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right to bash doubters?


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I'm sure I'm not the only one who works with or knows plenty of people who call themselves skins fans but had already given up on this season several times and for weak reasons. The one particular one I'm thinking of now had been calling for Campbell after we lost to Minnesota because he figured the season was over. (this same guy was also picking us as Super Bowl champions before the preseason started) Soooooo my question to you is when I see him at work in a few days do I let him off the hook and enjoy a celebration week and his renewed optimism? At least get him to admit how wrong he was for ever doubting Joe Gibbs? Or just let the I told you so's rain down?

Plenty of you must have similar situations I'm curious to hear how you intend to handle them

and to the other believers :cheers:

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Skins fans everywhere should unite right now and be strong. I know some people who were already saying the season was over when we went 0-2. To be honest with you, there were times when i was doubtful and worried, but I knew I would be a skins fan win or lose. This victory tonight against the Jags is just that much sweeter for all of us who really did still have faith in the skins through good and bad.

And maybe, just maybe, this rubs it in the face of Jacksonville, who believed that Brunell was washed up and done, signifying his trade to Washington. But hey, I can't blame Jacksonville too much for that, because if they would have kept him, then we would have never gotten him in the first place!

Go Skins, Go Brunell, go every redskins player tonight, who played a great, amazing game. And my personal thanks to every fan who still had faith in this team through good and bad.

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Huge win. All Skins fans should celebrate. If you're looking for a way to rub this in the face of other Skins fans, then maybe you're the one who's not a good Skins fan.

that's why I asked the question, it's definately not my normal way to do so. but it hurts to hear someone whos a fan doubt Gibbs....

does acusing me of being a bad fan because I ASKED for input make you any better? seriously man couldl have just said " I think you should let it go we're all skins fans" and left it at that instead you do exactly what you said makes me a bad fan

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that's why I asked the question, it's definately not my normal way to do so. but it hurts to hear someone whos a fan doubt Gibbs....

does acusing me of being a bad fan because I ASKED for input make you any better? seriously man couldl have just said " I think you should let it go we're all skins fans" and left it at that instead you do exactly what you said makes me a bad fan

I think you asked a good question. I am going to bite my tongue to the doubters (unless I start hearing some :pooh: like "They were lucky", "Start Jason Campbell")


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People jump to conclusions when all the hype before the season meets some tough losses to start the season. Some fans go way overboard, including myself, and its up to you how you want to handle this situation. Lets not get to high though, this could turn around and go in a different direction the next 2 weeks only time will tell.

Celebrate this week, what a great game!!!

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