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Meet Mad Mike and listen to his music.

Mad Mike

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OK so I've had too much time on my hands lately as I've been recouperating from yet another back surgery. So Inspired by a friend I decided to create a blog and pour a little of myself out on the web.

There isn't much to it yet but I did post the "album" I've been working on. It's all instrumental, created using GarageBand and a USB keyboard. I'll be the first to say it's not all that great but hey, for a self taught player who just started trying to write music... If nothing else it was fun, and it was good therapy. :-) The most polished tune is "Rapture". "Cry over you" is an experiment in getting a guitar sound out of the keyboard, I laid down a loop then plaid one long lead line over it. I think my favorite is "if" and maybe "Deep Love".

Anyway I'd love to hear your comments and/or creative criticism. :cheers:


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Hey Mike,

checked out your pro website, nice work. now I'm gonna hit up for some photography lessons. I liked the music. now if I can figure out how to play it while I'm in my hot tub in the back yard. deep love was my favorite, sounded like it had the most potential. hope your back heals quickly and solves your problem.

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