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Over-Under on Lavar's missed assignments?


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How many missed assignments (overrun plays, broken contain, missed tackles, poor angles, etc.) do you think we'll see from Lavar this week?

I put the line at 6.

I think he's going to be very fired up and will be playing with extra energy and speed . . . and I think we're going to be running draws and screens and other misdirection to his side all game long to let him run himself right out of the play.

Truly, my fear of Lavar in this game comes not from him making good plays on the ball, but from him getting too wound up and hitting Brunell late and causing an injury.

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D@mn who cares? 3-5 years ago he was the face and heart of the city. Shane Mathews, Danny Wuerfel, Phony Banks.....one consistent was that Lavar played his @ss off. He's finally grown up and shut his mouth this week. People on this board are worse then the D@mn media. The REDSKINS have bigger problems than Lavar Arrington.

How about the over-under on the number of times Eli burns our blitz? Number of yards Tiki gets? Number of time Shockey gets Holdman beat in 1 one 1 coverage.

Come on people....Lavar hasn't been a factor all year......let's talk about real game issues..

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I think it'll be an interesting chess match because Saunders will gameplan to take advantage of his freelancing, and the Giants will try as hard as they can not to put him in positions to fail. They're probably already realizing they didn't get their moneys worth when they signed him, until he improves they just have to minimize the damage.

I'd say he'll have at least 2 big time errors, along with slow reactions to counters, unwillingness to take on blockers, and generally looking lost for 80% of the game.

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Why? If he misses six but gets one INT or two sacks or a forced fumble, was it worth it for the Giants? It's not like he'll be covering Moss or ARE.

Nope. He'll cover Cooley in their scheme.

I expect a big day from Cooley

As for the question, I'll go for two offsides, three overruns and three broken containments

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I would like to see Cooley come across the middle and knock Lavar out on a block. I think Cooley could hit him hard enough

Yep, if he wants to bring Cooley down he'd better tackle him... a "hit" is not gonna do it. haha

That being said, does anyone really think LaVar is going to be considered that much in Saunders' gameplan? I find that hard to believe.

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D@mn who cares? 3-5 years ago he was the face and heart of the city. Shane Mathews, Danny Wuerfel, Phony Banks.....one consistent was that Lavar played his @ss off. He's finally grown up and shut his mouth this week. People on this board are worse then the D@mn media. The REDSKINS have bigger problems than Lavar Arrington.

How about the over-under on the number of times Eli burns our blitz? Number of yards Tiki gets? Number of time Shockey gets Holdman beat in 1 one 1 coverage.

Come on people....Lavar hasn't been a factor all year......let's talk about real game issues..

I think you can say damn.... And he WAS the face of the Redskins, times have changed ese.


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I think it'll be an interesting chess match because Saunders will gameplan to take advantage of his freelancing, and the Giants will try as hard as they can not to put him in positions to fail. They're probably already realizing they didn't get their moneys worth when they signed him, until he improves they just have to minimize the damage.

I'd say he'll have at least 2 big time errors, along with slow reactions to counters, unwillingness to take on blockers, and generally looking lost for 80% of the game.

We will not game plan lavar Arrington! He is not the player he used to be. He's averaging 2 tackles a game! We better game plan the Ends and their weak secondary. We also better stop Tiki...both his running and the screen passes that kill us everytime against the Giants.

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D@mn who cares? 3-5 years ago he was the face and heart of the city. Shane Mathews, Danny Wuerfel, Phony Banks.....one consistent was that Lavar played his @ss off. He's finally grown up and shut his mouth this week. People on this board are worse then the D@mn media. The REDSKINS have bigger problems than Lavar Arrington.

How about the over-under on the number of times Eli burns our blitz? Number of yards Tiki gets? Number of time Shockey gets Holdman beat in 1 one 1 coverage.

Come on people....Lavar hasn't been a factor all year......let's talk about real game issues..

