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Keys to Victory over the Giants


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Why don't we talk a little bit about what we're going to need to do against the Giants to come away with a 'W'.

Stop Manning and Co. is an obvious first, especially since our secondary has left much to be desired.

What else?

The two fierce pass rushers (Strahan and Umenyiora) come to mind. Also, stopping Tiki Barber will be a bit harder than Fred Taylor.

Talk to me Skins fans! We have six days until we feast on the G-Men!


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Its all about the run on offense. The Giants front 4 or I should say they're DE's are good. We need to establish the LOS again like we did in the last game. Once we establish the LOS, we can do whatever we want.

On defense, we need to really work on our pass defense. It's not the greatest right now, so with that in mind, our front 7 needs to get that rush like they did agaisnt the Jags in order to force Manning to make mistakes as he will. He did throw 3 INT's against the Seahawks last week, if you do remember. So if we force Manning to some bad throws and not let Tiki run amuck on us like that Massacre last October, then I think we can win this game. Those are my keys to victory.


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It all depends on whether Springs is back. I'm just not too comfortable right now with our pass defense. Lemar Marshall has been smoked a few times in coverage, and Holdman's name was changed to "toast" last night. They'll try to exploit our linebackers over the middle against tight ends and backs out of the backfield. We need to stop that.

On the offensive side of the ball, I trust Saunders to draw up a masterful game plan. Just needs to be executed, and we'll be fine. I don't want any nail-biters, though. I say take it to 'em early and keep pounding.

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1. Run the Ball. The 'skins must establish the run and stick with it.

2. Stop Tiki. Tiki cannot have a good day against the 'skins.

3. Play smart football. Minimal mental errors. Keep penalties and mistakes down.

4. Hit Eli... and hit him hard. Do not give the kid time.

5. Get the ball into the hands of the playmakers.

6. Run plays to LA. I figure if you run or pass directly to where LA is supposed to be, there is a pretty good chance that he wont be there :D

My crystal ball says : Cooley will come up big in this one...


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Keys to beating the Giants:

1) Establish the run to open up the big play to Moss...picking apart thier defense early early early!!

2) The Secondary MUST step up!!

3) Not giving up on the Giants if we have a lead...Philly knows that, Seattle had just enough to hold them off! The Giants have put up crazy numbers in the fourth quarter!! This can be done by having possession for long periods of time!! Keep their offense on the bench!!

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1. Stop Tiki. When Tiki doesn't have a good game, the giants offense is miserable.

2. Same for the skins. Establish Portis/Betts early and often, wearing the Giants down.

3. Limit the big plays. Plaxico, Shockey, Barber are all threats.

4. Move the ball downfield, and look for Santana often. The giants secondary has no speed and was dominated by Manning, McNabb, and Hasslebeck.

5. Rush the passer- get in Eli's face often.

6. Protect the passer. Strahan and Osi have yet to have big games, and its already October. Be aware.

7. Stick it to Lavar and Antonio Pierce.

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1. Stop Tiki. When Tiki doesn't have a good game, the giants offense is miserable.

2. Same for the skins. Establish Portis/Betts early and often, wearing the Giants down.

3. Limit the big plays. Plaxico, Shockey, Barber are all threats.

4. Move the ball downfield, and look for Santana often. The giants secondary has no speed and was dominated by Manning, McNabb, and Hasslebeck.

5. Rush the passer- get in Eli's face often.

6. Protect the passer. Strahan and Osi have yet to have big games, and its already October. Be aware.

7. Stick it to Lavar and Antonio Pierce.

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It all starts with stopping Tiki!

Hitting Big Mouth Shockey in the face early on would help too.

We beat this team pretty convincingly last time we played them and they in my opinion have gotten worse.

They have NO DEFENSE! We need some long, time consuning drives...epsecially in the 4th quarter when most of their damage has been done.

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Not giving up on the Giants is a good point. I saw both of those fourth quarter combacks this year. Lets hope that we can hold an early lead, if we can build one.

Our secondary will need to play a solid four quarters of football. That's really what this boils down to.

I also agree with DCranon on the pass rush. Let's keep that up.

On a side note. I just remembered how familiar those Giants linebackers are going to look (Pierce, Arrington, et al.).

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