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Who's glad the 'intensity' argument has FINALLY been mentioned?


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I am. Because that to me, is honestly the number one reason we lose games. We go to 2-2, people start braggin on the skins, and we take it easy, CP dresses up again and all is good. So that lazy attitude finds its way to Giants stadium against a much hungier team and look what happens. We all know for a fact that our defense can play much better, even without Springs (see Tampa Playoff game), and that our offense can score on anyone (see Jacksonville game), so honestly, our team plays its best ball when our backs are against the wall, and that has got to stop. We have to sustain winning streaks and Gibbs needs to seriously jack up his guys on a week to week basis without our team being one game from virtual elimination.

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that's exactly what Portis and Cooley were sayin in their post-game interviews. That this team seems to play great in a must win situation, but its about a mentality. A need to come out with the same high tempo energy no matter the opponent and no matter our record. I think they will, leaders on the team seem to be upset and frustrated and I believe they will get this thing turned around and come out with a great effort every game from here on out. HTTR!!

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i fully agree. its all about intensity. is it good that we can't pick up our intesnsity on the road??? no of course it isnt. but road games early in the year are very difficult because we often just want to win and get out...you dont go into it with that "lets **** them up in their house" mentality. when we start getting some more urgency, our intensity will pick up, and we will rough teams up...at home and on the road.

this team is fine

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OM brought up a good point on another post - the skins don't seem to get going until someone hits for a big play. Either a classic Santana catch and run, or a portis run. When someone doesn't hit that big play, the skins seem to be lookng around waiting for someone else to do something.

as a team, I don't think the skins know how to "win ugly" ala the Pats, or the Giants against Eagle a few weeks ago, even the bears with their win against Minny. If brunell an dthe offense don't come out firing by the 2nd Q, the game is over, and we lose.

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I really hate to compare us with the Iggles...but here it goes. Did you see the way that D came out yesterday? They were flying to the ball, everyone was attacking the ball. They came out like psychos. We, on the other hand, come out slow and sluggish and have done so every game this year.( The d has allowed scoring drives in 3 of 5 games, and the Giants would've made it 4 of 5 if Jay Feeley hadn't missed) Our D never flies to the ball. There is no intensity.

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Yeah, more and more I am starting to believe the old chestnut about a team taking on the mentality of its head coach. With sloppy Spurrier, we got sloppy play. Gibbs is a sweet old man, but the team is echoing his apparent nonchalance as they waltz through the season. There's not panicking, and then there's just apathy.

If I was AS or GW I would be smashing shiite up and down the locker room after that game and uttering every profanity known to man to try and light a fire under these guys. I sure as hell wouldn't be slinking out the side door and ducking the tough questions ala GW.

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any one see the bears play recently? that's the way football is to be played. they come out each week jacked up, well coached, and ready to win no matter who they play. it really shows, they are killing the league right now.

The Bears are the best team in the NFL right now, hands down. They are a truly SCARY team. I'm just glad the Redskins don't have to play them in the regular season.

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It annoys me when we play with absolutely no passion and Gibbs is just standing on the sidelines totally emotionless. Very Annoying. YELL at somebody for God's sakes.

Bear in mind that Bill Billicheck and Andy Reid are as emotionless as Gibbs, But their teams still find a way to win games. That "rah, rah" Bill Parcells garbage is overrated, and it doesn't matter.

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It's amazing to me that the players weren't ready for this game, especially considering what happened in NY last year. They should have come out and popped someone in the mouth and continued to do that all game. That's what we did against Jacksonville and it worked very well. That's football - you either hit or get hit, and the Skins definitely took the hits yesterday. NY smacked them around and it should never have happened. It's partly the coaches fault but a lot of the blame has to go to the players (especially the O-line) for not being fired up. The coaches can only do so much.

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