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Al must go!!


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Redskins are or were a smashmouth team,but with Al we are trying to be a finess team,and the players aren,t buying into it!!

How many times did KC make the playoffs with AL(thankyou)

Joe must take back the O,he his a old school smashmouth coach,who took us 2 games deep into the playoffs last year!!

If it not broke don,t fix it!!

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Yea, really. Are you aware that we still have to pay Al a few million over the next couple of years even if we did send him packing? Gibbs warned us and the experts warned us that this change might take an entire season to really pay off. Although Gibbs really does try to win every game whereas Im no so sure with Saunders.

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Redskins are or were a smashmouth team,but with Al we are trying to be a finess team,and the players aren,t buying into it!!

How many times did KC make the playoffs with AL(thankyou)

Joe must take back the O,he his a old school smashmouth coach,who took us 2 games deep into the playoffs last year!!

If it not broke don,t fix it!!

This post is ignorant. We are running the same type of running plays as we did last year, just a couple more draws mixed in. So how finesse can it be? What isn't taking place is execution from the O-line and QB. One of these two problem areas can be changed but we are unwilling for some odd reason to make that change.

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This post is ignorant. We are running the same type of running plays as we did last year, just a couple more draws mixed in. So how finesse can it be?

We most certainly are not running the same type of ground game as last year and if you really think that we are, then you are either stupid or you're lying. We have almost nothing going between the tackles. The philosophy seems to be to get outside the hashmarks as quickly as possible and at all costs. IOW, ultra-finesse and ineffective. Tragic, considering the way we were simply pounding people up the middle for most of last year. Remember St. Louis?

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I agree with you, I think this whole change has caused us to go down hill. His 700 play book is by far extreme, I doubt he could even remember half of it. Even some players say its insane. They said they would have had to quit because they couldnt remember it, I believe Riggins even said he wouldnt even try to remember, hed just tell them give him the ball and hell run. Thats why last year we were so good, Gibbs ran it all, he knew what to do, and then once Saunders came in, we went to ****.

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How is Al to blame when he is limited in what he can do with the offense because of Brunell? It's ridiculous. It's been said time and time again that this offense has been simplified for Brunell.

I hope to God Al stays, because I know what his offense can do.

And every team in the NCFeast has seen what he did in St Louis and KC. They want him to leave Washington as well, I guarantee it.

The Redskins suck right now, but it's not Al that is the problem.

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How is Al to blame when he is limited in what he can do with the offense because of Brunell? It's ridiculous. It's been said time and time again that this offense has been simplified for Brunell.

He shouldnt do that. It costing us the season. Al should continue what he has done in KC regardless of what Brunell can or can not do. Never know until you try. If Al has a problem with Brunell running the offense then he should go to Gibbs about it, and not cost us the season with his stupid playcalling.

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Alls I know is the Offense was fine last year with less talented players & since Saunders took over it has looked pathetic.

The offense was NOT fine last year...it was far from fine. It got by and Brunell bought himself a season pass with 2 last minute passes in Dallas. But other than that, the offense sputtered down the home stretch and into the playoffs and the offense is the reason we did not advance to the NFC Championship game.

I remember watching that seattle game 3 downs and punt...back and forth until they finally broke our defense. Now that our defense is faltering, we're seeing how much of a liability our offense is.

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Honestly I think Al will help us in the long run, but right now he costing the Skins season. We didnt need him in the first place. Gibbs offense was doing just fine. Now everyone is trying to learn yet another offense. It slowing down Campbell development. He may have better knowledge of the offense now since he spents most of his time studying, but we'll never know until he puts the clipboard down, put on his helmet, and get out on the field.

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Honestly I think Al will help us in the long run, but right now he costing the Skins season. We didnt need him in the first place. Gibbs offense was doing just fine. Now everyone is trying to learn yet another offense. It slowing down Campbell development. He may have better knowledge of the offense now since he spents most of his time studying, but we'll never know until he puts the clipboard down, put on his helmet, and get out on the field.

Exactly. Al Saunders can't help it that he was brought in. He's doing what he was brought in to do....implement his offense. That requires a learning curve. I don't think any of us expected this BIG of a learning curve, especially out of our gutsy old vet at QB. But people blaming this on Saunders (insinuating he's not a good offensive coordinator), is just plain sad. His record speaks for itself.

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Saunders is coordinating an offense with one hand tied behind his back. We have yet to see what this offense is capable of because we can't threaten any defenses farther than 15 yards downfield. That's not Saunder's fault. Saunders can call all of the deep passes and long plays he wants to, those passes aren't being thrown.

A lack of respect for our deep passing game has crowded the line of scrimmage and made it impossible to generate a good, consistent rushing attack.

Add to that fact that we are coming from behind in the 4th quarter most of the time and being forced to throw.

