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Judge: All Chinese look the same.


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LONDON (AFP) - A Scottish judge cleared a student from China of a motoring offence after claiming that "all Chinese people can look the same", a newspaper has reported.

Sheriff Margaret Gimblett dismissed the evidence of two police officers who had identified Hui Yu, 23, who had been charged with driving without insurance.

She was quoted by The Times Monday as telling Greenock Sheriff Court, near Glasgow: "Without wanting to be derogatory in any way, sometimes it is said that all black people look the same at first glance and the same can be said that all Chinese people can look the same to a native Scot.

"It's only when you have time to look that you begin to see the differences."

Two police officers identified Hui as a man they stopped at a petrol station but Hui denied the offence, saying he was at his girlfriend's flat at the time.

Seemingly agreeing with Gimblett, Hui said after the case: "It is true that people from one nationality or race can look the same to people from another nationality or race.

"It is the same for Chinese people -- we find it quite hard at first to tell the difference between groups of Scots," the Times quoted him as saying.

A spokesman for Britain's Commission for Racial Equality watchdog said that the sheriff's comments were "not particularly helpful".

But both the Chinese headteacher of the Chinese School in Glasgow and the chairman of the Scotland-China Association backed Gimblett, saying the comments were not meant to be derogatory.

Here comes the LAZY journalism.

the offense: who had been charged with driving without insurance.

does the story say anywhere that this guy does or does not have insurance? Because that is one hell of a coincidence if he doesn't.

And now to the merits:

The two police officers didn't see him drive by, they stopped him at the gas station so they apparently were with him for at least 20 minutes while they ran everything through the computer... I'm guessing that counts as more than a first glance. (they also had his car tags? Drivers license? video)???

There is so much missing it's impossible to tell other than the Judge being a moron what really happened.

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Here comes the LAZY journalism.

the offense: who had been charged with driving without insurance.

does the story say anywhere that this guy does or does not have insurance? Because that is one hell of a coincidence if he doesn't.

And now to the merits:

The two police officers didn't see him drive by, they stopped him at the gas station so they apparently were with him for at least 20 minutes while they ran everything through the computer... I'm guessing that counts as more than a first glance. (they also had his car tags? Drivers license? video)???

There is so much missing it's impossible to tell other than the Judge being a moron what really happened.

Who cares? The paper got their eye-catching quote. Now hurry up and buy the paper. While you're at it, I think you're doing yourself, and the rest of the extremeskins community, a disservice by not just jumping on this and calling for blatant racism. Don't take the time to actually read the article. REACT DAMN IT!! ;)

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This reminds me of a funny story. A few years ago I was talking to a Chinese graduate student who was a classmate of mine. There were these two guys with beards in our class that she kept on getting mixed up, and eventually she said to me (in Chinese): "It's so hard to tell them apart, they all look the same."

I almost burst out laughing.

...it all depends on your perspective.

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