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Espn, Nfl Live: Gibbs Faithful To A Fault


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Hey. What do you guys think about Brunell, or Gibbs, or Campbell and the QB thing?

I am not sure yet..

But, I was thinking about starting a thread on it in a few minutes. So, keep your eyes peeled. If the thread is not posted in 5 minutes..keep waiting. If I don't post it tonight, I should have one posted by next week or in a month or in a year. I will start one though so keep looking out.

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It doesn't sound like something easy to pick up, especially for one who is used to going through progressions.

Agreed. It does not.

I can understand wanting to go with Moss in that game, tho, since he seemed to have the hot hand. Every time he got his hand on the ball, he did something with it. I can understand the reaction, but special players make special plays.

Sure, I can too. However, what he did with that ball is not likely to happen all the time and he has to make the right read all the time. Just because he made something good happen with the wrong read does not mean it was the right read. It just means things worked out.

Maybe. If you are thinking about winning this year, that isn't the move to make. I guess the thought process was that Brunell would adjust quickly and be able to work with it. If the defense was working the way it was supposed to, maybe it would have worked.

And if we were winning this year, I would be fine. Hell, if had beat TN and MN and were 4-3 I would be fine but we didn't and we aren't. I have not been calling for Campbell since training camp. I am a recent convert and I got converted by watching guys run free and not get seen, watching Brunell throw the ball away when he was under no pressure, watching Brunell get sacked because he has held the ball too long, watching Brunell roll out of the pocket right into the arms of some defensive linemen and watching Brunell just flat miss wide open guys short and long.

Right now, with our defense playing the way it is playing, we can't afford to be as safe and conservative. We have to go outscore the other team. We have to put some pressure on their offense keep up with us and use our offense to make their offense one dimensional. Our defense cannot protect against both the run and pass right now and they have shown that unlike Williams defenses of the last two years they can't make the team's offense one dimensional themselves.

No, I agreed with going with Brunell back in training camp but that was when I was thinking we would have the defense we had the last two years.

I'm sure that with the news that Campbell has been getting some reps with the first team, they are looking at all options.

Congrats, you are one of the first to make a good argument for Campbell starting. Course, I said that after the bye would make a good opportunity for Campbell to start, if we lost in Indy. We'll see if they judge him ready enough.

I don't know if he is ready enough or not. I just know that an L is an L and he can't be any worse at putting those up than Brunell right now. I hope he looked good in practice. I hope he is the answer.

And thanks, although I don't think I am the first to make this arguement. I think Om and some others have suggested it as well.

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I'm still waiting.

...apparently for Godot, at least in this thread anyway. However, there are literally too many to shake a stick at elsewhere. I love the in-thread conversation with yourself though. Hilarious :laugh: It sounds a lot like what goes on in my head all day. :)

Marmot, Mormon. Same difference. However, I don't think either one of them drinks though.;)

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