I believe this offense is everything it is supposed to be. It's been proven everywhere Saunders has been. Except here he is being asked to put 1/3 of his offense in the drawer becasue our (insert long string of curse words here) starting quarterback is totally washed up and useless.

Seriously, would you blame the mechanic because the driver refuses or can't push the gas pedal to the floor while driving the racecar that was the fastest car on the track for 4 straight years??

Would you blame the golf clubs and the caddie because the golfer refuses or can't use the driver that was proven to be the longest on tour for 4 straight years?

I know everyone is frustrated, but the problems on offense all come back to one person. That person is not Al Saunders.

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We will not be successful with Al Saunders calling plays and Mark Brunell as our starting QB. That's not to say that Al Saunders could not be successful here at Washington. It's just impossible to tell until another QB gets inserted into the system.

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Alls I know is the Offense was fine last year with less talented players & since Saunders took over it has looked pathetic.

And it also struggled during parts of last year. It wasn't all perfect. The question is why is Brunell RARELY throwing the ball downfield? Somehow I think there are several WR's beyond 5 yards and I know they are getting open some of the time but the ball isn't getting to them. It's deeper than Al. Is he part of the problem? Probably. Could it be bigger than just him? My guess is yes.

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How is Al to blame when he is limited in what he can do with the offense because of Brunell? It's ridiculous. It's been said time and time again that this offense has been simplified for Brunell.

Atlanta had to dumb down their offense for Vick, and we had to simplfy our offense for Brunell. I can buy that. But Vick looked like Joe Montana yesterday meanwhile Brunell well looked like Brunell. :mad:

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And it also struggled during parts of last year. It wasn't all perfect. The question is why is Brunell RARELY throwing the ball downfield? Somehow I think there are several WR's beyond 5 yards and I know they are getting open some of the time but the ball isn't getting to them. It's deeper than Al. Is he part of the problem? Probably. Could it be bigger than just him? My guess is yes.

Exactly. Mark is becoming known as Mark "check down" Brunell. :mad: Dag on shame that when he sees Moss covered be automatically checks down to Betts or Portis when Lloyd and Randel aren't getting any looks. :(

On the flip side, prior to yesterday our o-line was only giving him about 2 seconds of protection so he had to try to make something out of nothing. But there were times yesterday, particularly when the Colts were in prevent, when he just went for the check down too fast. :2cents:

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I agree what was the point of hiring him, the team was fine last yr all we needed was a piece of the puzzle and we got it in Randle El and then they go and do this crap . 2 million dollars down thetube, some offense's are made for teams and Al's is not made for the redskins, since when in redskins history have u seen a skins team trying to be soo fancy they aren't fooling no one but themselves.

THis seasons is pissing me off soo much . ANd the playoffs yeah right , lets get 500 first then think about playoffs.:tantrum: :puke:

Redskins are or were a smashmouth team,but with Al we are trying to be a finess team,and the players aren,t buying into it!!

How many times did KC make the playoffs with AL(thankyou)

Joe must take back the O,he his a old school smashmouth coach,who took us 2 games deep into the playoffs last year!!

If it not broke don,t fix it!!

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Exactly. Mark is becoming known as Mark "check down" Brunell. :mad: Dag on shame that when he sees Moss covered be automatically checks down to Betts or Portis when Lloyd and Randel aren't getting any looks. :(

On the flip side, prior to yesterday our o-line was only giving him about 2 seconds of protection so he had to try to make something out of nothing. But there were times yesterday, particularly when the Colts were in prevent, when he just went for the check down too fast. :2cents:

Boonell checks down entirely too fast. Instead of using A.R.E. or Lloyd, he rather throw to the RB. I'm not understanding him. I thought that your supposed to throw to the #2 or #3 if the #1 isn't there. The RB is a safety valve, but he's going to that entirely too much.

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The skins have gotten away from what has made us so successful in the past. It just seems that anyone that tries to come in here and make this team something it is not is destin to fail...ie Marty-ball and The old Ball Coach.

I have much respect for Brian Billick and that whole baltimore ravens crew for firing Fassel when it seemed his system just wasn't working.

I think that there's a lot more to it than offense but let's face it...when we consistently play the worst defensive teams, our lack of offense is allowing them to look like a probowl D.

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The skins have gotten away from what has made us so successful in the past. It just seems that anyone that tries to come in here and make this team something it is not is destin to fail...ie Marty-ball and The old Ball Coach.

I have much respect for Brian Billick and that whole baltimore ravens crew for firing Fassel when it seemed his system just wasn't working.

I think that there's a lot more to it than offense but let's face it...when we consistently play the worst defensive teams, our lack of offense is allowing them to look like a probowl D.

Agreed. The Colts looked like the '89 Bears for a moment yesterday. :doh:

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