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there had better be some huge changes on both sides of the ball, with strategy and players.

Guys, we are a flip of the coin from being 1-6, and unlike last year, when we looked to control every game and just get edged out, this year we are getting our a**es handed to us.

I know you have questioned everything on this Board for an answer. Well... come Monday afternoon if the same BS is handed out, we can all rest assured the season is lost.

I'm a 40 year fan of these guys. I have called them every name in the book, and cheered them till iI was horse, but this season has got to be the worst. It's the first time I feel totally hopeless and have no expectations for things to improve.

Again, Monday's presser will tell whether Sundays will be FUN again, this year!!!

Sorry for the vent.

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there had better be some huge changes on both sides of the ball, with strategy and players.

Guys, we are a flip of the coin from being 1-6, and unlike last year, when we looked to control every game and just get edged out, this year we are getting our a**es handed to us.

I know you have questioned everything on this Board for an answer. Well... come Monday afternoon if the same BS is handed out, we can all rest assured the season is lost.

I'm a 40 year fan of these guys. I have called them every name in the book, and cheered them till iI was horse, but this season has got to be the worst. It's the first time I feel totally hopeless and have no expectations for things to improve.

I got something that probably will give us a boost. He's wide Reciever and he's on the practice squad. Get Espy in there Gibbs. I tell you that he is a great player

Again, Monday's presser will tell whether Sundays will be FUN again, this year!!!

Sorry for the vent.

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Well, the biggest and most urgent change needed is not going to happen. Joe Gibbs has made it clear that Brunell will be our starting QB next week. He pointed out all of the positives that Brunell produced in that ass whipping we received last week from the Colts. Also, don't forget that some of the fans on this board like to point out that Brunells QB rating is something like, 94. All of those 2 and 3 yard passes add up, especially when the opposing team has a three touchdown or more lead and they give you the underneath completions, just so they can get the hell off the field to ****, shower, shave and enjoy the victory that they so easily were given.

I really hate to sound like doom and gloom but for the life of me, I can't understand Joe's stubbornness on keeping Brunell as our starting QB. Campbell or Collins can't possibly play any worse than what Brunell has been playing. Yes, I know our defense has been putrid and changes need to be made but on offense, your QB is the general on the field, your leader, some one that the rest of the team will look to, having faith that they can trust him to pull out a win when all seems lost. Now, does that sound like the QB we have starting now? Can you see the players rallying behind Brunell and defending the status quo? If so, then this team is satisfied with mediocrity and will never experience any post season play.

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I thought only guys from West VA went "horse". :)

And what's that supposed to mean Rabid? Are you knocking my take on all of this? That's fine but if you don't agree then come up with something more articulate than some lame one liner, as it would be nice to know exactly what it is that you disagree with me on.

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And what's that supposed to mean Rabid? Are you knocking my take on all of this? That's fine but if you don't agree then come up with something more articulate than some lame one liner, as it would be nice to know exactly what it is that you disagree with me on.

I believe Rabid was responding to and chiding the OP who used the term "horse" rather than hoarse

Granted, no one is having fun these days, but we all might be better off if we lighten it up a bit :)

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I believe Rabid was responding to and chiding the OP who used the term "horse" rather than hoarse

Granted, no one is having fun these days, but we all might be better off if we lighten it up a bit :)

My mistake, sorry. Your right, this season is taking a toll on everybody's nerves. A good win next week will cure what ails us all.

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there had better be some huge changes on both sides of the ball, with strategy and players.

Guys, we are a flip of the coin from being 1-6, and unlike last year, when we looked to control every game and just get edged out, this year we are getting our a**es handed to us.

I hope if we lose, they dont take away our only other win. 2-5 is bad enough.


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