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Schottenheimer predicts championship


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Coupla thoughts:

- What sets coaches like Parcells, Gibbs, Lombardi (even perhaps Shanahan and, someday, even Billick) apart is the ability to go man-to-man with a player, regardless of that player's personality or character, and know which buttons to push to get that man to tailor his talents to the needs of the team. We know Norv Turner lacked that quality. From what we're seeing out at Redskin Park these days, it may well be that the new guy has it in spades.

- LaVar. I'm tellin' ya, he's gonna be a beast. evil.gif

- The Times offering a positive take on the Redskins? My suggestion to you if you're traveling by air this weekend: watch for flying pigs and/or monkeys exiting someone's arse. Oh yeah, and if you're headed to Hades, pack a parka.

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I love that bet Marty and Jeff had going (I assume that's one of those 'buttons' you were mentioning, Om):

" Some of Schottenheimer's optimism has been generated by the development of quarterback Jeff George, who many believed was not capable of adapting his big-play style to a ball-control system.

George has matured greatly, Schottenheimer said, since the coach made a friendly bet that he couldn't resist throwing downfield on broken plays. At first George continued to freelance deep throws, but over the past few weeks he has focused on short, high-percentage options.

"His nature is more of a maverick, a riverboat gambler," offensive coordinator Jimmy Raye said. "But I think in our time here, and particularly in the past 14 [days of] coaching sessions, he has made tremendous strides . . . in finding that outlet guy."

And I notice that DeLoach finally shows up on the radar.

[edited.gif by Terry on June 15, 2001.]

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It's funny. I have a better feeling about my chances of enjoying the upcoming season than I did this time last year. Last year we were saddled with expectations so high that if we had reached the Super Bowl and lost, it would have been a letdown. This year, I see a team being built the right way, with chemistry and grit, that will compete and win close games. I (like others here) am loving the accountability that Marty has brought to this team.


"Loosen up, Sandy baby. You're just too damn tight!" - John Riggins to Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

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It is clear that Schottenheimer brings a sense of calm, self-confidence to the team.

There is no one running around yelling that the sky is falling and we don't see a lot of offseason scrapes involving players on the team.

Indeed this offseason has been quiet for the returning players and draft picks.

And that is a good thing. A good coach insulates his team from outside distractions and allows them to concentrate on their jobs.

That is one of the things that Phil Jackson has done so well in LA with the Lakers and in Chicago with the Bulls.

Just getting the jewelry salesmen and roadies out of the locker room is a big improvement over last year smile.gif

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I don't know that Mary predicted a championship, but he did indicate the team can compete for one, and it can. Certainly it could utterly fail as well. But, as Redman said here, I am excited about this season for the prospect that I'll be able to enjoy Redskins football again. Last year we were excited due to the great hype around the team, but, we all knew, even before the season, that a Norv team was still going to do things a Norv team did.

That is too frustrating, even for Norv supporters, like myself. But, with Marty, we have the prospects of seeing the team fight every week. To be professional and disciplined and play to their abilities if not above them. With Norv, you rarely got the team playing above itself and all too infrequently did you have it playing to the level it should.


Doom is in the box.

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