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Arizona Redskins Fans - where do you watch?


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I'm heading to Phoenix tomorrow morning and I was hoping to find a sports bar to watch the Skins game at.

Is anyone around that area and know of a good place to catch the game?


Luckily, with the Cards off - the Skins/Dallas game is on local TV tomorrow and will be shown at any of the gazillion sports bars in the valley, popular places are any Famous Sam's, Native new Yorker, RTO Sullivan's, TGIF, Woodshed I or II, Buffalo Wildwings, but best is if you can find one of the many non-corporate bars/pubs to get some local color (mind you that local color in the valley means from the mid-west). What area of the valley are you visiting?

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Luckily, with the Cards off - the Skins/Dallas game is on local TV tomorrow and will be shown at any of the gazillion sports bars in the valley, popular places are any Famous Sam's, Native new Yorker, RTO Sullivan's, TGIF, Woodshed I or II, Buffalo Wildwings, but best is if you can find one of the many non-corporate bars/pubs to get some local color (mind you that local color in the valley means from the mid-west). What area of the valley are you visiting?

All I know witht he location is I will be staying at Highland Ave in Phoenix - it will be near the JOBING.COM training center if that helps....

I am supposed to arrive at 12pm, and will watch in the hotel, but I was hoping there would be somewhere nearby that I could hang with some Skins fans, especially ESers.

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All I know witht he location is I will be staying at Highland Ave in Phoenix - it will be near the JOBING.COM training center if that helps....

I am supposed to arrive at 12pm, and will watch in the hotel, but I was hoping there would be somewhere nearby that I could hang with some Skins fans, especially ESers.

I'm sure you'll pass by a number of bars close to the hotel - but remember game starts here at 11AM, you might need to stop at the bar at the airport on your way to baggage claim and check the status. There is a sports bar in every concourse at the airport.

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I'm sure you'll pass by a number of bars close to the hotel - but remember game starts here at 11AM, you might need to stop at the bar at the airport on your way to baggage claim and check the status. There is a sports bar in every concourse at the airport.

Thanks for all the information....

....GO REDSKINS :point2sky :point2sky :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :point2sky :point2sky

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Sports bars at 11am are great. 10am, not so much. But I haven't found A) a 'Skins bar out here anywhere, or 2) a bar that would give the 'Skins the respect to have them on any other screen in the bar other than the 12" in the back corner above the ladies room.

I'll be at home in Tempe watchin' on Fox, with the sound muted and laptop runnin' through the surround sound to stream Sonny and Sam. I'll have a few friends perhaps, pizza, and a surly attitude.

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A Friend of mine moved to the Phoenix area a couple months a go and he's been trying to put together a fan club for Phoenix. He set up a mypace account for it at Redskins Fan Club of Phoenix. It Looks like they will be meeting at a place called R.T. O'sullivan's this weekend. Here's the address:

R.T. O'sullivan's

1010 W. Southern Ave Mesa Arizona,



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A Friend of mine moved to the Phoenix area a couple months a go and he's been trying to put together a fan club for Phoenix. He set up a mypace account for it at Redskins Fan Club of Phoenix. It Looks like they will be meeting at a place called R.T. O'sullivan's this weekend. Here's the address:

R.T. O'sullivan's

1010 W. Southern Ave Mesa Arizona,



I believe that is caddy corner from Hooters, which should also show the game.

For those of us that were at Hooters last season, It lives up to its name totally.

College towns rock!

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A Friend of mine moved to the Phoenix area a couple months a go and he's been trying to put together a fan club for Phoenix. He set up a mypace account for it at Redskins Fan Club of Phoenix. It Looks like they will be meeting at a place called R.T. O'sullivan's this weekend. Here's the address:

R.T. O'sullivan's

1010 W. Southern Ave Mesa Arizona,



Thanks for the info.!

I'm going to check out the driving distance and attempt to make it - I may have to miss it though because I think I am being taken to the hotel by a rep.

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My sister is in Tempe - right near the old stadium. She goes to a bar nearby - can't think of the name right now, but you're right - she says getting to the bar by 10am kinda sucks. At least it's a little later now with the time change. And it's never on the main TV or has the sound up. I'll definitely tell her about the fan club! Poor thing is stuck on a business trip right now - in DALLAS!!!!


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