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Redskins History: 2001 Almost Made The Playoffs After Starting 0-5!


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Not to say that every year is the same and every situation is the same, but remember we are the only team in NFL History to start a season 0-5 and win 5 straight and at one point they talked about us running the table to make the playoffs....even though we finished 8-8 (I always thought it was a mistake to fire Marty Schottenheimer for Steve Inferior no less :doh: )

That year we were getting pimp slapped in the first 4 games by these scores.

San Diego Chargers 30, Redskins 3

Green Bay Packers 37, Redskins 0

Kansas City Chiefs 45, Redskins 13

New York Giants 23, Redskins 9

and to make matters worse we lost to Dallas 9-7 and had control of that game until Steven Davis fumbled late in the 4th. Just to say we can and will turn THIS season around.....Have a great one folks...Hail.

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Not to say that every year is the same and every situation is the same, but remember we are the only team in NFL History to start a season 0-5 and win 5 straight and at one point they talked about us running the table to make the playoffs....even though we finished 8-8 (I always thought it was a mistake to fire Marty Schottenheimer for Steve Inferior no less :doh: )

That year we were getting pimp slapped in the first 4 games by these scores.

San Diego Chargers 30, Redskins 3

Green Bay Packers 37, Redskins 0

Kansas City Chiefs 45, Redskins 13

New York Giants 23, Redskins 9

and to make matters worse we lost to Dallas 9-7 and had control of that game until Steven Davis fumbled late in the 4th. Just to say we can and will turn THIS season around.....Have a great one folks...Hail.

I remember that season well. After those first 5 games the Redskins reached an all time low. Yes, I really mean that. It wasn't only that they lost, it was the nature of the losses. No one on this board can honestly tell me that they didn't love Lavar after that intereception return for the touchdown. I know a lot happened after that, but he was the only reason to watch that team for a while.

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And if we "almost" make the playoffs this year it will make the 2 home losses so far even harder to swallow. Of course we can make it. And pretty soon we will start seeing threads about if this happens and that happens we will make it. But with each passing week it appears a little less likely.

After game 4 I thought "alright, we've got this thing figured out". I didn't think we were going to win out. I thought we looked good and would produce a good record. After week 6 I am left wondering what the real deal is.

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ALMOST made it, but didn't, then fired the head coach...

If we go 8-8 this year and ALMOST make it that will be a step backwards. We were 10-6 last year, we were supposed to be better this year and it's looking less and less likely that that's the case.... We also have a 3rd year HOF coach at the helm, not a first year coach....

So yes, 5 years ago we started bad and ended up respectable, but we can't hold ourselfs to that standard this year, anything less then 10-6 and a play-off berth is a disappointment...

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They should have made it that year, except it seemed to me the team decided they would rather gripe about how the team was coached and the training camp they were put through. Marty had a mutiny on his hands, especially in the first 3 games of that season.

Can't see the Skins making it this year either as the remaining schedule is much tougher than that year. With the current situation and remaining schedule it would be extremely deserved if they can somehow make the playoffs.

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Another thread trying to predict the future by looking into the past. Here's a clue: different year, different coach, different players. Can't look here for guidance.

I dunno if is about predicting the future.... more of looking at the past and saw you can turn a season around 1/2 way through, so it can happen. Not saying it will but motivation, especially everyone jumping ship.

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