With all the big talk it will be funny to see what really happens when the dust settles. Especially since Arrington's replacement Holdman will have some Jeramy Shockey duty, while Arrington will have some Chris Cooley duty. Hmm, who do you think will come out better on that??

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D@mn who cares? 3-5 years ago he was the face and heart of the city. Shane Mathews, Danny Wuerfel, Phony Banks.....one consistent was that Lavar played his @ss off. He's finally grown up and shut his mouth this week. People on this board are worse then the D@mn media. The REDSKINS have bigger problems than Lavar Arrington.

How about the over-under on the number of times Eli burns our blitz? Number of yards Tiki gets? Number of time Shockey gets Holdman beat in 1 one 1 coverage.

Come on people....Lavar hasn't been a factor all year......let's talk about real game issues..

It's time to be grownups and take down those Lavar posters in your bedroom. Don't let your bitterness over his departure cause you to bash legit discussions.

We both know that Lavar gets fired up for games when he has a chip on his shoulder. He has a hard on to prove that we were wrong to have let him go and to not have played him when he was here.

I think our offense will be capable of using that to its advantage and invite him to play overly aggressively.

I also think that, matched up on Cooley, he's in real trouble.

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D@mn who cares? 3-5 years ago he was the face and heart of the city. Shane Mathews, Danny Wuerfel, Phony Banks.....one consistent was that Lavar played his @ss off. He's finally grown up and shut his mouth this week. People on this board are worse then the D@mn media. The REDSKINS have bigger problems than Lavar Arrington.

How about the over-under on the number of times Eli burns our blitz? Number of yards Tiki gets? Number of time Shockey gets Holdman beat in 1 one 1 coverage.

Come on people....Lavar hasn't been a factor all year......let's talk about real game issues..


Crawl back under the rock you've been hiding in the last week.. Lavar hasn't been quiet ....

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LOL....you people still don't get it. I don't care about Lavar winning or losing a fued. I care about the skins winning games. However, why place all the importance on an issue that isn't going to be the focal point of the action on the field.

And yes Lavar was quiet until some people from our organization called him out. Redman no I don't have a Lavar poster, I just respect what he did when he was here. Yes things could have been handled better by him and the organization, but I have no complaints about the effort. You talk about being grown ups....well ask Greg Lindsay and Shawn Springs how mature those comments were this week....

G-prime and redman........it's called respect. Redskins or no Redskins. It seems like anything that is anti-redskins hurts all your little feelings. Go get a blanket and cry in the rain......"grown ups"....

Good luck LA and AP

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LOL....you people still don't get it. I don't care about Lavar winning or losing a fued. I care about the skins winning games. However, why place all the importance on an issue that isn't going to be the focal point of the action on the field.

And yes Lavar was quiet until some people from our organization called him out. Redman no I don't have a Lavar poster, I just respect what he did when he was here. Yes things could have been handled better by him and the organization, but I have no complaints about the effort. You talk about being grown ups....well ask Greg Lindsay and Shawn Springs how mature those comments were this week....

G-prime and redman........it's called respect. Redskins or no Redskins. It seems like anything that is anti-redskins hurts all your little feelings. Go get a blanket and cry in the rain......"grown ups"....

Good luck LA and AP

Lindsay and Springs answered direct questions posed to them. Do you believe that they answered them falsely? Was Lavar really well schooled in the defense when he was here? Was he assignment sound?

Please, give us your grown up take on this one.

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redman...you have proved the point I've been trying to get you virtual GM's to understand all along. To all redskins fans the like football, "it's ok to be honest as long as you are willing to accept the truth". Lindsay and Springs were honest, and so was Lavar. Go ahead all you Joe Gibbs boyfriends....fire away...LOL

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We will not game plan lavar Arrington! He is not the player he used to be. He's averaging 2 tackles a game! We better game plan the Ends and their weak secondary. We also better stop Tiki...both his running and the screen passes that kill us everytime against the Giants.

I never said we'd gameplan around him because we're scared of him. We'll gameplan around him to take advantage of his bad tendencies.

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