometimes. Doesn't excuse Al, B Mitch and Czabe but the fans can't help your defense improve.

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I don't have a problem with most of the things that Czaban says on his show. I think most of it is accurate. People just refuse to give it credit merely because we won. The mistakes and poor decisions exist regardless of the outcome of the game. If they aren't fixed, we won't keep winning.

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I don't have a problem with most of the things that Czaban says on his show. I think most of it is accurate. People just refuse to give it credit merely because we won. The mistakes and poor decisions exist regardless of the outcome of the game. If they aren't fixed, we won't keep winning.

Yeah it is really hard to be accurate after the fact. UMM I would not sign Archletta and trade for Duckette. I am a genius.

If we could all have this luxary we would be millionairs.

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I don't have a problem with most of the things that Czaban says on his show. I think most of it is accurate. People just refuse to give it credit merely because we won. The mistakes and poor decisions exist regardless of the outcome of the game. If they aren't fixed, we won't keep winning.

Thank you and I think we all want to see this team win. They have to fix the mistakes and quickly forget about this Dallas win.

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Thank you and I think we all want to see this team win. They have to fix the mistakes and quickly forget about this Dallas win.

Its a lot easier to fix mistakes when you have a healthy team. WTEM is terrible. They do not analyze the game. Its just attacks on Snyder and Gibbs.

They lose the Titans. Yeah not a good loss. But did they not think it was maybe because of the two rookie defensive tackles? After all the Titans did run straight at the Redskins.

The team has been killed by injuries all year. Yeah the lack of drafting has hurt the depth.

But who could of predicted that they would have to go into games with two rookie defensive tackles and cover corners Rumph and Wright as starters?

It has nothing to do with the front office. It has having injurys at all the most important areas.

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The mistakes and poor decisions exist regardless of the outcome of the game. If they aren't fixed, we won't keep winning.

Every game in the NFL is decided by which team makes the fewest mistakes, yesterday Dallass made more mistakes, don't be fooled by some idea of the perfect game because that doesn't exist.

The problem lies with the fact that when we lose, certain radio and post game show guys harp on how bad we suck and get an obvious enjoyment out of pointing out our flaws and in some cases mocking players, fans, and the coaching staff. When we win the same two morons point out our flaws and how lucky we were to win and how we only won because the other team gave the game away, we never earn victories according to them, we just luck out.

That is why most fans can't stand those two. Czabe, it is expected from but B-*itch is smarter then that and that is what really stinks about his shows.

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Every game in the NFL is decided by which team makes the fewest mistakes, yesterday Dallass made more mistakes, don't be fooled by some idea of the perfect game because that doesn't exist.

The problem lies with the fact that when we lose, certain radio and post game show guys harp on how bad we suck and get an obvious enjoyment out of pointing out our flaws and in some cases mocking players, fans, and the coaching staff. When we win the same two morons point out our flaws and how lucky we were to win and how we only won because the other team gave the game away, we never earn victories according to them, we just luck out.

That is why most fans can't stand those two. Czabe, it is expected from but B-*itch is smarter then that and that is what really stinks about his shows.

I agree whole heartedly.

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Every game in the NFL is decided by which team makes the fewest mistakes, yesterday Dallass made more mistakes, don't be fooled by some idea of the perfect game because that doesn't exist.

The problem lies with the fact that when we lose, certain radio and post game show guys harp on how bad we suck and get an obvious enjoyment out of pointing out our flaws and in some cases mocking players, fans, and the coaching staff. When we win the same two morons point out our flaws and how lucky we were to win and how we only won because the other team gave the game away, we never earn victories according to them, we just luck out.

That is why most fans can't stand those two. Czabe, it is expected from but B-*itch is smarter then that and that is what really stinks about his shows.

Exactly. They keep pointing the two point conversion. Who is to say if Dallas did not go for it, the Redskins would of not become more aggresive and scored another touchdown? Maybe went for it on a 4th down in another part of the game.

Then they point to TOs drop. How about Cooleys drops? Those were huge drops. Or Brunell dropping the snap in Cowboys territory?

But the Cowboys gave us the game.

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Exactly. They keep pointing the two point conversion. Who is to say if Dallas did not go for it, the Redskins would of not become more aggresive and scored another touchdown? Maybe went for it on a 4th down in another part of the game.

Then they point to TOs drop. How about Cooleys drops? Those were huge drops. Or Brunell dropping the snap in Cowboys territory?

But the Cowboys gave us the game.

And did you ever here Czabe or B-*itch point out the fact that the TD shouldn't have happened? I mean Witten held Daniels not once but twice on the TD pass, then looks to the ref and gives a fist pump when he didn't see a flag for holding. It was so obvious that even mister Cowgurl Troy Aikman wondered aloud where the flag was. Those two are morons who hold a grudge against the team and like I said get an obvious enjoyment when we lose.

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The reason most people can't stand them is they speak the truth and most fans don't want to hear it. They'd rather hear someone ignore facts and just kiss ass all day long.

Then they point to TOs drop. How about Cooleys drops? Those were huge drops. Or Brunell dropping the snap in Cowboys territory?

The reason that play was so huge, if he catches that single pass it alone results in 7 points putting the cowboys up by 2 TD's. Instead he drops it and they eventually have to punt. We get the ball back and score the tying TD. Cooley's drop nor Brunell's fumble directly resulted in points.

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